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Ajna Tests

Forge tests

Unit tests

  • validation tests:
make test
  • validation tests with gas report:
make test-with-gas-report
  • load tests with gas report
    NOTE: takes longer to execute, simulate pool with 2000 lenders and 8000 borrowers, using all buckets of the pool
make test-load

Regression tests

Regression tests are scenarios exposed by invariant testing and fixed by changing contracts or testing logic.

  • regression tests for both ERC20 and ERC721 Pool:
make test-regression-all
  • run a specific regression test:
make test-regression MT=<test_name>
  • regression tests for ERC20 Pool:
make test-regression-erc20
  • regression tests for ERC721 Pool:
make test-regression-erc721
  • regression tests for Position Manager:
make test-regression-position

Instruction to generate regression test from failing invariant sequence

  • copy the failing scenario steps from invariant failure in trace.log file in invariants dir
  • run python script
  • it will output regression test based on scenario steps
  • copy test in proper RegressionTest* test suite

Invariant tests


Invariant test scenarios can be externally configured by customizing following environment variables:

Variable Contract Type Default Description
NO_OF_ACTORS ERC20 ERC721 10 Max number of actors to interact with the pool
QUOTE_PRECISION ERC20 ERC721 18 Precision of token used as quote token
MIN_QUOTE_AMOUNT_ERC20 ERC20 1e3 The min amount of quote tokens that can be used in a single ERC20 pool action
MIN_QUOTE_AMOUNT_ERC721 ERC721 1e3 The min amount of quote tokens that can be used in a single ERC721 pool action
MAX_QUOTE_AMOUNT_ERC20 ERC20 1e30 The max amount of quote tokens that can be used in a single ERC20 pool action
MAX_QUOTE_AMOUNT_ERC721 ERC721 1e30 The max amount of quote tokens that can be used in a single ERC721 pool action
COLLATERAL_PRECISION ERC20 18 Precision of token used as colalteral token in ERC20 actions
MIN_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT_ERC20 ERC20 1e3 The min amount of collateral tokens that can be used in a single pool action
MIN_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT_ERC721 ERC721 1 The min amount of collateral tokens that can be used in a single ERC721 pool actions
MAX_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT_ERC20 ERC20 1e30 The max amount of collateral tokens that can be used in a single pool action
MAX_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT_ERC721 ERC721 100 The max amount of collateral tokens that can be used in a single ERC721 pool action
NO_OF_BUCKETS ERC20 ERC721 3 Number of buckets starting from BUCKET_INDEX_* to be used in pool actions
BUCKET_INDEX_ERC20 ERC20 2570 First bucket index to be used in ERC20 pool actions
BUCKET_INDEX_ERC721 ERC721 850 First bucket index to be used in ERC721 pool actions
MIN_DEBT_AMOUNT ERC20 ERC721 0 The min amount of debt that can be taken in a single pool action
MAX_DEBT_AMOUNT ERC20 ERC721 1e28 The max amount of debt that can be taken in a single pool action
MAX_POOL_DEBT ERC20 ERC721 1e45 The max amount of debt that can be taken from the pool. If debt goes above this amount, borrower debt will be repaid
SKIP_TIME ERC20 ERC721 24 hours The upper limit of time that can be skipped after a pool action (fuzzed)
SKIP_TIME_TO_KICK ERC20 ERC721 200 days The time to be skipped and drive a new loan undercollateralized. Use a big value to ensure a successful kick
NO_OF_POOLS Position 10 Number of pools to be used in position manager invariant testing
FOUNDRY_INVARIANT_RUNS ERC20 ERC721 10 The number of runs for each scenario
FOUNDRY_INVARIANT_DEPTH ERC20 ERC721 200 The number of actions performed in each scenario

Details to log

0 = No Logs

1 = pool State

2 = pool State, Auctions details

3 = pool State, Auctions details , Buckets details

4 = pool State, Auctions details , Buckets details, Lender details

5 = pool State, Auctions details , Buckets details, Lender details, Borrower details

Note - Log File with name logFile.txt will be generated in project directory


Details to log

0 = No Logs

1 = positionManager details

Note - Log File with name logFile.txt will be generated in project directory

Invariant names

The <invariant_name> placeholder in commands below could take following values:

Invariant Name

Custom Scenarios

Custom scenario configurations are defined in scenarios directory in scenario-<custom-pool>.sh files. For running a custom scenario

make test-invariant MT=<invariant_name> SCENARIO=<custom-pool>

For example, to test all invariants for the active pool scenario (with actions happening every 5 minutes, defined by SKIP_TIME):

make test-invariant MT=invariant SCENARIO=active-pool

To test all invariants for a pool with reduced usage (actions happening once in a 24 hours interval, defined by SKIP_TIME):

make test-invariant MT=invariant SCENARIO=inactive-pool

To test all invariants for a pool with more depth (Time skip after kick actions are 0 and SKIP_TIME between actions is maximum 5 mins):

make test-invariant MT=invariant SCENARIO=no-skip

To test all invariants (lend/borrow, liquidations and reserve auctions) for a real-world like pool simulation:

make test-rw-simulation-erc20 SCENARIO=<rw-scenario>
make test-rw-simulation-erc721 SCENARIO=<rw-scenario>

where <rw-scenario> is the configured setup (two sample provided as rw-1 and rw-2). Real-time pool statistics are written in logfile.txt

To test invariants for an ERC20 auctioned pool with 200 lenders and 500 borrowers:

make test-liquidations-load-erc20 SCENARIO=panic-exit

or for ERC721 pool:

make test-liquidations-load-erc721 SCENARIO=panic-exit

To test invariants for swapping quote for colalteral in an ERC20 pool with 200 lenders and 500 borrowers:

make test-swap-load-erc20 SCENARIO=trading-pool


  • run all invariant tests for both ERC20 and ERC721 pools:
make test-invariant-all
  • run all invariant tests for ERC20 pool:
make test-invariant-erc20
  • run all invariant tests for ERC721 pool:
make test-invariant-erc721
  • run all invariant tests for Position Manager with ERC20Pool:
make test-invariant-position-erc20
  • run all invariant tests for Position Manager with ERC721Pool:
make test-invariant-position-erc721
  • run specific invariant test for both ERC20 and ERC721 pools:
make test-invariant MT=<invariant_name>
  • run ERC20 pool invariant tests for specific quote and collateral token precision, default values (18, 18):
make test-invariant-erc20 QUOTE_PRECISION=<quote_precision> COLLATERAL_PRECISION=<collateral_precision>
  • run ERC721 pool invariant tests for specific quote token precision, default value(18):
make test-invariant-erc721 QUOTE_PRECISION=<quote_precision>
  • run ERC20 pool invariant tests for most popular token precision combinations(6, 8 and 18):
make test-invariant-erc20-precision
  • run ERC721 pool invariant tests for most popular token precision(6, 8 and 18):
make test-invariant-erc721-precision
  • run ERC20 pool invariant tests for multiple bucket ranges:
make test-invariant-erc20-buckets
  • run ERC721 pool invariant tests for multiple bucket ranges:
make test-invariant-erc721-buckets
  • run Position manager with ERC20 pool invariant tests for most popular token precision combinations(6, 8 and 18):
make test-invariant-position-erc20-precision
  • run Position manager with ERC721 pool invariant tests for most popular token precision(6, 8 and 18):
make test-invariant-position-erc721-precision

Code coverage:

make coverage

Brownie tests

  • run integration tests:
brownie test
  • to view stdout on long-running tests, use brownie test -s.

Debugging Brownie integration tests

  • to drop into the console upon test failure:
brownie test --interactive
  • From there, you can pull the last transaction using tx=history[-1], followed by to debug.