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gillerr edited this page May 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the CovidCode-UI wiki!

CovidCode UI


This documentation describes the CovidCode-UI and its purpose.

The CovidCode-UI is part of the frontend system of the proximity tracing app. The PT-app has a main data backend as well as an authorization code generation backend with an associated user interface (this UI).
Physicians can use the UI to generate a 12-digit authorization code for their infected patients. A patient can enter the code in his app to notify other app users, who were close enough for a possible transmission of the virus in the past few days since the first symptoms of the infection occurred.
The 12-digit authorization code serves as security to ensure no other person than the infected patient can notify other app users.


Clone the repository with the provided github-url or download zip-File and make an import into your favorite IDE. Download all dependencies by running npm ci. Make sure in advance that all required tooling are install, e.g. NPM 10+, Angular CLI and CovidCode-Service (

Running the Application

To start the UI run npm start and open your favorite browser on localhost:4200.

How it works

The UI is composed of 2 views:

  • home
  • generate-code


This is the default page, meaning unknown routes as well as no route at all will redirect here. It only provides some help and a login button. The login button is actually a simple link to the generate-code page that is protected by an Angular guard. The link will redirect to the login procedure if the current user is not yet logged in.


This page can only be accessed by logged in users with appropriate role. It only accepts a date between today and 4 weeks ago. Upon submitting a valid date, an authorization code to be communicated to the patient is displayed.

Technical Systems View


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