Create an alpine container and start an interactive shell
docker run -it alpine /bin/ash
Write a file to the container filesystem via the interactive shell
echo "`hostname` `date`" > demo.log
Read the file
cat demo.log
# Exit the container session
Remove the container and create new container
# Get the id of the container to delete
docker ps -a
# Remove the container
docker rm -f ad49430522e2
# Create a new version of the container
docker run -it alpine /bin/ash
Is the file there?
cat demo.log
Create a new volume
docker volume create demo
List the existing volumes
docker volume ls
Create a container and attach the volume
docker run -v demo:/containers101 -it alpine /bin/ash
Write a file to the container filesystem via the interactive shell
echo "`hostname` `date`" > /containers101/demo.log
Read the file
cat /containers101/demo.log
# Exit the container session
Remove the container and create new container
# Get the id of the container to delete
docker ps -a
# Remove the container
docker rm -f ad49430522e2
# Create a new version of the container
docker run -v demo:/containers101 -it alpine /bin/ash
Write a file to the container filesystem via the interactive shell
echo "`hostname` `date`" >> /containers101/demo.log
Read the file and notice that the new container hostname has been appended
cat /containers101/demo.log
Create another container in a separate terminal using the same volume
docker run -v demo:/containers101 -it alpine /bin/ash
Write a file to the container filesystem via the interactive shell
echo "`hostname` `date`" >> /containers101/demo.log
Read the file and notice that the new container hostname has been appended and both running containers can access the same volume
cat /containers101/demo.log