For integration test one must first set up the base infrastructure, which will be reused by all integration tests. This base infrastructure includes:
- azure key vault
- Service Principal
- DNS Zone reference with required role assignments
The actual test run will:
- create&delete DNS record set entries within this DNS zone
- create&delete Certificates and secrets within the Key Vault
- create&delete role assignments on temporarly created DNS Zone entries
Required permissions:
- Contributor
As the DNS Zone is part of a seperate subscription, additonally permissions on DNS Zone level are required:
- DNS Zone Contributor
- Role Based Access Control Administrator
- Init base infrastructure
cd "tests/integration"
terraform -chdir="infra" init
# Create and define terraform variables
cp "./infra/terraform.tfvars.example" "./infra/terraform.tfvars"
terraform -chdir="infra" apply
- Run integration test
pytest --help
# check 'Custom options' section for input values
params=$(terraform -chdir="infra" output -json | jq -r .integration_test_params.value)
pytest $params --resource-prefix pd-XX01
pytest $params --resource-prefix pd-XX01
# increase log level
ACME_DNS_AZURE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO pytest $params -s -v --log-cli-level=INFO --show-capture=log
# only run specific tests with pattern
pytest $params -k "test_automatic_renewal_for_existing_cert_multiple_domains_overwritten"
- Teardown base infrastructure
terraform -chdir="infra" destroy