If using Linux
with Intel processors, you can skip the conda
step and directly to Setting ACPYPE. Otherwise:
For Linux
(Ubuntu 20 recommended) and macOS
. Anyway, CONDA
is strongly recommended.
Also recommended is GPG key, so do accordingly in GitHub.
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
conda create -n acpype python=3.9 ambertools openbabel ocl-icd-system ipython gromacs=2019.1 -y
# ocl-icd-system: case you have GPU
conda activate acpype
git clone https://github.com/alanwilter/acpype.git
cd acpype
poetry install
pre-commit install
pre-commit run -a
sys=$(perl -e '`uname` eq "Darwin\n" ? print "macos" : print "linux"')
cp ./acpype/amber_${sys}/bin/charmmgen $(dirname $(which antechamber))
git config user.email _email_ # as seen in 'gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long'
git config user.signingkey _singing_key_ # as seen in 'gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long'
git config commit.gpgsign true
pytest --cov=tests --cov=acpype --cov-report=term-missing:skip-covered --cov-report=xml
If using VSCode
(Workspace recommended):"git.enableCommitSigning": true,
nuisance, if using its graphic buttons for commit etc.: its environment won't necessarily recognise the dependencies installed viapoetry
environment namedacpype
(unless you have startedVSCode
from folder repository with commandcode .
). To avoid troubles do:conda deactivate poetry install # it will create its own virtualenv
You could use this
poetry virtualenv
as thePython Interpreter
, howeverambertools
won't be available (unless you've had installed them system wide by other means rather thanconda
). To avoid further troubles, go back toconda activate acpype
and remember to do the instructions above if you add new dependencies to the project viapoetry
Using Sphinx with theme from pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
Online documentation provided by Read the Docs.
To test it locally:
cd docs/
make clean
make html
Then open _build/html/index.html
in a browser.