Update exa/_version.py
and meta.yaml
version numbers.
Push changes to your repository (fork).
git add -A
git commit -m "message"
git push
Make a pull request (PR). Once accepted the organization will be tag a new release.
git tag -a X.X.X -m "message"
git push --tags
rm -r dist/*
Publish to TestPyPI
_ (~/.pypirc required).
This requires wheel
and twine
to be installed.
python setup.py sdist #python setup.py bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
The variable which
refers to the alias for the testing or production
repository listed in ~/.pypirc.
Publish to the exa-analytics
_ channel on Anaconda Cloud
This requires that the package hase been released on PyPI
This requires the anaconda package conda-build
and anaconda-client
(run anaconda login
It is convenient to use a .condarc
file to add the conda-forge
since some auxiliary packages come from there.
Note that to test a build, set uploading to false (anaconda_upload: false in .condarc) and
in the meta.yaml source change the url to git_url: ./
conda build . # conda build . --output to see location
# For other python version, conda build --python x.x
conda convert -f --platform all /path/to/conda-bld/pltfrm/exa-...tar.bz2 -o /path/to/outputdir/
anaconda upload /path/to/build/build.tar.bz2 # For each build