- Support for Android Gradle plugin 3.1.0.
- Updating default checkstyle version to 7.4.
- Adding support for
when using Gradle 3.4 or newer.
- Updating default checkstyle to version 7.3.
- Adding support for enabeling and disabling xml and html reports for checkstyle.
- Custom material designed HTML report for checkstyle. New report is used by default but you can still use old verion by setting
- Changing package name
- Removing notification section that was out of scope for this plugin.
- Fix for 2.2 plugin where test variants are pure application variants (by sschuberth)
- Support for test project fix (by sschuberth)
- Adding support for test project (by sschuberth)
- Do not explicitly depend on gradle android plugin
- Ignore failures for PMG and FindBugs (by sschuberth)
- XML reports for FindBugs (by sschuberth)
- Library support, for real this time :)
- Support for 1.4.0 android plugin
- Library support (by sschuberth)
- Fixed bug where findbugs and checkstyle reports were not uploaded if task failed.
- Findbugs now runs on all variants of the app.
- Fixed bugs where findbugs would not work if app had flavors.
- Default checkstyle version was set to 6.7 and can now be run against java 8 projects. You can also define which version of checkstyle to use via DSL
- Compatible with 1.3.0-beta1 android plugin
- Changing package name
- Changing dependencies to reduce plugin size
- Fixing and adding javadoc task
- Updating push to git remote task
- Adding support for uploading mapping file
- Change binary folder structure for uploaded files
- Adding support for unit report upload
- Fixing report path for 1.2.0+ Android gradle plugin
- Fixing afterAll task
- Plugin is renamed to Soter
- Refactor of whole plugin
- Check tasks can now be executed as standalone tasks
- Checkstyle task now performs checks on all non test source sets
- Multiple variants fix
- Support for deploying multiple variants
- Master job is not the last job started.
- Adding support for uploading code coverage
- Adding support for generating and uploading docs
- Refactoring after all feature
- Updating crashlytics deploy
- Adding support for crashlytics deploy
- Adding after all task
- Bug fixes
- Added option to push to another git remote
- Added task onDone that handles successful CI build
- Added task onFailed that handles unsuccessful CI build
- Abstracting deploy tasks
- Adding reading rights to uploaded reports
- Adding HipChat notifications support
- Extending DSL for findbugs plugin
- Adding support for uploading apks.
- Adding support for uploading test reports.
- Adding support for uploading device logs.
- Adding amazon s3 support
- Initial release