- v2.0.4 ... v2.0.4
- 调整代码块样式 | Adjust the style of the code block.
- #228 调整停靠栏按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the dock bar button.
- #226 调整属性视图中超链接样式 | Adjust the style of the hyperlink in the attribute view.
- 调整当前焦点页签栏样式 | Adjust the style of the current focus tab bar.
- v2.0.2 ... v2.0.2
- 添加属性视图勾选框样式 | Added the style of the checkbox in the attribute view.
- #223 修复代码块内容无法显示问题 | Fixed the issue of code block content not displayed.
- v2.0.1 ... v2.0.2
- 添加链接图标
| Added hyperlink iconctrip.com
. - #219 修复无法获取当前文档文档背景的问题 | Fixed the issue of unable to get the background of the current document.
- 调整悬浮预览面板钉住按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the pin button in the floating preview panel.
- 调整面板边框样式 | Adjust the style of the panel border.
- 调整面板尺寸调节手柄样式 | Adjust the style of the panel size adjustment handle.
- #222 修复 Mermaid 超链接锚文本显示不完整问题 | Fixed the issue of incomplete display of Mermaid hyperlink anchor text.
- v2.0.0 ... v2.0.1
- 更新列表辅助线功能介绍 | Updated the list guide function introduction.
- 调整属性视图标签样式 | Adjust the style of the label in the attribute view.
- 调整文档题头与标题自适应宽度样式 | Adjust the style of the document header and title adaptive width.
- v1.10.4 ... v2.0.0
- 调整行内代码文本颜色 | Adjust the color of inline code text.
- 调整属性视图控件行内按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the button in the attribute view utils rows.
- 调整对话框中设置项的分割线样式 | Adjust the style of the separator of the setting item in the dialog.
- 实现
方法以卸载主题 | Implemented thewindow.destroyTheme
method to uninstall the theme. - 优化脚本加载方案 | Optimize the script loading scheme.
- 调整属性视图行选择框样式 | Adjust the style of the select box in the attribute view row.
- v1.10.3 ... v1.10.4
- 调整只读菜单项端宽度 | Adjust the width of the read-only menu item.
- 调整最近的文档对话框样式 | Adjust the style of the recent documents dialog.
- 调整属性视图样式 | Adjust the style of attribute view.
- 调整收集箱面板背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the collection box panel.
- 调整块引用样式 | Adjust the style of block reference.
- 调整设置面板中设置项的样式 | Adjust the style of the setting item in the settings panel.
- 调整属性视图标签样式 | Adjust the style of the label in the attribute view.
- 新增 WSA URL Scheme 超链接
图标 | Added the URL Scheme linkwsa://
icon of WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android).
- v1.10.2 ... v1.10.3
- 修复窗口控件控件样式问题 | Fixed the style issue of the window control.
- 调整代码块行号样式 | Adjust the style of the code block line number.
- 调整菜单中标签样式 | Adjust the style of the tag in the menu.
- 调整代码块控件栏样式 | Adjust the style of the code block control bar.
- v1.10.1 ... v1.10.2
- 调整
样式 | Adjust the style ofcustom-prompt
. - 调整单页面自适应宽度样式 | Adjust the style of single page adaptive width.
- 默认禁用
功能 | DisableTypewriter Mode
function by default. - 添加属性视图样式 | Added the style of the property view.
- 调整属性视图超链接样式 | Adjust the style of the hyperlink in the attribute view.
- 调整属性视图标签样式 | Adjust the style of the label in the attribute view.
- 新增 OTP URL Scheme 超链接
图标 | Added the URL Scheme linkotpauth://
icon of OTP. - 添加部分超链接图标 | Added some hyperlink icons.
- 调整工具栏按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the toolbar button.
- v1.10.0 ... v1.10.1
- #203 修复文档块标位置问题 | Fixed the issue of block label position.
- 调整资源文件搜索结果预览样式 | Adjust the style of the resource file search result preview.
- 调整代码块样式 | Adjust the style of the code block.
- #206 修复超级块内折叠标题块样式问题 | Fixed the style issue of the folded heading block in the super block.
- 调整分割线样式 | Adjust the style of the separator.
- 默认禁用
功能 | Disablejupyter
function by default. - 调整工作空间菜单图标样式 | Adjust the style of the workspace menu icon.
- 调整资源文件搜索结果路径样式 | Adjust the style of the resource file search result path.
- v1.9.8 ... v1.10.0
- 调整上下文菜单样式 | Adjust the style of the context menu.
- 调整侧边面板辅助线样式 | Adjust the style of the guides in the dock panel.
- 调整块引用计数器样式 | Adjust the style of the block reference counter.
- 调整列表项样式 | Adjust the style of the list item.
- 调整反链面板样式 | Adjust the style of the reverse link panel.
- 调整
菜单样式 | Adjust the style of the/
menu. - 移除 Monaco 编辑器组件 | Remove Monaco editor component.
- v1.9.7 ... v1.9.8
- 调整提示文本样式 | Adjust the style of the prompt text.
- 调整反向链接关键字过滤输入框样式 | Adjust the style of the reverse link keyword filter input field.
- 修复列表导图视图样式问题 | Fixed the style issue of the list mind map view.
- 调整嵌入块内的代码块控件栏样式 | Adjust the style of the code block control bar in the embedded block.
- 修复
菜单样式问题 | Fixed the style issue of the/
menu. - #201 相邻引述块之间添加间隔 | Add spacing between adjacent quote blocks.
- 默认禁用 Monaco 编辑器相关功能 | Disable Monaco editor related functions by default.
- v1.9.6 ... v1.9.7
- 调整提示文本样式 | Adjust the style of the prompt text.
- 调整面包屑样式 | Adjust the style of the breadcrumb.
- 调整设置面板样式 | Adjust the style of the settings panel.
- 调整开关与关闭按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the switch and close button.
- 调整滑动器样式 | Adjust the style of the slider.
- 调整列表项标志样式 | Adjust the style of the list item mark.
- 调整引用计数器样式 | Adjust the style of the reference counter.
- 优化列表脑图视图 | Optimize the list mind map view.
- v1.9.5 ... v1.9.6
- 修复搜索结果关键词显示问题 | Fixed the issue of keyword display in search results.
- 调整分隔线样式 | Adjust the style of the separator.
- 调整菜单圆角样式 | Adjust the style of the menu rounded corners.
- 调整对话框圆角样式 | Adjust the style of the dialog rounded corners.
- #199 修复明亮模式控件提示文本背景颜色 | Fixed the background color of the control prompt text in the light mode.
- 调整搜索命中的关键字样式 | Adjust the style of the keywords hit by the search.
- 调整设置对话框面板背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the settings dialog panel.
- 调整全局圆角样式 | Adjust the global rounded corner style.
- v1.9.4 ... v1.9.5
- 调整图标鼠标悬浮缩放样式 | Adjust the style of icon with mouse hover zoom.
- 调整菜单栏按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the menu bar button.
- 调整面板标题栏样式 | Adjust the style of the panel title bar.
- 调整窗口标题栏样式 | Adjust the style of the window title bar.
- 调整表格样式 | Adjust the style of the table.
- 调整提示框背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the prompt box.
- v1.9.3 ... v1.9.4
- 设置全局背景图片透明度 | Set the global background image transparency.
: 背景 / 背景图片透明度 | background / background image transparency
- 调整文档历史面板样式 | Adjust the style of the document history panel.
- 修复 PDF 导出时的背景样式 | Fixed the background style when exporting PDF.
- 优化导出为图片样式 | Optimize the style of exporting as an image.
- 调整状态栏样式 | Adjust the style of the status bar.
- 调整图标鼠标悬浮缩放样式 | Adjust the style of icon with mouse hover zoom.
- v1.9.2 ... v1.9.3
- #195 修复链接嵌套时标志重复问题 | Fixed the issue of repeated marks when the link is nested.
- 默认禁用一些已迁移到插件的功能 | Some functions migrated to the plugin are disabled by default.
- 设置冻结表头的表格样式 | Set the table style with frozen header.
- v1.9.1 ... v1.9.2
- 添加捐助方案 Ko-fi | Added donation method Ko-fi.
- #194 调整表格内图片的样式 | Adjust the style of the pictures in the table.
- 调整设置面板背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the settings panel.
- 支持使用 CSS 变量分别自定义块引用的
符号 | Support using CSS variables to customize thestatic/dynamic
anchor textleft/right
symbol of the block reference separately.--custom-ref-mark-d-l
: 块引用-动态
| Block references -dynamic
anchor text mark -left
: 块引用-动态
| Block references -dynamic
anchor text mark -right
: 块引用-静态
| Block references -static
anchor text mark -left
: 块引用-静态
| Block references -static
anchor text mark -right
- 支持使用 CSS 变量设置块引用标记符号宽度 | Support using CSS variables to set the width of the block reference mark symbol.
: 块引用标记符号宽度 | Block reference mark symbol width
- 支持使用 CSS 变量设置块引用的
| Support using CSS variables to set thecolor/width
of thedynamic/static
anchor textleft/right
symbol of the block reference.--custom-ref-mark-d-l-color
: 块引用-动态
| Block references -dynamic
anchor text -left
mark -color
: 块引用-动态
| Block references -dynamic
anchor text -left
mark -width
: 块引用-动态
| Block references -dynamic
anchor text -right
mark -color
: 块引用-动态
| Block references -dynamic
anchor text -right
mark -width
: 块引用-静态
| Block references -static
anchor text -left
mark -color
: 块引用-静态
| Block references -static
anchor text -left
mark -width
: 块引用-静态
| Block references -static
anchor text -right
mark -color
: 块引用-静态
| Block references -static
anchor text -right
mark -width
- 调整使用内置图标的页签图标样式 | Adjust the style of the tab icon using the built-in icon.
- 修复悬浮预览窗口背景背景颜色问题 | Fixed the background color problem of the floating preview window.
- 添加卡片段落的样式 | Added the style of the card paragraph.
- 修复对话框中页签文本的样式问题 | Fixed the style issue of the tab text in the dialog.
- v1.9.0 ... v1.9.1
- 调整集市资源卡片样式 | Adjust the style of the bazaar resource card.
- 添加赞助链接 | Added sponsor link.
- #192 更改主题图标
| Changed the theme iconicon.png
. - 调整 PDF 属性对话框样式 | Adjust the style of the PDF properties dialog.
- 添加插件目录图标 | Added the plugin directory icon.
- 调整鼠标滚轮调整编辑器字号功能 | Adjust the function of adjusting the editor font size with the mouse wheel.
- 调整空行提示样式 | Adjust the style of the blank line prompt.
- 新增 Logseq URL Scheme 超链接
图标 | Added the URL Scheme linklogseq://
icon of Logseq. - 调整菜单项内元素样式 | Adjust the style of the elements in the menu item.
- 移除对话框边框样式 | Removed the border style of the dialog.
- 调整状态栏文本样式 | Adjust the style of the status bar text.
- 调整搜索结果列表样式 | Adjust the style of the search result list.
- v1.8.2 ... v1.9.0
- 调整状态栏加载滚动条样式 | Adjust the style of the loading scroll bar in the status bar.
- 调整块拖拽移动目的地样式 | Adjust the style of the block drag and drop destination.
- 使用相对路径引用样式模块 | Use relative path to reference style module.
- 使用
加载脚本 | Useimport
to load script. - 调整导出样式 | Adjust the style of the export.
- 调整设置对话框中账户设置面板样式 | Adjust the style of the account settings panel in the settings dialog.
- 调整历史快照的文件信息样式 | Adjust the style of the file information of the history snapshot.
- 取消对话框关闭按钮位置调整 | Cancel the adjustment of the position of the dialog close button.
- 调整历史快照列表样式 | Adjust the style of the list of the history snapshot.
- 调整脚本加载路径解析方案 | Adjust the script loading path resolution scheme.
- 更新 YouTube iframe API 脚本 | Updated the YouTube iframe API script.
- 修复最上层的悬浮预览窗口标题栏样式问题 | Fixed the style issue of the title bar of the top floating preview window.
- #191 修复打开 PDF 后页面缩放失效问题 | Fixed the issue that the page zoom is invalid after opening the PDF.
- 移除横排超级块内相邻的两个及以上嵌入块的上边距 | Removed the top margin of two or more embedded blocks in the horizontal super block.
- 调整集市内容预览界面样式 | Adjust the style of the content preview interface of the bazaar.
- 中英文文档分离 | Separate Chinese and English documents.
- 简体中文自述文件重命名为
| Renamed the Simplified Chinese README file toREADME_zh_CN.md
- v1.8.1 ... v1.8.2
- 调整图标搜索菜单样式 | Adjust the style of the icon search menu.
- 新增
方法 | Added thewindow.theme.THIS
method. - 调整页签样式 | Adjust the style of the tab.
- 调整设置面板搜索输入框样式 | Adjust the style of the search input box in the settings panel.
- 调整嵌套的超级块样式 | Adjust the style of the nested super block.
- 调整块间距 | Adjust the spacing between blocks.
- 调整失焦的窗口标题栏样式 | Adjust the style of the window title bar when it is out of focus.
- 调整设置对话框中账户设置面板样式 | Adjust the style of the account settings panel in the settings dialog.
- 调整关闭的笔记本列表样式 | Adjust the style of the closed notebook list.
- v1.8.0 ... v1.8.1
- 更换背景图片功能支持设置无背景图片 | The background image replacement function supports setting no background image.
- 优化扩展菜单的分割线 | Optimize the separator of the extension menu.
- 禁用浏览器中 Ctrl/⌘ + 鼠标滚轮 缩放 DOM | Disable the DOM zooming with Ctrl/⌘ + Mouse Wheel in the browser.
- 新增 Telegram URL Scheme 超链接
图标 | Added the URL Scheme linktg://
icon of Telegram. - 更新 Monaco Editor 至
| Updated Monaco Editor tov0.37.1
. - 新增静态文件目录
超链接图标 | Added the hyperlink icon of the static file directorydata/templates
. - 移除 worker 中
es6 module export
相关代码 | Removed thees6 module export
related code in the worker. - 移除焦点所在的空块提示功能 | Removed the function of prompting the empty block where the focus is.
- 移除普通块的圆角 | Removed the rounded corner of the normal block.
- 修复部分超链接图标样式显示问题 | Fixed the issue of the style display of some hyperlink icons.
- v1.7.6 ... v1.8.0
- 调整移动端侧边面板树缩进 | Adjust the indentation of the tree in the sidebar panel on the mobile client.
- 调整已完成任务列表项样式 | Adjust the style of the completed task list item.
- 使用
| Refactoredtheme.css
. - 新增
块菜单项 | Add block menu itemShare
. - 调整移动端编辑面板样式 | Adjust the style of the edit panel on the mobile client.
- 兼容鼠标滚轮调整编辑器字号功能 | Compatible with the function of adjusting the editor font size with the mouse wheel.
- 调整图片样式 | Adjust the style of the picture.
- 调整深色主题导出为图片的背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the image exported in the dark theme.
- 调整移动端编辑面板样式 | Adjust the style of the edit panel on the mobile client.
- 调整移动端搜索面板样式 | Adjust the style of the search panel on the mobile client.
- 调整扩展菜单 | Adjust the extension menu.
- 修复
扩展菜单项 | Fixed the extension menu itemOther Fonts
. - 调整闪卡复习界面样式 | Adjust the style of the flash card review interface.
- 调整菜单标题样式 | Adjust the style of the menu title.
- v1.7.5 ... v1.7.6
- 修复导出时的链接图标问题 | Fixed the issue of the hyperlink icon when exporting.
- 调整导出预览样式 | Adjust the style of the export preview.
- 为分享到链滴的文档添加标志 | Add a flag for the document shared to ld246.
- 调整分享到链滴的文档的样式 | Adjust the style of the document shared to ld246.
- 调整被选中的代码块样式 | Adjust the style of the selected code block.
- 添加
链接图标 | Add the hyperlink icon forandroid.com
. - 添加
链接图标 | Add the hyperlink icon forandroid.google.cn
. - 兼容闪卡标记制卡功能开关 | Compatible with the switch of the card marking function of flash card.
- 修复附加块菜单绑定的块 ID 问题 | Fixed the issue of the block ID bound to the additional block menu.
- 调整菜单按钮控件样式 | Adjust the style of the menu button control.
- 调整 PDF 导出样式 | Adjust the style of the PDF export.
- v1.7.4 ... v1.7.5
- 新增使用 Monaco 编辑器编辑代码判断功能 | Add the function of using Monaco editor to edit code snippet.
- 完善在新窗口打开 Monaco 编辑器功能的文档 | Improve the documentation of the function of opening Monaco editor in a new window.
- 统一移动端正文与大纲的行内元素样式 | Unify the style of inline element for main body and outline on the mobile client.
- 调整移动端侧边面板树缩进 | Adjust the indentation of the tree in the sidebar panel on the mobile client.
- 调整部分按钮控件样式 | Adjust the style of some button controls.
- 调整移动端菜单样式 | Adjust the style of the menu on the mobile client.
- 优化附加块菜单 | Optimize the additional block menu.
- 调整打开的新窗口位置 | Adjust the position of the new window opened.
- v1.7.3 ... v1.7.4
- 调整表格内图片的样式 | Adjust the style of the pictures in the table.
- 为主题自定义配置文件添加回调函数
| Add callback functioncallback
to the theme custom configuration file. - 调整文档树图标宽度 | Adjust the width of document tree icon.
- 新增设置 Electron 原生主题模式功能 | Add the function of setting Electron native theme mode.
- 调整侧边面板树形列表缩进 | Adjust the indentation of the tree list in the sidebar panel.
- 调整大纲面板标题图标样式 | Adjust the style of the title icon in the outline panel.
- 修复 jupyter 语言设置错误问题 | Fixed the issue of jupyter language setting error.
- 默认禁用部分功能快捷键 | Disable some function shortcuts by default.
- 调整移动端侧边菜单样式 | Adjust the style of the side menu on the mobile client.
- #188 修复设置背景滤波器的次级菜单样式问题 | Fixed the issue of the style of the secondary menu for setting the backdrop filter.
- v1.7.2 ... v1.7.3
- 调整
菜单样式 | Adjust the style of the/
menu. - 优化超链接图标样式 | Optimize the style of the hyperlink icon.
- 统一正文与大纲的行内元素样式 | Unify the style of inline element for main body and outline.
- 调整
元素的滚动条样式 | Adjust the style of theprotyle
element scrollbar. - 统一导出与编辑器的超链接图标样式 | Unified the style of hyperlink icon for export and editor.
- 调整超链接鼠标悬浮样式 | Adjust the style of the mouse hover for the hyperlink.
- 调整部分行内元素样式 | Adjust the style of some inline elements.
- v1.7.1 ... v1.7.2
- 调整对话框遮罩样式 | Adjust the style of the dialog mask.
- 添加表格头边框 | Add the table header border.
- 调整制卡对话框卡包信息标签样式 | Adjust the card package information label style in the card making dialog.
- 添加 CSS 变量
| Add CSS variable--custom-popover-menu-input-min-width
. - #183 修复无更新时间的块菜单不显示更多选项问题 | Fixed an issue where block menus without update time did not show more options.
- 调整
对话框大小 | Adjust the size of theAdd to Card Package
dialog. - 调整子标题字重 | Adjust the font weight of subtitle.
- 调整卡包列表样式 | Adjust the style of the card package list.
- 修复闪卡对话框尺寸问题 | Fixed the issue of the size of the flash card dialog.
- 修复闪卡挖空样式无法显示问题 | Fixed the issue of the flash card blank style not being displayed.
- 调整设置对话框样式 | Adjust the style of the settings dialog.
- 调整闪卡撤销按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the flash card undo button.
- 调整闪卡块样式 | Adjust the style of the flash card block.
- v1.7.0 ... v1.7.1
- #179 修复自定义样式加载问题 | Fixed the issue of custom style loading.
- 完善
文档中的自定义 CSS 配置示例 | Improved the custom CSS configuration example in theREADME.md
document. - 调整钉住窗口控件样式 | Adjust the style of pinned window control.
- #180 修复
图标失效问题 | Fixed the issue of#iconExport
icon invalidation. - #181 修题头图
控件失效问题 | Fixed the issue of theUpload
control of the header image invalidation.
- v1.6.6 ... v1.7.0
- 重构主题配色加载方案 | Refactored the theme color scheme loading scheme.
- 调整标题栏按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the title bar button.
- 重构响应状态判断方案 | Refactored the response status judgment scheme.
- 添加 CSS 变量
| Add CSS variable--custom-popover-menu-textarea-width
. - 调整表格样式 | Adjust the style of the table.
- 修复浮窗中块滚动条样式异常问题 | Fixed the issue of abnormal style of block scrollbar in the floating window.
- 修复行内备注功能异常 | Fixed the abnormality of the inline note function.
- 调整主题配色加载方案 | Adjust the theme color scheme loading scheme.
- v1.6.5 ... v1.6.6
- 调整工具栏已激活按钮的样式 | Adjust the style of the activated button in the toolbar.
- 调整工具栏按钮宽度 | Adjust the width of the toolbar button.
- 调整窗口标题栏应用图标宽度 | Adjust the width of the app icon for the window title bar.
- 调整 Ctrl + 鼠标滚轮 缩放功能 | Adjust the function of zoom using Ctrl + Mouse-Wheel.
- 兼容新窗口的样式 | Compatible with the style of the new window.
- 为未激活的窗口标题栏设置颜色 | Set the color for the title bar of the inactive window.
- v1.6.4 ... v1.6.5
- 修复部分面板背景颜色样式问题 | Fixed the issue of some panel background color style.
- 调整反链面板的面包屑样式 | Adjust the breadcrumb style of the backlink panel.
- 调整超级块块属性标识样式 | Adjust the style of the block attribute identifier of the super block.
- #173 添加行内代码文本颜色 CSS 变量
| Add inline code text color CSS variable--custom-span-code-color
. - 调整桌面端界面左上角应用图标样式 | Adjuct the style of the apply icon in the upper-left corner of the desktop interface.
- 思源
版本禁用使用 URL 参数跳转指定块功能 | Siyuan2.7.0+
version disables the function of jumping to the specified block with URL parameters. - 完整显示文本内容功能支持搜索结果 | The full display of text content function supports search results.
- 调整面包屑右侧按钮样式 | Adjust the style of the button on the right side of the breadcrumb.
- 调整移动端底部控件栏的层级 | Adjust the level of the bottom control bar of the mobile terminal.
- v1.6.3 ... v1.6.4
- 新增电话 URL Scheme 超链接
图标 | Added the URL Scheme linktel://
icon of Telephone. - 使用
| Refactoredpanel-inbox.css
. - 使用
请求成功的判断条件 | Useresponse.ok
as a criterion for the success of thefetch
request. - 调整搜索结果中匹配的关键字样式 | Adjust the style of matching keywords in search results.
- 将悬浮工具栏位置状态保存在
中 | Save the floating toolbar position status incustom.json
. - 设置字体选择菜单中字体颜色样式 | Set the font color style in the font selection menu.
- v1.6.2 ... v1.6.3
- 支持在子窗口打开子窗口 | Support open sub window in sub window.
- 修复在子窗口打开的 Monaco 编辑器无法加载的问题 | Fixed the issue of Monaco editor can't load in sub window.
- 调整自定义悬浮工具栏层级 | Adjust the level of the custom floating toolbar.
- 调整折叠标题块样式 | Adjust the style of the folded title block.
- 使用
属性值 | Replace theinitial
property value with theunset
property value. - 完善闪卡挖空样式 | Improve the hollow style of the flash card.
- v1.6.1 ... v1.6.2
- 调整悬浮菜单捷径样式 | Adjust the style of the shortcut in the floating menu.
- 调整搜索路径样式 | Adjust the style of the search path.
- 优化历史记录对比功能 | Optimize the comparison function of the history record.
- 新增 Monaco Editor 快照查看与差异对比功能 | Added Monaco Editor snapshot viewing and compare with difference function.
- 调整选中的菜单项样式 | Adjust the style of the selected menu item.
- 调整搜索路径移除按钮样式 | Adjust the style of remove button of search path.
- 调整自定义悬浮工具栏层级 | Adjust the level of the custom floating toolbar.
- 支持闪卡挖空样式 | Support the hollow style of the flash card.
- 设置闪卡复习对话框样式 | Set the style of the flash card review dialog.
- 使用
方法 | UseFunction
instead ofeval
method. - Monaco 编辑器支持将 ECharts 图表块识别为
语言 | Monaco Editor supports identifying ECharts chart blocks asjson
- v1.6.0 ... v1.6.1
- 调整最近打开文档对话框样式 | Adjust the style of recently opened document dialog.
- 文本输入区设置最大宽度 | Set the maximum width of text input area.
- 调整反链面板子面板样式 | Adjust the style of sub-panel in backlink panel.
- 调整折叠列表项样式 | Adjust the style of folded list item.
- 调整搜索路径移除按钮样式 | Adjust the style of remove button of search path.
- 显示表格中合并的单元格轮廓 | Show the outline of merged cells in table.
- 为块菜单扩展添加块样式输入框 | Add block style input box for block menu extension.
- 块菜单扩展块类型过滤器支持默认配置 | Block type filter of block menu extension supports default configuration.
- v1.5.3 ... v1.6.0
| Support Traditional Chinesezh_CHT
.- 调整容器块宽度 | Adjust block container width.
- 修复页面加载时功能按钮状态未显示问题 | Fix the issue that the function button status is not displayed when the page is loaded.
- 修复使用 Esc 键后光标丢失问题 | Fix the issue that the cursor is lost after using Esc key.
- #167 修复记住当前浏览位置功能 | Fix the issue that the current browsing position is not remembered.
- 修复块滚动条层级问题 | Fix the issue of the block scrollbar layer.
- 提高块属性样式层级 | Improve the block attribute style layer.
- 调整超级块边距 | Adjust the super block margin.
- #113 列表看板视图 | List board view.
- v1.5.2 ... v1.5.3
- 调整对话框样式 | Adjust dialog style.
- 调整搜索页签样式 | Adjust search tab style.
- 调整对话框样式 | Adjust dialog style.
- 调整反链面板控件样式 | Adjust backlink panel control style.
- 新增导出样式文件
| Added export style fileexport.css
. - 优化导出样式 | Optimize export style.
- 添加反馈途径说明 | Add feedback method description.
- 调整搜索与反链面板列表项样式 | Adjust search and backlink panel list item style.
- 修复标签面板列表辅助线样式问题 | Fix ths issue of tag panel list guide line style.
- 调整移动端工具栏样式 | Adjust mobile toolbar style.
- 设置预览样式选择栏样式 | Set preview style select bar style.
- #164 修复 i10n 回退至默认语言时出现的问题 | Fix an issue where i10n fell back to the default language.
- 移除搜索对话框左右分栏样式 | Removes the left and right column styles of the search dialog.
- 调整搜索对话框样式 | Adjust search dialog style.
- 调整对话框关闭按钮样式 | Adjust the style of dialog close button.
- 设置右键菜单项的关闭按钮的样式 | Set the style of the close button of the right-click menu item.
- 调整块引用计数器样式 | Adjust block quote counter style.
- v1.5.1 ... v1.5.2
- jupyter 导入工具支持解析
类型单元块的输入 | jupyter import tool support parsing input ofcode
type cell. - 移除 monaco 编辑器中行内元素 IAL Token 前的零宽空格 | Remove zero-width space before IAL Token in inline element in monaco editor.
- 修复 jupyter 对输出中的
控制字符的处理 | Fix jupyter processing of\r
control characters in output. - 修复 jupyter 在 Worker 环境无法进行 base64 解码问题 | Fix jupyter base64 decoding problem in Worker environment.
- 设置 jupyter 输出块字体为等宽字体 | Set jupyter output block font to monospace font.
- 修复块自定义字体功能 | Fix block custom font feature.
- 完整实现
解析工具 | Complete implementation of*.ipynb
parsing tool. - #162 修复 macOS 系统桌面端窗口控件重叠问题 | Fix macOS desktop window control overlap problem.
- 新增 jupyter Notebook (
) 导入功能 | Add jupyter Notebook (*.ipynb
) import feature.- 覆盖模式 | Overwrite mode
- 导入的内容覆盖当前文档 | Import content overwrites current document.
- 追加模式 | Append mode
- 导入的内容追加到当前文档末尾 | Import content is appended to the end of the current document.
- 覆盖模式 | Overwrite mode
- 样式兼容
| Style compatible withv2.5.2
. - 调整搜索结果列表样式 | Adjust search result list style.
- v1.5.0 ... v1.5.1
- 优化悬浮工具栏加载速度 | Optimize the loading speed of the floating toolbar.
- 修复块引用数量标志被块滚动条覆盖问题 | Fix the issue that the block quote number flag is covered by the block scrollbar.
- 修复悬浮工具栏状态恢复失效问题 | Fix the issue that the floating toolbar state recovery is invalid.
- jupyter 客户端使用
Web Workers
重构 | Refactor the jupyter client usingWeb Workers
. - 调整块滚动条位置 | Adjust the position of the block scrollbar.
- 更新自述文档中自定义背景图片集的设置方法 | Updates how to set up a custom background image set in README.
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-mark-display.css
. - jupyter 导入工具支持解析
类型单元块 | The jupyter import tool supports parsingraw
cells. - 编辑 kramdown 源代码功能兼容
| The editing kramdown source code function is compatible withv2.5.1
. - 编辑 kramdown 源代码功能支持编辑当前块的 IAL | Edit kramdown source code feature supports editing IAL of current block.
- v1.4.0 ... v1.5.0
- jupyter 控制台富文本使用零宽空格设置边界 | jupyter console rich text uses zero-width spaces to set boundaries.
- 将 jupyter 的样式配置文件引用添加到
方便导出 | Add jupyter style config reference totheme.css
for easy export. - jupyter 运行阻塞时块序号设置为
| jupyter block number set to*
when running is blocked. - 为文档块菜单添加 jupyter
菜单项 | Add jupyterRestart Kernel
menu item to document block menu. - 为文档块菜单添加 jupyter
菜单项 | Add jupyter Run All Cells` menu item to document block menu. - #154 调整表格单元格边框颜色 | Adjust table cell border color.
- 添加 CSS 自定义变量
| Add CSS custom variable--custom-block-table-cell-border-color
- 添加 CSS 自定义变量
- 双击
iframe 块
全屏显示块内容 | Double clickiframe block
/widget block
to display block content in full screen. - 调整折叠的列表项的样式 | Adjust the style of the folded list item.
- 双击块标全屏显示该块 | Double click the block mark to display the block in full screen.
- 调整渲染块全屏模式时的样式 | Adjust the style when rendering the block in full screen mode.
- 为块全屏显示模式添加滚动条 | Add scroll bar to block full screen display mode.
- 调整部分按钮图标 | Adjust some button icons.
- 实现 jupyter 导入的 markdown 单元格解析 | Implement jupyter imported markdown cell parsing.
- 调整粗体颜色与标题字重 | Adjust bold color and title font weight.
- 代码块折叠时显示首行 | Display the first line when the code block is folded.
- 代码块控件栏使用
样式 | Code block control bar usessticky
style. - 背景图片支持横向背景图片与纵向背景图片 | Background image supports horizontal background image and vertical background image.
: 横向背景图片 | Horizontal background image.--custom-background-image-portrait
: 纵向背景图片 | Vertical background image.
- 更换背景图片功能支持分别设置航向背景图片与纵向背景图片 | The change background image function supports setting the horizontal background image and vertical background image separately.
- 调整块滚动条位置 | Adjust block scrollbar position.
- v1.3.7 ... v1.4.0
- #145 修复设置
后关闭按钮位置问题 | Fixed the issue of closing button position after setting--custom-tab-bar-item-min-width
. - 修复块菜单项有时未显示问题 | Fixed the issue that block menu items sometimes were not displayed.
- 移除未使用的背景图片 | Removed unused background images.
- 修复 Web 端页面窗口控件样式问题 | Fixed the issue of window control style on the Web.
- 添加静态目录图标 | Added static directory icons.
- 在新窗口打开资源支持
协议资源 | Open resource in new window supportsfile
protocol resource. - 修复页签栏样式问题 | Fixed the issue of tab bar style.
- 调整主题
标签顺序 | Adjusted the order of themestyle
tags. - 修复块引搜索菜单样式 | Fixed the style of block reference search menu.
- 重构列表辅助线 | Refactored list guide lines.
- 移除块属性定义的列表辅助线 | Removed list guide lines defined by block attributes.
- 移除列表脑图视图动画 | Removed list mind map view animation.
- 优化获取当前焦点方法 | Optimized the method of getting the current focus.
- 调整滚屏显示样式 | Adjusted the style of scrolling display.
- 优化完整显示文本功能 | Optimized the full display text function.
- #149调整列表表格视图单元格样式 | Adjusted the style of list table view cells.
- 调整移动端侧边面板辅助线样式 | Adjusted the style of side panel guide lines on mobile.
- jupyter 支持
输出 | Jupyter supportstext/html
output. - 修复 jupyter 输出的图片标题显示错误问题 | Fixed the issue of displaying the title of the image output by jupyter incorrectly.
- 优化 jupyter 输出对控制字符(
)的解析 | Optimized the parsing of jupyter output for control characters (\r
). - 修复 jupyter 解析
错误问题 | Fixed the issue of jupyter parsing\r\n
incorrectly. - 添加下划线样式 | Added underline style.
- 调整超链接悬浮样式 | Adjusted the style of hyperlink hover.
- jupyter 支持解析
输出 | Jupyter supports parsing\e
output. - 优化对 jupyter 富文本输出的解析 | Optimized the parsing of jupyter rich text output.
- jupyter 输出可选是否解析控制台控制字符 | Jupyter output can optionally parse console control characters.
- #152 降低窗口空间层级 | Lowered the level of window space.
- jupyter 输出支持解析 8 位颜色与 24 位颜色 | Jupyter output supports parsing 8-bit colors and 24-bit colors.
- jupyter 优化基于 MIME 的数据解析 | Jupyter optimizes the parsing of data based on MIME.
- #153 使用
| Determine whether the theme isDark+
before loading the theme style file withtheme.js
. - jupyter 调整输出开始与结束分割线位置 | Adjusted the position of the output start and end divider lines.
- v1.3.6 ... v1.3.7
- 调整大纲栏列表辅助线样式 | Adjusted the style of outline panel guides.
- 关系图背景设置为半透明 | The diagram background is set to semi-transparent.
- 修复悬浮工具栏折叠展开时的位置问题 | Fixed the position issue when the floating toolbar was collapsed and expanded.
- #129 调整纵向排序标签页关闭按钮位置 | Adjust the position of the close button for vertical sorting tabs.
- 调整块滚动条位置 | Adjusted the position of blocks scroll bar.
- #130 启动时不重置面板展开状态 | The panel expansion state is not reset at startup.
- #133 修复 macOS 系统窗口控件与工具栏按钮重叠问题 | Fixed the issue of macOS system window controls overlapping toolbar buttons.
- #134 调整列表脑图视图与表格视图引用数样式 | Adjusted the style issue of list brain map view and table view reference number.
- 移除
功能 | Remove the feature ofBlock scroll bar follow scroll
. - 修复快捷键设置界面列表辅助线样式 | Fixed the list guide style of shortcut key setting interface.
- 修复全屏关系图工具栏样式异常问题 | Fixed the issue of abnormal toolbar style in full screen diagram.
- 评论功能兼容
| Comment function compatible withv2.4.2
. - 调整移动端侧边面板样式 | Adjusted the style of mobile side panel.
- 修复列表辅助线样式 | Fixed list guide style.
- v1.3.5 ... v1.3.6
- 调整页签按钮样式 | Adjusted the style of tab bar button.
- 鼠标移出窗口时结束拖拽 | End dragging when the mouse moves out of the window.
- 优化鼠标移出窗口时结束拖拽 | Optimized to end dragging when the mouse moves out of the window.
- #122 修复悬浮工具栏无法在标题栏拖拽问题 | Fixed the issue that the floating toolbar could not be dragged in the title bar.
- 修复快捷键设置界面列表辅助线样式 | Fixed the list guide style of shortcut key setting interface.
- 保存悬浮工具栏的位置与状态 | Save the position and state of the floating toolbar.
- 修复悬浮工具栏折叠展开时的位置问题 | Fixed the position issue when the floating toolbar was collapsed and expanded.
- 适配
| Adaptivev2.4.2
. - 调整面包屑样式 | Adjusted the style of breadcrumb.
- 调整代码块样式 | Adjusted the style of code block.
- 调整页签图标样式 | Adjusted the style of tab icon.
- 调整嵌入块样式 | Adjusted the style of embed block.
- v1.3.4 ... v1.3.5
- 修复历史对话框与集市对话框的页签样式问题 | Fixed the issue of the tab style of the History dialog box and the Market dialog box.
- 修复纵向排列选项卡后页签错位问题 | Fixed the issue of misalignment of tabs in portrait orientation.
- 调整页签按钮样式 | Adjusted the style of tab bar button.
- 修复无法划选文本问题 | Fixed an issue where text could not be sized.
- v1.3.3 ... v1.3.4
- 实现浮窗预览某个块的方法
| Implement a methodpopover
to preview a block using popover window. - 新增自定义 CSS 变量
设置模板预览窗口的宽度 | Add the custom CSS variable--custom-template-preview-width
to customize the width of the template preview window. - 兼容删除线样式与背景/前景色样式 | Compatible with strikethrough styles and background/foreground colors.
- 移除只读模式 | Remove read-only mode.
- 移除嵌入块
功能 | Remove theDisplay Query Results
Path' feature for embedded blocks. - 调整面包屑样式 | Adjust the style of breadcrumb.
- 移除 CSS 模块中对配置文件的引用 | Removes the reference to the configuration files in the CSS module.
- 调整反色显示模式色相转换 | Adjusts the inverted display mode Hue transformation.
- 反向链接面板项应用搜索列表样式 | Backlinks panel items apply the list style of search results.
- 适配
| Adaptivev2.4.1
. - 添加悬浮工具栏 | Add a floating toolbar.
- v1.3.2 ... v1.3.3
- 面包屑样式应用于反链面板 | The breadcrumb style is applied to the reverse chain panel.
- 移除可编辑反链面板编辑区右侧外边框 | Removes the margin to the right of the editable backchain panel editing area.
- jupyter 客户端使用消息队列处理接收到的消息 | The jupyter client uses Message Queuing to process the received messages.
- 为嵌入块菜单添加
功能 | Added theDisplay Query Results' Path
feature for the embedded block menu. - 调整反链面板面包屑样式 | Adjust the breadcrumb style of backlink panel.
- #103 修复列表脑图视图辅助线错位问题 | Fixed the issue of misalignment of guides in the brain map view of the list.
- 调整列表脑图视图块内间距 | Adjust the padding within the block in the brain map view of the list.
- 为 Zotero 的 PDF 跳转链接添加图标 | Add an icon to Zotero's PDF link.
- 调整图片导出预览模式中的样式 | Adjust the style of images in export preview mode.
- 调整嵌入块样式 | Adjust the style of embedded block.
- 添加自定义 CSS 变量
以调整非钉住的页签项最小宽度 | Add the custom CSS variable--custom-tab-bar-item-min-width
to adjust the minimum width of non-pinned tabs. - 调整大纲面板的列表辅助线 | Adjuct the list guides of the outline panel.
- 调整悬浮窗口中悬浮输入文本框的样式 | Restyle the hover input text box in the popover window.
- 调整悬浮提示框的样式 | Adjust the style of the tooltip.
- v1.3.1 ... v1.3.2
- 添加页签项下拉列表控件样式 | Add the style of tab drop down list control.
- #105 评论支持输入 markdown 及渲染 | Comments support markdown and rendering.
- 新增 TheBrain URL Scheme 超链接
图标 | Added the URL Scheme linkbrain://
icon of TheBrain. - 修复叠加样式的标记元素无法显示的问题 | Fixed the issue of marked elements that apply multiple styles can't displayed.
- 移除文档树的列表辅助线 | Removes the list guides of the document tree.
- #106 修复复制当前文档大纲为有序/无需列表功能开关混淆问题 | Fixed the confusing issue with the two switch of coping the current document outline as ordered/unordered list feature.
- 调整删除线元素颜色 | Adjusted the color of strikethrough line elements.
- 优化视频时间戳 | Optimized video timestamps.
- 调整列表脑图视图中公式块样式 | Adjust the formula block style in the brain map view of list.
- 为表格添加鼠标悬浮的单元格边框 | Add a mouse-hovered cell border to the table.
- 使用明亮主题时支持以明亮颜色导出 | Export in light colors is supported when using the Bright theme.
- 调整加载中区域的背景颜色 | Adjusts the background color of the area being loaded.
- v1.3.0 ... v1.3.1
- 调整表格边距 | Adjust table margins.
- 调整列表项内水平分割线高度 | Adjust the height of the horizontal rule within the list item.
- 更换背景图片时同时更换全屏模式背景图片 | Change the full-screen background image when changing the background image.
- 修复 jupyter 客户端 i18n 调用问题 | Fixed the issue of jupyter client i18n function call.
- 修复 jupyter 客户端运行时间解析错误问题 | Fixed the issue of jupyter client runtime parser.
- 修复 jupyter 客户端文档页面设置加载后内核与内核名称及图标不匹配问题 | Fix the issue of jupyter client document setting page after loading with the kernel does not match kernel name and icon.
- 修复打开 PDF 或可在标签页预览的文件时只读模式切换失效问题 | Fixed an issue where the read-only mode switch does not work when opening PDFs or files that can be previewed in tabs.
style is compatible withv2.2.0
style is compatible withv2.2.0
style is compatible withv2.2.0
style is compatible withv2.2.0
style is compatible withv2.2.0
.- 自定义工具栏兼容没有
元素 | Custom toolbars are without thewindowControls
element. - 添加侧边栏树形列表辅助线 | Add a sidebar tree list guide.
- 树形侧边栏列表辅助线兼容移动端 | The tree sidebar list guide is compatible with mobile client.
- 调整标签样式 | Adjacte the style of tag.
- 为文档大纲树形列表辅助线设置颜色 | Set the color for the document outline tree list guides.
- 修复应用文档树辅助线后无法在文档树面板定位文档的问题 | Fixed the issue that documents could not be located in document tree panel after applying document tree guides.
- 移除标签边框 | Remove the border of tags.
- 评论功能兼容
| Comments feature is compatible withv2.2.0
- v1.2.8 ... v1.3.0
- 修复 Monaco Editor 打开本地文件路径问题 | Fixed the issue of Monaco editor open local file.
- 新增 Monaco Editor 历史查看与差异编辑功能 | Added Monaco Editor history viewing and difference editing function.
- 新增 Monaco Editor 标准 Markdown 历史查看与差异编辑功能 | Added Monaco Editor standard Markdown history viewing and difference editing function.
- 快捷键配置项添加
字段用于控制是否激活 | The hotkey item addsenable
field to control whether it is enabled. - Manaco Editor 编辑
公式自动补全 | Manaco Editor supportsKatex
formula autocomplete when editingMarkdown
. - Monaco Editor Katex 自动补全支持自定义 katex 宏 | Autocomplete of Manaco Editor Katex supports custom katex macros.
- 修复文档扩展块菜单加载问题 | Fixed the issue of the document extent menu loading.
- #103 修复列表脑图视图辅助线错位问题 | Fixed the issue of misalignment of guides in the brain map view of the list.
- #103 列表脑图视图兼容大字号 | The brain map view of list is compatibled with large font sizes.
- v1.2.7 ... v1.2.8
- 搜索对话框搜索结果文档路径分行显示 | The search dialog box displays the document path in separate lines.
- #98 修复替换对话框中历史替换文本列表背景颜色问题 | Fixed an issue with the background color of the list of historical replacement text in the Replace dialog box.
- 更新 Monaco Editor 至
| Updated Monaco Editor tov0.34.0
. - 修复列表内嵌入块的辅助线错位问题 | Fixed the issue of misalignment of the list guide of the embedded block in the list.
- 移除无文本内容面包屑项与图标的间距 | Removes the spacing between the textless content breadcrumb item and the icon.
- 只读模式兼容
| Read-only mode compatible withv2.1.12+
. - 更改文档加载时的背景颜色 | Changed the background color when the document loads.
- 文档页签兼容
| The Documentation tab is compatible withv2.1.13+
- v1.2.6 ... v1.2.7
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-list-guides.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-font-family.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-board-kanban.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-background.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-auto-num-t.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-auto-num-h.css
. - #96 悬浮预览子窗口支持行内注释功能 | Added support for inline comments in the floating preview window.
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-auto-num-f.css
. - 移除非桌面端拓展工具栏与窗口工具栏之间的分割线 | Removed the separator line between the non-desktop extension toolbar and the window toolbar.
- 使用
| Refactoredguides-list.css
. - 使用 IFrame Player API 重构 YouTube 时间戳创建功能 | Refactored YouTube timestamp creation with IFrame Player API.
- 重构 jupyter 客户端的 i18n 功能 | Refactored i18n functionality of client.
- 新增
功能 | Added theFull Display Text Content
feature. - #97 修复图片自动编号功能 | Fixed the issue of the auto-numbering function of pictures.
- v1.2.5 ... v1.2.6
- 为 Jupyter 全局配置的 Server 字段输入框添加有效性检查 | Add a check to the Server field of the Jupyter global config to make sure the input is a valid URL.
- 使用
属性判断是否启用自适应宽度 | Use thedata-fullwidth="true"
attribute to determine whether to enable adaptive width. - 修复列表项脑图视图在发布工具中样式问题 | Fix the style issue of the list item in the publish tool.
- 调整分割线超链接标志样式 | Adjust the style of the separator link icon.
- 在块菜单中添加发布子菜单项 | Add a publish submenu item in the block menu.
- 调整超级块轮廓阴影颜色 | Adjust the shadow color of the super block.
- #94 使用兼容方案将文本写入剪贴板 | Use the compatibility scheme to write text to the clipboard.
- 调整面包屑样式选择器 | Adjust the style selector of the breadcrumb.
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-render-danmaku.css
. - 为
属性 | Set thedefer
attribute of thescript
tag loaded intheme.js
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-position.css
- v1.2.4 ... v1.2.5
- #92 修复搜索历史菜单背景颜色透明问题 | Fixed an issue where the background color of the search history menu was transparent.
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-type-title.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-type-table.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-type-map.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredcustom-table-width.css
. - #93 修复 Monaco 编辑器编辑公式块无法保存问题 | Fixed an issue where the formula block cannot be saved in Monaco editor.
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-render-scroll.css
- v1.2.3 ... v1.2.4
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + B 启动/关闭页签纵向排列功能 | Use the shortcut Shift + Alt + B to turn on/off the feature of tabs are arranged vertically.
- 动态加载样式支持在其他主题调用 | Dynamic loading of style support in other themes called.
- 移除动态加载样式文件对配置文件的引用 | Removes references to configuration files from dynamically loaded style filesRemoves references to configuration files from dynamically loaded style files.
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-type-title.css
. - #90 修复有序列表折叠时序号被遮挡问题 | Fixed an issue where the sequence numbers of folding ordered list were covered.
- 修复搜索对话框中预览面板代码语言选择菜单样式异常问题 | Fixed an issue where the style of the menu of the language selection in the preview panel of the search dialog is abnormal.
- 为浏览器中链接提供从新窗口打开功能 | Provides a function to open links in a new window in the browser.
- 移除列表表格视图中列表块的轮廓线 | Removes the outline line of the list block in the list table view.
- v1.2.2 ... v1.2.3
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-writing-modes.css
. - #84 适配窗口自适应功能(v2.0.26) | Adapted the window-adaptive function (v2.0.26).
- 块引用计数元素鼠标悬浮放大 | Blockquote counting element mouse hover zooms in.
- 调整上下停靠栏按钮样式 | Adjusted the style of top dock and bottom dock.
- 为自定义工具栏项添加分割线 | Added dividers for custom tool bar items.
- 修复集市内容预览背景样式问题 | Fixed the background style of preview in the bazaar.
- 面包屑完整显示文档路径 | Breadcrumbs display the full path of the document.
- 重构不能公开的应用自定义配置信息加载方法 | Refactored the loading method of the app custom configuration information which cannot be exposed.
- 使用
| Refactoredcustom-width.css
- v1.2.1 ... v1.2.2
- 修复块反链列表匹配关键词样式失效问题 | Fixed match keyword style invalid issue of block-backlink-list.
- #81 修复 PDF 标注悬浮预览动画问题 | Fixed PDF annotation floating preview animation issue.
认证 |Jupyter
authentication.- 为部分按钮添加悬浮放大样式 | Add floating zoom style for some buttons.
- 调整强制刷新实现方案 | Adjust the refresh implementation scheme.
- 修复列表辅助线重叠问题 | Fixed list guides overlap issue.
- 修复
应用解析 svg 图片错误问题 | FixedJupyter
app parse svg image error issue.
- v1.2.0 ... v1.2.1
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 为面包屑项添加边框 | Added a border to the breadcrumb items
- 使用
| Refactoreddocker.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredhover-menu.css
. - #79 修复嵌入块与数学公式块样式混淆问题 | Fixed a style conflict between the
styles. - 使用
| Refactoredhover-preview.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredhover-textarea.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredicon-zoom.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredmath.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredspan-strikethrough.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredpanel-editor.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredglobal.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredpanel-separator.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredpanel-file.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredpanel-outline.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredpanel-graph.css
. - 修复浮窗预览窗口样式问题 | Fixed an issue with the floating preview window style.
- 使用
| Refactoredspan-file-annotation-ref.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredspan-img.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredspan-link.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredspan-ref.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredtab-bar.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredspan-tag.css
. - 将文件
| Renamedstatusbar.css
. - 修复快捷键 Shift + Alt + 鼠标中键 与快捷键 Alt + 鼠标中键 混淆问题 | Fixed an issue with the Shift + Alt + Middle Mouse Button and Alt + Middle Mouse Button key combinations.
- 捕获
函数在非 electron 环境时抛出的异常 | Catches the exception thrown by the functionwindow.theme.runcmd
in non-electron environments. - 修复鼠标滚轮调整编辑器字号不一致问题 | Fixed the issue that the font size of the mouse wheel adjustment editor was inconsistent.
- v1.1.4 ... v1.2.0
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 使用
| Refactoredblock-code.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredblock-embed.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredblock-heading.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredblock-iframe.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredblock-list.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredblock-quote.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredblock-super.css
. - 使用
| Refactoreddialog.css
. - 新增编辑容器块 kramdown 源码功能 | Added kramdown source code editing feature for container block.
- 使用
| Refactoredempty.css
. - 使用
| Refactoredfold.css
. - 修复
重复加载问题 | Fixedcustom.js
duplicate loading issue. - 修复块置顶样式问题 | Fixed an issue with block top style.
- v1.1.3 ... v1.1.4
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - #72 修复全局关系图全屏模式样式 | Fixed the global graph full-screen mode style.
- 调整未打开文档时编辑区的样式 | Adjusted the style of the edit area when the document is not opened.
- 调整文档树折叠/展开按钮样式 | Adjusted the style of the document tree fold/unfold button.
- 将编辑文档 kramdown 源代码功能添加至文档的块菜单 | Added the kramdown source code function to the block menu of the document.
- 禁用非桌面端的 kramdown 源代码编辑功能 | Disable the kramdown source code editing function except the desktop client.
- 设置底部状态栏背景颜色 | Set the background color of the bottom status bar.
- 为
文件中模块加载 URL 设置版本参数 | Add the version parameter to the module load URL intheme.js
- v1.1.2 ... v1.1.3
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 添加复制文档大纲功能的消息提示 | Add a message hint for the function of copying the document outline.
- #34 专注模式可选同时隐藏侧边停靠栏(默认不隐藏) | Focus mode optional to hide side docks at the same time (not hidden by default).
- 添加文档树面板折叠/展开小三角鼠标悬浮样式 | Add the mouse hover style of folding/expanding small triangle of the filetree panel.
- 保存用户
开关状态 | Save the userremember current browsing position
,display marked text
,focus mode
,read-only mode
switch status. - #72 调整全屏模式关系图样式 | Adjust the full-screen mode graph style.
- v1.1.1 ... v1.1.2
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - #34 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + F 启动/关闭专注模式 (折叠/展开功能面板) | Use the shortcut Shift + Alt + F to turn on/off the focus mode (collapse/expand the feature panels).
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + ↑/↓ 折叠/展开当前文档所有子标题 | Use the shortcut Shift + Alt + ↑/↓ to collapse/expand all sub-headings of the current document.
- #68 添加 CSS 属性
用于控制标签栏多行/单行排列 | Add CSS property--custom-tab-bar-flex-wrap
to control the tab bar flex wrap. - 为页签栏的右键菜单添加归档功能 | Add archive function to the right click menu of the tab bar.
- #60 修复编辑区 emojis 选择菜单多列问题 | Fix the multiple column issue of the emoji selection menu in the edit area.
- v1.1.0 ... v1.1.1
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 修复取消聚焦方法
无法终止问题 | Fixed the issue of functioncancelFocalize
can not terminate. - 改进 Jupyter 消息缓存机制 | Improved the Jupyter message cache mechanism.
- 调整扩展工具栏的样式 | Adjusted the style of extension toolbar.
- 调整亮色主题中悬浮预览窗口背景透明度 | Adjusted the transparency of the floating preview window in light theme.
- 更换明亮主题默认背景图片 | Changed the default background image of light theme.
- 调整反链浮窗匹配项样式 | Adjusted the style of the matching item of the floating window.
- 只读模式对已打开的文档生效 | Only read mode will take effect on the opened document.
- 只读模式对悬浮窗口生效 | Only read mode will take effect on the floating windows.
- v1.0.5 ... v1.1.0
- #65 修复
菜单多栏样式失效问题 | Fixed the issue of the/
menu multi-column style being invalid. - 调整代码块语言样式选择菜单颜色 | Adjusted the color of the code block language selection menu.
- 移除部分不能使用自定义字体的块字体菜单 | Removed some block font menus that cannot be used with custom fonts.
- 添加 Jupyter 会话管理功能 | Added Jupyter session management functionality.
- 添加 Jupyter 会话信息读写功能 | Added Jupyter session information read/write functionality.
- 调整代码块按钮位置 | Adjusted the position of the code block buttons.
- 实现 Jupyter 会话纯文本输出内容解析 | Implemented Jupyter session plain text output content parsing.
- 添加 Jupyter 服务认证失败提示 | Added Jupyter server authentication failure prompt.
- 实现 Jupyter 会话图片输出内容解析 | Implemented Jupyter session image output content parsing.
- 实现 Jupyter 魔术命令输出内容解析 | Implemented Jupyter magic commands output content parsing.
- 调整 Jupyter 错误输出样式 | Adjusted the style of Jupyter error output.
- 修复 Jupyter 序号错误 | Fixed the Jupyter numbering error.
- 修复删除 Jupyter 活动内核时更改文档信息的问题 | Fixed the issue of changing the document information when deleting the Jupyter active kernel.
- 添加
No Kernel
标识 | Added theNo Kernel
tag. - 调整 Jupyter 序号计数方案 | Adjusted the Jupyter numbering scheme.
- 调整菜单项文案 | Adjusted the menu item text.
- 调整 Jupyter
类型消息解析策略 | Adjusted the Jupyterdisplay_data
type message parsing strategy.
- v1.0.4 ... v1.0.5
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 添加块自定义属性
custom-position: top
与custom-position: bottom
| Addedcustom-position: top
andcustom-position: bottom
custom attributes to block.custom-position: top
: 将块固定到父容器顶部 | Pin the block to the top of the parent containercustom-position: bottom
: 将块固定到父容器底部 | Pin the block to the bottom of the parent container
- #63 修复搜索与替换对话框输入框样式问题 | Fix the style of the search and replace dialog input box.
- 重构全局监听器事件处理方案 | Refactored global event listener handling scheme.
- 修复取消聚焦功能 | Fix the feature of canceling focus.
- 优化全局监听器事件处理方案 | Optimized global event listener handling scheme.
- v1.0.3 ... v1.0.4
- 复制大纲功能适配
的 API 与 DOM | Adapted the copy outline function to the API and DOM ofv2.0.13
. - 修复图标选择菜单搜索输入框宽度样式问题 | Fixed the width style of the icon selection menu search input.
- 修复编辑区的
选择菜单样式问题 | Fixed the style of theemojis
selection menu in the edit area. - 添加背景颜色变量
| Added the background color variable--custom-background-color
.- 需要先设置
--custom-background-image: none;
| Need to set--custom-background-image: none;
- 需要先设置
- v1.0.2 ... v1.0.3
- 可选使用 Ctrl + 单击 模拟单击面包屑进行聚焦 | Optional use Ctrl + Click to simulate clicking on a breadcrumb to focus.
- 重构对话框 CSS 选择器 | Refactored the CSS selector of the dialog.
- 修复用于解析思源超链接的正则表达式 | Fixed regexp for parsing Synergaia links.
- 在
中添加 Monaco Editor 中部分自定义快捷键介绍 | Add some custom shortcuts introduction for Monaco Editor inREADME.md
. - 为
菜单的子标题按钮添加颜色 | Add color for the subheading button of the/
menu. - 完整显示被钉住页签的标题 | Show the pinned tab's title completely.
- v1.0.1 ... v1.0.2
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 移除在新窗口打开的桌面版 Web 端的窗口菜单栏 | Removed the menu bar of desktop web side of opening in new window.
- 调整当前阅读进度标识的位置 | Adjusted the position of the current reading progress indicator.
- 兼容文档块 DOM 属性
的情况 | Compatible with the DOM attributedata-doc-type
is notNodeDocument
in the case. - 修复思源块聚焦超链接的样式(带有参数
协议的超链接) | Fixed the style of link of focusing the siyuan block (with parameterfocus=1
of thesiyuan
protocol link). - 调整工具栏项的样式 | Adjusted the style of the toolbar item.
- 调整附加工具栏项激活样式 | Adjusted the style of the active additional toolbar item.
- 添加只读模式 | Added read-only mode.
- 重构获取大纲面板的方法 | Refactored the method of getting the outline panel.
- v1.0.0 ... v1.0.1
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 添加搜索结果匹配的关键词样式配置选项 | Add a configuration option for the style of the keyword in the search results.
- 修复打开新窗口工具栏按钮 | Fix the button of opening a new window in the toolbar.
- 记住
按钮上次的状态 | Remember the last state of theMore
button. - 更新
文件中自定义背景图片方案 | Update the custom background image scheme in theREADME.md
file. - 修复块滚动条跟随焦点功能 | Fix the function of the block scrollbar following the focus.
- 使用快捷键 Ctrl + F5 强制刷新页面 | Use the shortcut Ctrl + F5 to force refresh the page.
- v0.9.9 ... v1.0.0
- 统一移动界面大纲样式 | Unified the style of outline on mobile interface.
- 调整工具栏按钮样式与按钮激活样式 | Adjusted the style of toolbar buttons and the activation style of toolbar buttons.
- 调整工具栏按钮在窗口较窄时的样式 | Adjusted the style of toolbar buttons when the window is narrower.
- 移除侧边停靠栏的边框 | Removed the border of the sidebar dock bar.
- 调整历史记录面板背景颜色 | Adjusted the background color of the history panel.
- 调整划选文本背景颜色 | Adjusted the background color of the selected text.
- 为新窗口添加部分菜单项 | Added some menu items to new windows.
- v0.9.8 ... v0.9.9
- 为资源块(挂件块, iframe 块, 视频块与音频块)添加
菜单项 | Add theOpen the resource in a New Window
menu item for resource blocks (widget blocks, iframe blocks, video blocks and audio blocks). - 为子窗口添加窗口置顶/取消置顶菜单项 | Add the
menu item for subwindows. - 使用 Shift + Alt + 鼠标中键 单击文档在新窗口打开 Monaco 编辑器并编辑文档的 kramdown 源码 | Click on a document to open Monaco Editor in a new window and edit the kramdown source code of document using the Shift + Alt + Middle Mouse Button.
- 使用 API
获取文档的完整路径 | Use the APIgetFullHPathByID
to get the full path of a document. - 统一移动界面输入框样式 | Unified the style of input fields on mobile interface.
- 修复 Moncaco 编辑器编辑部分类型的块时缩进空格数不正确问题 | Fix the issue of the indentation space number when editing a part of type of block in Monaco Editor.
- v0.9.7 ... v0.9.8
- 调整页签项图标的大小 | Adjusted the size of the tab icon.
- 调整页签中按钮控件样式 | Adjusted the style of the button in the tab.
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + E 启用/关闭显示标记文本功能 | Use the shortcut Shift + Alt + E to enable/disable the feature of displaying mark text.
- 统一块属性与快捷键显示标记文本内容样式 | Unified the style of the block attribute and the shortcut to display the mark text.
- 修复页签项阴影遮挡上一行页签项问题 | Fixed the issue of the tab item shadow covering the previous line of the tab item.
- v0.9.6 ... v0.9.7
- 修复在新窗口打开无法跳转非文档块问题 | Fixed an issue where opening in a new window could not jump to non-document blocks.
- 修复获得目标块方法运行时异常问题 | Fixed an issue where the getTargetBlock method would throw an exception.
- 调整被选择的文本背景颜色 | Changed the background color of the selected text.
- 带图标的页签完整显示 | The tab with an icon is fully displayed.
- 调整钉住的页签图标样式 | Adjusted the style of the pinned tab icon.
- 修复使用 URL 参数以非聚焦模式跳转块不稳定问题 | Fixed an unstable issue where jumping to a block using a URL parameter would not be stable.
- 鼠标悬浮在页签关闭按钮时突出显示 | The close button is highlighted when the mouse hovers over it.
- 调整代码块导出预览样式 | Adjusted the style of the code block preview.
- 添加代码块行号与编辑区之间的分隔线 | Added a separator line between the line numbers and the code block editor.
- 为自定义工具栏添加
按钮 | Added theMore
button to the custom toolbar.
- v0.9.5 ... v0.9.6
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 代码块功能按钮固定显示 | Fixed display code block function buttons.
- 使用自定义块属性
将 iframe 窗口宽度设置为文档宽度 | Use the custom block attributecustom-width
to set the width of the iframe window to the document width. - 调整搜索对话框/面板搜索结果显示样式 | Adjust the style of the search dialog/panel search results display.
- 移除文档更多菜单中异常出现的块增强菜单项 | Remove abnormal menu items in the document More menu.
- 修复加载
文件的问题 | Fix the loading issue of thecustom.json
file when thecustom.js
file is not loaded. - 优化默认用户配置初始化顺序 | Optimize the initialization order of the default user configuration.
- v0.9.4 ... v0.9.5
- 强制显示块滚动条 | Blocks scrollbars are always visible.
- 调整当前文档浏览位置标识位置 | Adjust the position of the current document indicator.
- 部分功能移动端支持 | Some features are supported on mobile devices.
- 记录当前文档浏览位置 | Record the current document position.
- 打字机模式 | Typewriter mode.
- 修复移动端记录当前文档浏览位置问题 | Fix the issue of recording the current document position on mobile devices.
- 添加文档块菜单项: 清除浏览位置记录 | Add a menu item for document blocks: Clear the browsing position record.
- v0.9.3 ... v0.9.4
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 禁用新窗口的 Node.js 组件 | Disable Node.js components in new windows.
- 调整菜单分隔线颜色 | Adjust the color of the menu separator.
- 修复 IAL 解析器无法解析
字符的问题 | Fix the issue that IAL parser cannot parse\
character. - 新增记录当前浏览位置功能 | Add the ability to record the current browsing location.
- 新增跳转上次浏览位置功能 | Add the ability to jump to the last browsing location.
- 新增文档滑块跟随焦点功能 | Add the ability to follow the document slider with the focus.
- 代码块工具栏适配
| Code block toolbar adaptsv2.0.4
. - 调整数据历史对话框样式 | Adjust data history dialog style.
- v0.9.2 ... v0.9.3
- 移除列表块脑图视图标题块的左侧边线 | Remove left border of heading block which in list block with mind map view.
- 调整代码块样式 | Adjust code block style.
- 移除编辑器窗口的菜单栏 | Remove the menu bar of editor window.
- 修复新窗口聚焦模式无法退出问题 | Fix the issue that new window cannot exit focus mode.
- 修复代码块折叠样式异常问题 | Fix the issue that code block fold style is abnormal.
- 优化新窗口跳转与聚焦解决方案 | Optimize the solution of new window jump and focus.
- v0.9.1 ... v0.9.2
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 为复制当前文档大纲增加 API 解析方案 | Added API parsing scheme for copying the current document outline.
- 优化打字机模式监听器添加方案 | Optimized the typewriter mode listener addition scheme.
- Monaco Editor 编辑 Markdown 时禁用复制为富文本功能 | Disables the copy to rich text function when editing Markdown in Monaco Editor.
- 使用 鼠标中键 在新窗口打开收集箱中的链接 | Use mouse middle button to open links in the collection box in a new window.
- 使用 Alt + 鼠标中键 在 Monaco Editor 中打开收集箱内容 | Use Alt + mouse middle button to open the content of the collection box in Monaco Editor.
- 修复
块菜单项重复问题 | Fixed the block menu item duplicate issue ofDisplay Marked Text
. - 使用 API 查询思源内部资源文件路径 | Use API to query the path of siyuan asset file.
- 为工具栏按钮添加配置选项
display: boolean
控制是否显示 | Add configuration optionsdisplay: boolean
to control whether to display the toolbar button. - 移除代码块下边距(适配思源
) | Remove the bottom margin of code block (adapted to SiYuanv2.0.3
). - 在块菜单中支持更多书写模式 | Support more writing modes in block menu.
- 更新书写模式示例 | Update the writing mode example.
- 修复使用 URL 参数
跳转时文档名不改变问题 | Fixed the issue of document title not changing when using URL parameterid
to jump.
- v0.9.0 ... v0.9.1
- 增加 Monaco Editor 状态指示图标 | Add a status icon for the Monaco Editor.
- 增加 Monaco Editor 复制当前页面链接功能 | Add a function to copy the current page's link to the clipboard in the Monaco Editor.
- 增加 Monaco Editor 复制当前页面完整链接功能 | Add a function to copy the current page's full link to the clipboard in the Monaco Editor.
- 在自述文件中添加项目依赖 | Add project dependencies in the README file.
- 新增
URL Scheme 超链接图标 | Addedcalibre
URL Scheme link icon. - 增加 Monaco Editor 在 VS Code 中打开文件/目录功能 | Add a function to open file and directory in VS Code in the Monaco Editor.
- 视频时间戳功能支持单击视频内部触发 | Support click to trigger the video timestamp function in the video player.
- 调整收集箱面板背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the collection panel.
- 为大纲导出功能添加列表块内联属性表 | Add IAL for the outline export function.
- 添加
模式编辑文档功能 | Add a function to edit documents inkarmdown
- v0.8.2 ... v0.9.0
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 列表表格视图与脑图视图内列表项中嵌入块保持纵向排列 | The embedded blocks whitch in list items in a table view or a mind-map view are arranged in portrait orientation.
- 使用快捷键 Ctrl/⌘ + 鼠标滚轮 调整编辑区字体大小 | Use the shortcut keys Ctrl/⌘ + Mouse Wheel to adjust the edit area font size.
- #10 修复批注功能块属性无法写入问题 | Fix the issue that the annotation block properties can't be written.
- 调整鼠标悬浮列表项的背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the list item when the mouse hovers.
- #22 添加自定义块属性
mark: 显示
与一项块菜单项以显示标记文本 | Add the custom block propertymark: display
and a block menu item to show the mark text. - 添加介绍视频 | Add a introduction video.
- #24 修复块菜单面板超出可视窗口问题 | Fix the issue that the block menu panel is out of the visible window.
- 使用 Alt + 鼠标中键 单击块或资源文件链接, 在新窗口使用 Monaco 编辑器打开 | Use the shortcut key Alt + Mouse Middle Button to open the block or asset file in a new window using Monaco Editor.
- 增加 Monaco 编辑器读写本地文件功能 | Add the function to read and write local files using Monaco Editor.
- 增加 Monaco 编辑器另存为本地文件功能 | Add the function to save as local files using Monaco Editor.
- 修复 Monaco 编辑器字号设置失效问题 | Fix the issue that Monaco Editor font size setting is invalid.
- 增加 Monaco 编辑器下载网络文件功能 | Add the function to download the network file using Monaco Editor.
- 添加右键菜单项: 在编辑器中打开 | Add the context menu item: Open in Editor.
- 修复临时文件路径问题 | Fix the issue that the temporary file path is invalid.
- v0.8.1 ... v0.8.2
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 修复列表辅助线错位问题 | Fixed an issue where the list guides line was misplaced.
- 完善鼠标中键打开新窗口时获取块 ID 方法 | Improved the method to get the block ID when opening a new window with the middle mouse button.
- 修复更新块属性值为
时无法使用 API 取消块属性的问题 | Fixed an issue where the API could not cancel the block attribute value when the value isnull
. /
菜单分列显示 | The/
menu is split into two columns.- 为块移动对话框应用搜索列表样式 | The search list style is applied to the block move dialog.
- 自动加载/保存主题功能状态配置 | Automatically load and save the theme function status configuration.
- 添加
块菜单项 | Add theOpen in a new window
block menu item. - 重构使用鼠标中键打开新窗口功能 | Refactor the function to open new windows using the middle mouse button.
- 修复设置页面列表项背景颜色问题 | Fix the background color of the list items in the settings page.
- 移除功能面板中各项的轮廓 | Remove the outline of each item in the function panel.
- 修复提及面板匹配关键字突出显示样式 | Fix the highlighting style of the keyword in the mention panel.
- v0.8.0 ... v0.8.1
- 修复块菜单中的其他字体子菜单项无法选择问题 | Fixed an issue where other font submenu items in the block menu could not be selected.
- 修复块菜单中的其他字体无法保存问题 | Fixed an issue where other font could not be saved.
- 修复块菜单通用项分隔线冗余问题 | Fixed an issue where the common items separator line was redundant.
- v0.7.3 ... v0.8.0
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + M 启用/关闭块标菜单增强功能 | Use the shortcut Shift + Alt + M to enable/disable the block menu enhancement feature.
- 统一移动端与桌面端搜索面板样式 | Unified the search panel style on mobile and desktop.
- v0.7.2 ... v0.7.3
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 添加配置选项
控制新窗口的编辑器是否可编辑 | Add configuration optioneditable
to control whether the editor is editable in new windows. - 修复新窗口 URL 参数解析问题 | Fix the URL parameter parsing problem in new windows.
- 关闭通过
工具栏按钮打开的新窗口的置顶功能 | Disable the pin feature of the new window opened by theOpen a new window
toolbar button. - 优化工具栏按钮的提示信息 | Optimize the tooltip of the toolbar buttons.
- 优化反色模式的样式加载方式 | Optimize the style loading method of the inverted mode.
- 修复工具栏按钮快捷键提示信息显示问题 | Fix the shortcut tooltip display issue of the toolbar buttons.
- 使用自定义块属性将列表转换为思维导图 | Use the custom block attribute to convert the list to a mind map.
custom-type: 导图
custom-type: 思维导图
custom-type: map
custom-type: mindmap
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + G 开启/关闭列表辅助线 | Use the shortcut Shift + Alt + G to open/close the list guides line.
- 修复列表表格单元格宽度问题 | Fix the width issue of the table cells in the list.
- 移除导图列表无效样式 | Remove the invalid style of the mind map list.
- 表格列表与导图列表内的容器块内容恢复纵向排列 | Restore the vertical layout of the container block content of the table list and mind map list.
- 将列表脑图横向滚动条更改为自动显示 | Change the horizontal scrollbar of the list mind map to auto show.
- 修复列表脑图单根节点时显示不完全问题 | Fix the incomplete display issue of the single root node of the list mind map.
- 支持使用文档块属性设置列表表格与列表脑图 | Support the setting of the table and mind map list with the document block attribute.
- v0.7.1 ... v0.7.2
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 生成超级块动作的拖拽参考线使用鲜明颜色标记 | The draggable guide line for generating super blocks is marked with striking color.
- 扩展自定义块属性样式值 | The custom block attribute style values are extended.
- 完善使用 URL 参数
跳转指定块功能 | Improved the function of jumping to the specified block using URL parameterid
. - 添加在新窗口打开函数 | Added the function of opening in a new window.
- 使用 鼠标中键 与 Shift + 鼠标中键 打开新窗口 | Use Middle Mouse Button and Shift + Middle Mouse Button to open a new window.
- 优化新窗口打开方法 | Improved the method of opening in a new window.
- 新窗口默认置顶 | The new window is set to the top.
- v0.7.0 ... v0.7.1
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 添加网络图片 URL 列表 | Added network image URL list.
- 反色支持 iframe 与视频资源 | Inverted color feature supports iframes and video resources.
- 添加在 HTML 块的 shadowRoot 中获取当前块的工具
| Added toolThis(customID)
to get the current block in the shadowRoot of HTML block. - 修复列表中嵌入块辅助线问题 | Fixed the issue of guides with embed blocks in the list.
- 移除被禁用的工具栏项的功能 | Removed the function of disabled toolbar items.
- 调整工具栏按钮的顺序 | Reordered the toolbar buttons.
- v0.6.2 ... v0.7.0
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 完善打字机模式对代码块与表格的支持 | Improved support for code blocks and table blocks in the typewriter mode.
- 为自定义背景是图片功能添加随机开关与默认启用开关 | Added a random switch and a default switch for the background image feature.
- 在窗口工具栏中添加主题功能按钮 | Added theme buttons to the toolbar of window.
- 完善反色功能 | Improved the reverse color feature.
- 完善复制当前文档大纲功能的异常处理 | Improved the exception handling of the copy current document outline feature.
- 完善工具栏主题功能按钮 | Improved the theme buttons in the toolbar.
- v0.6.1 ... v0.6.2
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 为集市资源自述文件预览设置背景颜色 | Sets the background color for the Bazaar Resource Readme Preview.
- 窗口较宽时搜索对话框并排显示搜索结果 | When the window is wide, the search results of the search dialog are displayed in a row.
- 调整搜索对话框关闭按钮, 避免被遮挡 | Adjust the close button of the search dialog to avoid being covered.
- 调整列表辅助线颜色为不透明颜色 | Adjust the color of the list helper line to opaque color.
- 添加 HTML 块中使用的工具函数
runcmd(commands: string)
| Add the functionruncmd(commands: string))
to use in HTML blocks. - 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + R 使用随机背景图片(来源: Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash) | Use the shortcut Shift + Alt + R to use the random background image (source: Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash).
- 使用快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R 使用随机内置背景图片 | Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R to use the random built-in background image.
- 随机背景图片功能应用于全屏模式 | Random background image function applies to full screen mode.
- v0.6.0 ... v0.6.1
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration filelight.css
. - 修复菜单项输入框选择器使用错误问题 | Fixed an issue where the menu item input box selector was used incorrectly.
- 将默认主题模式设置为深色模式 | Set the default theme mode to dark mode.
- 改进浅色模式块引用波浪线动画图标 | Improved the wave animation icon for the light mode block reference element.
- 修复自定义配置文件
失效问题 | Fixed an issue where the custom configuration filecustom-light.css
were not working.
- v0.5.7 ... v0.6.0
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 修复基础配色文件引用问题 | Fixed an issue with the underlying color matching file reference.
- 为虚拟引用元素添加背景色 | Adds a background color to the virtual reference element.
- 添加浅色模式 | Adds the mode of light color.
- 支持浅色模式与深色模式自定义样式配置文件引用 | Supports light mode and dark mode custom style profile references.
- 调整浅色主题背景图片 | Adjust the light theme background image.
- 为
添加深色模式与浅色模式预览图 | Add a dark mode and a light mode preview for theREADME.md
. - 完善自定义配置文件说明 | Refine custom profile descriptions.
- 添加弹出菜单中的输入框最小宽度设置项
| Adds an input box minimum width setting item in the pop-up menu--custom-popover-menu-input-min-width
- v0.5.6 ... v0.5.7
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 复制当前文档大纲可选择添加标题级别标记
| Copy the current document outline with the option of adding a heading level mark#
. - 修复悬浮输入框透明度问题 | Fixed an issue with the transparency of the floating input box.
- v0.5.5 ... v0.5.6
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 修复
文件配置问题 | Fix the configuration problem of the.all-contributorsrc
file. - 完善图片, 音频与视频文件扩展名 | Improve the extension of the image, audio and video files.
- 调整面板分隔线 | Adjust the panel separator.
- 悬浮文本输入框背景颜色设置为半透明 | The background color of the floating text input box is set to translucent.
- 修复行内批注功能在移动端界面失效问题 | Fixed the issue that the inline annotation function failed in the mobile interface.
- 优化移动端侧边面板 | Optimize the mobile side panel.
- 添加标题折叠标记 | Add a title collapse mark.
- v0.5.4 ... v0.5.5
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 修复复制当前文档大纲为有序列表时序号错误问题 | Fixed the issue that the number of the list was wrong when copying the current document outline as an ordered list.
- 视频时间戳跳转支持 Bilibili 与 YouTube | Video timestamp jump supports Bilibili and YouTube.
- 视频时间戳生成支持 Bilibili 与 YouTube | Video timestamp generation supports Bilibili and YouTube.
- 删除 iframe 块的
自定义属性后使用快捷键 Ctrl + 鼠标左键 单击 iframe 块移除 Bilibili 与 YouTube 的视频时间戳 | Remove the Bilibili and YouTube video timestamp after removing thecustom-time
attribute of the iframe block and using the shortcut keys Ctrl + Left Mouse Button click the iframe block. - 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + I 将所有图片渲染为反色 | Use the shortcut keys Shift + Alt + I to render all images as inverted.
- 使用自定义块属性
custom-render: invert
将图片渲染为反色 | Use the custom block attributecustom-render: invert
to render images as inverted.
- v0.5.3 ... v0.5.4
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 使用快捷键 Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt + O 复制当前文档大纲为有序列表 | Use shortcut key Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt + O to copy the current document outline as an ordered list.
- 使用快捷键 Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt + U 复制当前文档大纲为无序列表 | Use shortcut key Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt + U to copy the current document outline as an unordered list.
- 使用快捷键 Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt + T 复制当前文档大纲为任务列表 | Use shortcut key Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt + T to copy the current document outline as a task list.
- 使用 All Contributors · GitHub 自动生成贡献者列表 | Use All Contributors · GitHub automatically generates a table of contributors.
- 调整图片预览窗口遮罩颜色 | Adjust the color of the image preview window mask.
- v0.5.2 ... v0.5.3
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 为对话框添加背景图片 | Add background image for dialogs.
- 修复块属性设置对话框头部颜色问题 | Fix the issue of the header color of the block attribute setting dialog.
- 将批注标题由四级标题调整为一级标题 | Change the title of notes from a fourth-level title to a first-level title.
- 调整块属性面板中自定义属性值标签的宽度为自适应 | Adjust the width of the label of the custom attribute value in the block attribute panel to be adaptive.
- v0.5.1 ... v0.5.2
- 修复图文混排无法对齐问题 | Fixed the issue that mixed text and graphics could not be aligned.
- 修复图片尺寸调整控件偏移问题 | Fixed an issue with the offset of the image sizing control.
- 将 README.md 中
| Replaced<br>
in README.md with<br/>
. - 添加图标题与表标题名称
| Added the icon title and table title图片
. - 调整使用自定义块属性
type: 表标题
的样式 | Adjusted the style of the custom block attributetype: table-title
. - 将 CSS 选择器
| Replaced CSS selector[contenteditable]
- v0.5.0 ... v0.5.1
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 使用自定义块属性
custom-render: scroll
为过高的块设置滚动条 | Use the custom block attributecustom-render: scroll
to set the scroll bar for blocks that are too tall. - 将自定义块属性
custom-type: danmaku
重命名为custom-render: danmaku
| Rename the custom block attributecustom-type: danmaku
tocustom-render: danmaku
. - 修复滚动时表格头未遮盖部分元素问题 | Fix the issue of the table header not covering the part of the element when scrolling.
- 打字机模式添加代码块与表格块的单独开关 | Add a separate switch for code blocks and table blocks in the typewriter mode.
- 修复导出预览模式中非最顶级的标题自动编号问题 | Fix the issue of automatically numbering the non-top-level headings in the export preview mode.
- 使用自定义块属性
设置表格单元格等宽 | Use the custom block attributecustom-table-width
to set the table cell to be monospaced.
- v0.4.6 ... v0.5.0
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 调整文档标签样式 | Adjusted the style of the document tags.
- 新增
URL Scheme 超链接图标 | Addedevernote
URL Scheme link icon. - 新增行内评论功能 | Added inline comment function. (REF: siyuan-note/siyuan-comment at main · langzhou/siyuan-note · GitHub)
- 调整行内评论样式 | Adjusted the style of the inline comment.
- 修复行内评论与其他行内元素重叠问题 | Fixed the overlap problem of the inline comment and other inline elements.
- v0.4.5 ... v0.4.6
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 新增
URL Scheme 超链接图标 | Addedruncmd
URL Scheme link icon. - 新增 liquidtext 的 URL Scheme
超链接图标 | Addedlt
URL Scheme link icon for liquidtext. - 调整部分图标样式 | Adjusted some icon styles.
- 打字机模式添加是否应用代码块的选项 | Added option to apply code block in typewriter mode.
- 完善搜索结果列表展示样式 | Improved search result list display style.
- 完善关键字匹配字段样式 | Improved keyword match field style.
- 添加文档定义属性
render: index
与render: content
| Added custom document attributesrender: index
andrender: content
. - 新增文件(PDF)注释引用元素样式 | Added file (PDF) annotation reference element style.
- 特化思源内部超链接样式 | Specialized SiYuan internal link style.
- 将部分文件引用路径更改为绝对路径 | Change the partial file reference path to an absolute path.
- 调整导出中超链接样式 | Adjusted link style in export.
- 调整部分行级元素样式 | Adjusts the style of some inline elements.
- v0.4.4 ... v0.4.5
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 为可聚焦的思源内部超链接添加样式 | Add styles to the focused hyperlinks of siyuan.
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + T 启动/关闭打字机模式 | Use the shortcut key Ctrl/⌘ + F5 to turn on/off typewriter mode.
- 将快捷键触发事件由
| Change the event of the shortcut key fromkeydown
. - 移除冗余配图, 新增元素对齐样式配图 | Remove redundant pictures, add element alignment style pictures.
- 修复自定义块属性
字体名称错误 | Fix the font name of隶书
in the custom block attributecustom-font-family
- v0.4.3 ... v0.4.4
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 调整弹出菜单分隔线样式 | Adjust the style of the separator of the pop-up menu.
- 添加 SuperMemo URL Scheme(
) 图标 | Add the SuperMemo URL Scheme(sm:
) icon. - 调整上方菜单栏与下方菜单栏的背景颜色 | Adjust the background color of the top menu bar and the bottom menu bar.
- 更新文档图片 | Update the document image.
- 文档新增快捷键表格与自定义块属性表格 | A new shortcut table and a custom block attribute table have been added to the document.
- v0.4.2 ... v0.4.3
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 调整搜索结果原文的高亮样式 | Adjust the highlight style of the original text of the search results.
- 更改自定义配置文件覆盖默认配置文件方案为递归覆盖 | Change the custom configuration file override the default configuration file solution to recursive overrides.
- 隔离不同应用的配置 | Isolate configurations for different apps.
- 修复列表转换为表格宽度异常问题 | Fixed an issue where the list was converted to table width exception.
- 为已完成任务列表项添加删除线 | Add strikethroughs to completed task list items.
- 统一标记样式在编辑器与导出预览的背景颜色 | Uniform the background color of mark in the editor and export preview panel.
- 调整删除线样式颜色 | Adjust the strikethrough style color.
- v0.4.1 ... v0.4.2
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 重构使用 URL 参数
跳转到指定块 | The refactoring of using the URL parameterid
to jump to the specified block. - 修复使用 URL 参数
跳转到指定块 | Fix the issue of using the URL parameterid
to jump to the specified block. - 移除失效的列表辅助线 | Removes the stale list guide.
- 修复使用超链接设置块属性无法解析非 ASCII 字符问题 | Fixed an issue where using hyperlinks to set block attributes could not parse non-ASCII characters.
- 添加护眼配色色卡(起点背景颜色) | Add eye-care color palette (Qidian background color).
- 调整搜索结果高亮字段样式 | Adjust the search result highlight field style.
- 移除失效的对代码块语言标签频闪问题的修复 | Remove a broken fix for strobe issues with language labels in code blocks.
- v0.4.0 ... v0.4.1
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 设置更细粒度的功能开关 | Set more fine-grained function switches.
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + C 复制当前文档 markdown 全文至剪贴板 | Use the shortcut keys Shift + Alt + C to copy the full markdown text of the current document to the clipboard.
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + X 剪切当前文档 markdown 全文至剪贴板 | Use the shortcut keys Shift + Alt + X to cut the full markdown text of the current document to the clipboard.
- 使用快捷键 Shift + Alt + D 删除当前文档全部内容 | Use the shortcut keys Shift + Alt + D to delete the full content of the current documen.
- 添加图片元素的阴影 | Adds a shadow of a picture element.
- 优化列表转表格功能 | Optimized the list to table function.
- v0.3.8 ... v0.4.0
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 更换公式编号默认样式 | Replace the formula numbering default style.
- 修复表格宽度自适应样式 | Fixed the table width adaptive style.
- 使用文档块的自定义属性
取消指定文档的子标题自动编号 | Use the custom attribute of the document blockcustom-auto-num-h="0"
to unspecify the automatic numbering of Subheading. - 使用文档块自定义属性
设置图片自动编号 | Use the document block custom attributecustom-auto-num-f
to set the picture autonumbering.图
- 使用文档块自定义属性
设置表格自动编号 | Use the document block custom attributecustom-auto-num-t
to set the table autonumbering.表
- 使用文档块自定义属性
设置自定义背景图片 | Use the document block custom attributecustom-background
to set the custom background image. - 自定义样式属性可以设置为多个值(使用空格分隔) | Custom style properties can be set to multiple values (separated by spaces).
- 使用自定义属性
设置块标题 | Use the custom attributecustom-title
to set the block title. - 使用文档块自定义属性
设置块渲染样式 | Use the custom attribute of document blockcustom-render
to set the block rendering style.id
: 渲染每个块的块 ID | Renders the ID of each block.outline
: 渲染鼠标悬浮的块的轮廓 | Renders the outline of a hovering block.
- 使用快捷键 Ctrl + F5 重新加载整个窗口 | Use the hot key Ctrl + F5 to reload the entire window.
- 使用快捷键 Ctrl + 鼠标左键 单击 Iframe 块或挂件块重新加载块内容 | Use the hot keys Ctrl + Left Mouse Button click the iframe block or the widget block to reload the block contents.
- 修复嵌入块背景颜色失效问题 | Fixed the issue where the background color of the embedded block does not work.
- 高亮鼠标悬浮的表格行 | Highlight the table row under the mouse.
- v0.3.7 ... v0.3.8
- 修复特定文档名颜色渲染问题 | Fixed color rendering issue for specific document names.
- 修复列表内引用块辅助线错位问题 | Fixed the issue of misalignment of reference block guides in the list.
- v0.3.6 ... v0.3.7
- 修复列表渲染为表格样式 | Fixed list rendering to table style.
- 添加各式图标折叠时的样式 | Adds a style for various icons when collapsed.
- 调整部分样式 | Adjust some of the styles.
- 列表相对于段落调整为
缩进 | The list is adjusted to a2em
indentation relative to the paragraph. - 修复列表中的标题项对列表辅助线的干扰问题 | Fixed an issue where the header item in the list interfered with the list guides.
- v0.3.5 ... v0.3.6
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 使用快捷键 Ctrl + 鼠标中键 单击视频块将当前时间戳写入剪贴板 | Use the shortcut keys Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button click the video block to write the current timestamp to the clipboard.
- 添加时间戳超链接图标 | Add a timestamp hyperlink icon.
- v0.3.4 ... v0.3.5
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.css
. - 将文件引用路径更改为绝对路径 | Change the file reference path to an absolute path.
- 为移动端背景图片添加半透明蒙版 | Add a translucent mask to the mobile background image.
- 使用自定义块属性
设置滚动弹幕块样式 | Use the custom block attributecustom-type
to set the scrolling danmaku block style. - 钉住的标签页全部显示 | The pinned tabs are all displayed.
- 添加公式编号位置设置选项
| Adds formula numbering position setting options-custom-math-tag-position
: 公式过长时会被遮挡 | Formulas can be obscured when they are too long.relative
: 公式过长时需要滑动滚动条才能看到编号 | Formulas that are too long require sliding the scroll bar to see.
- 使用自定义块属性
设置列表辅助线 | Use the custom block attributecustom-type
:<Any value>
to set the list guides. - 超级块鼠标悬浮时显示轮廓 | Displays an outline when the superblock is hovered.
- 使用自定义块属性
设置表格宽度自动跟随文档宽度 | Use the custom block attributecustom-table-width
to set the table width automatically follows the document width.
- v0.3.3 ... v0.3.4
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 使用快捷键 Ctrl + 鼠标中键 设置自定义块属性 | Use the shortcut keys Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button to set custom block properties.
- 视频时间戳更改为通过 API 查询块属性 | The video timestamp changes to query the block attributes through the API.
- v0.3.2 ... v0.3.3
- 配置文件
有变更 | There are changes to the configuration fileconfig.js
. - 视频/音频跳转到指定时间点 | The video/audio jumps to the specified point in time.
- v0.3.1 ... v0.3.2
- 移除 Query 功能(可使用挂件 Query 实现) | Remove the Query feature (This can be implemented using widget Query).
- v0.3.0 ... v0.3.1
- 使用自定义属性
的 SQL 代码块从思源数据库中进行查询并将查询结果在其下方渲染为表格 | Use the sql code block of the custom attributetype
to query from the siyuan database and render the query results below the code block as a table.- 默认快捷键为 Ctrl + F2 | The default shortcut key is Ctrl + F2.
- 将渲染自定义块属性指定的样式的默认快捷键更改为 Ctrl + F1 | Changes the default shortcut key for rendering the style specified by the custom block attribute to Ctrl + F1.
- 添加错误捕获与弹窗提示 | Added error capture with pop-up hints.
- 配置文件中添加查询结果对齐样式与渲染内容处理方法 | Adds query result alignment styles and rendered content handling methods to the configuration file.
- 修复空白子标题块光标位置错误 | Fixed the cursor position error of blank subheading block.
- 补充遗漏的块类型 | Supplement the missing block type.
- v0.2.0 ... v0.3.0
- 编辑区内边距固定为自定义值 | The padding of editor pannel are fixed to custom values.
- 修复文档树标题颜色模块引用问题 | Fixed an issue with document tree title color module references.
- 使用自定义块属性渲染块样式 | Use custom block attributes to render the block style.
- 添加块自定义属性样式 | Add block custom attribute styles.
: 字体 | font.writing-mode
: 文本排版模式 | Text layout mode.
- 使用文件
中的配置 | Use file/widgets/custom.js
to overwrite the configuration in file/appearance/themes/Dark+/script/module/config.js
. - 使用快捷键 F1 渲染自定义块属性指定的样式 | Use the hot key F1 to render the style specified by the custom block attribute.
- 使用 URL 参数
跳转到指定的块 | Use the URL parameterid
to jump to the specified block. - 移除废弃的
方法 | Remove theMouseEvent.initMouseEvent()
deprecated method. - 添加连接到静态目录的链接图标 | Add link icons that connect to a static directory.
: 资源文件目录 | Asset file directorydata/**/assets/
: 表情文件目录 | Emoji file directorydata/emojis/
: 挂件文件目录 | Widget file directorydata/widgets/
: 外观文件目录 | Appearance file directoryconf/appearance/
: 导出文件目录 | Export file directorytemp/export/
- 添加连接到资源文件夹内常见文件的链接图标 | Adds link icons that connect to common files within the assets folder.
- Word
- PowerPoint
- Excel
- Image
- Audio
- Video
- 修复列表项内的多个块级元素中含有列表时高亮辅助线不显示问题 | Fixed an issue where highlighted guides were not displayed when multiple block-level elements within a list item contained lists.
- 将
| Normalize:before
. - 添加滴答清单 URL Scheme 图标 | Add ticktick list URL Scheme icon.
- 添加侧边面板条目显示选项(过长条目自动换行显示) | Add side panel item display options (word wrap display).
- 新增脚本加载函数
| New script load functionaddScript
- 修复列表项内具有多个块级元素时高亮辅助线不显示问题 | Fixed an issue where highlighted guides were not displayed when there were multiple block-level elements within a list item.
- 修复多行列表项的辅助线渲染错误 | Fixed a guide rendering error for multi-line list items.
- 修复列表项内标题块与嵌入块辅助线错误问题 | Fixed an issue where header blocks and embedded block guides within list items were incorrect.
- 添加列表当前行辅助线 | Adds a guide to the current row of the list.
- 调整列表辅助线 | Adjust the list guides line.
- 重命名
| Rename/style/module/indent.css
. - 修复行内代码背景颜色 | Fixed inline code background color.
- 列表辅助线随字号自动调整 | List guides automatically adjust with the font size.
- 修复文档树色彩渲染 | Fixed document tree color rendering.
- 添加悬浮预览窗口最小高度设置选项 | Adds the Option to set the minimum height of the hover preview window.
- 添加更多可自定义的变量 | Add more customizable variables.
- 导出预览模式添加半透明背景色 | Export preview mode adds a translucent background color.
- 添加 Quicker URL Scheme 图标 | Add the Quicker URL Scheme icon.
- 修复文档树色彩渲染 | Fixed document tree color rendering.
- 添加基于超链接的行内备注图标 | Adds a hyperlink-based inline comment icon.
- 提高超链接图标中 URL Scheme 的优先级 | Increase the priority of the URL Scheme in the hyperlink icon.
- 添加表标题与图标题自动编号功能 | Added auto-numbering feature of table titles and figure titles.
- 添加 joplin URL Scheme 图标 | Add the joplin USL Scheme icon.
- 调整 iframe 背景颜色为半透明 | Adjust the iframe background color to translucent.
- 修复标题自动编号重复计数 | Fixed title auto-numbering duplicate count.
- 调整默认的
| Adjust the default--b3-border-color
color to--b3-scroll-color
. - 将水平分隔线调整为双实线 | Adjust the horizontal divider line to a double solid line.
- 添加
属性用于在非默认字号下手动调整列表缩进辅助线的位置 | Added the-custom-list-guides-distance-compensation
attribute to manually adjust the position of list indentation guides under non-default font sizes. - 调整标题空行光标位置 | Adjusts the position of the header blank line cursor.
- 移除列表中标题块的自动编号功能 | Removes the auto-numbering feature for title blocks in the list.
- 将自定义配置文件添加到
末尾以获得更高优先级 | Add a custom profile to the end oftheme.css
for higher priority.
- 修复悬浮预览窗口无法拖动的问题 | Fixed an issue where the hover preview window could not be dragged.
- 修复窗口周围白色边框问题 | Fixed an issue with white borders around windows.
- 高亮聚焦的侧边功能面板的标题栏 | Highlight the title bar of the focused side feature panel.
- 令
中对应的默认配置 | Cause the custom configuration field in filedata/widgets/custom.css
to override the default configuration in fileconf/appearance/themes/Dark+/style/module/config.css
. - 完善配置选项示例 | Refine the configuration options for examples.
- 将所有模块的引用 URL 设置为相对根目录路径 | Set the reference URL of all modules to a relative root path.
- 根据文档名在文档树中显示不同颜色 | Displays different colors in the document tree based on the document name.
- 导入
字体 | Import theseguiemj.ttf
font. - 更改空白页面动画, 使其更平滑 | Change the blank page animation to make it smoother.
- 在配置页面中添加标题标号的缩放大小变量 | Adds a scaling size variable for the title label in the configuration page.
- 悬浮搜索菜单背景颜色设置为半透明 | The hover search menu background is set to translucent
- 调整搜索菜单的最大宽度 | Adjust the maximum width of the search menu.
- 修复超链接图标显示问题 | Fixed hyperlink icon display issue.
- 调整空行提示文字 | Adjust the blank line prompt text.
- 项目初始化 | Project initialization.