- java 1.8
- secure coreOS with firewall, see http://www.snip2code.com/Snippet/55413/Secure-iptables-configuration-for-coreos
- remove nginx from setup
- contact page
- link to home page
- find why fleet unit file does noot work
- backups
======================================================================== https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/coreos-user/3IqQBmtTuW4 So there is should be an iptables script in place (in /usr/lib/systemd/system). I notice that it's not there. The spot it loads it's rules from is /var/lib/iptables/rules-save and the actual systemd unit is as follows:
[Unit] Description=iptables DefaultDependencies=false
[Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/sbin/iptables-restore /var/lib/iptables/rules-save
- rss / atom
- MINOR implement tags
- MINOR in session management, store user id instead of username
- caching of index page and sub pages (NO, that garbles the change on logged in state!!)
- check out google fast web app recommendations
- MINOR html compress, asset uglify, cache assets
- MINOR fix that ignored crap, test whether date can be overwritten
- install blog somewhere in production, start to write posts
- https in form submit in production mode: <form action="https:@(play.Play.application().configuration().getString("application.baseUrl"))@(routes.Application.login)" method="POST">
koeb.me/about koeb.me/contact koeb.me/blog koeb.me/intern ++ blocked for robots through robots.txt, http base auth, login required
- manage website (and those links as well)
- manage blog posts
- additional features:
- koeb.me/intern/notes (manage notes)
- koeb.me/intern/projects (manage projects: clients, time, invoices) ** calendar and addressbook ... ??
- basic CMS system ** HTML snippets as elements in basic CMS ** tags to include those snippets in an html page ** include via ajax or statically?
- plugin system for notes, blog, and my project management stuff
install play, new app koeb.me
CRUD for posts, a post contains of: ** a title ** a post text ** a optional teaser (short text) ** create date ** later: tags ** later: update tags?
CRUD for pages, including ** dynamic data-driven routing ** URL pattern (route) ** static autogenerated link-id for internal linking ** layout template ... ?? (needed?) ** subtemplates (?? ... needed?) ** which dynamic and static data-resources are used?
add cache for parsed html pages and resources.
controler to deliver page from cache or db or static, depending on dynamic route and page entry.
plugin system
- dynamic, data-driven with CRUD
- compiled and cached to be fast
- static content also compiled in
- method to recompile and refresh cache
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19556028/play-framework-2-1-3-function-that-will-render-scala-template-with-given-paramet
- Content negotiation
- do not submit html, but simple json
- client side templating
- meteor??
- CRUD for notes
- tag to show notes
- change notes so they can be published.
- later
- a/b testing
- user metrics, clickstreams, etc
- block suspicious users/IPs according to defined patterns
- fast
- dynamic linking between pages
- no static files in filesystem
- horizontally scalable
- everything except code is data driven
- hooks for metrics
- task queue for decoupling
- collect Links (like synchronized bookmarks)