The below sequence diagram shows a detailed (contains all implementation details) sample software lifecycle, where:
- a repository maintainer initially installs the application, triggering an initial backfill
- a user later posts a new issue, triggering a comment from issuedigger
- another user (in this example, the maintainer) comments in that same issue thread. The new comment will contribute to that issue's embedding
- to see if new comments on an issue shifted similarities enough to bring forth new
results, one can comment
@issuedigger dig
- the app can be uninstalled anytime (either by removing it from one's account entirely, or revoking access to specific repositores), triggering a wipe of all stored data. This is a destructive action, and later reinstallation (possible anytime) might not restore all data (due to aforementioned GitHub API request limits)
actor M as Maintainer
actor U as User
participant ID as issuedigger (GitHub App)
participant GH as GitHub Repo
participant CFW as Cloudflare Worker
participant CFQ as Cloudflare Queue
participant CFWAI as Cloudflare Workers AI
participant CFV as Cloudflare Vectorize
participant CFDO as Cloudflare Durable Object
participant CFKV as Cloudflare KV
M->>ID: Visit page and install
ID->>GH: Is granted access to
ID->>CFW: Installation webhook fires
CFW->>CFQ: Submit work
Note over CFQ, CFW: Same Worker is both<br/>producer and consumer.<br/>Every webhook goes through<br/>the Queue.<br/>(Only shown once for simplicity)
CFQ->>CFW: Dispatch work
CFW->>GH: Fetch past items
Note over CFW, GH: via REST API
GH->>CFW: Items
loop Per item
CFW->>CFDO: Acquire "lock" for issue
Note over CFW, CFDO: Serializing work per issue<br/>avoids "last writer wins"
CFW->>CFW: Split body into paragraphs
loop Per paragraph
CFW->>CFWAI: Generate embedding
alt Happy path
CFWAI->>CFW: Embedding
else Paragraph too long
CFW->>CFWAI: Generate summary
CFWAI->>CFW: Summary
CFW->>CFWAI: Generate embedding
CFWAI->>CFW: Embedding
CFW->>CFW: Compute mean of all paragraph vectors
CFW->>CFV: Store vector under issue number
CFW->>CFKV: Store vector ID (for bookkeeping only)
alt Exists
Note over CFW, CFV: For example, because item is comment
CFW->>CFW: Average with existing
CFW->>CFV: Store
CFW->>CFDO: Release issue lock
U->>GH: Opens new issue
ID->>CFW: "New issue" webhook fires
CFW->>CFWAI: Get embedding (see above for details)
CFWAI->>CFW: Embedding
CFW->>CFV: Query for similar embeddings
CFV->>CFW: Similar embeddings
CFW->>GH: Post comment<br/>about similar issues
CFW->>CFV: Store current embedding (see above for details)
M->>GH: Post comment
Note over M, GH: For example, suggesting solution
ID->>CFW: "New issue comment" webhook fires
CFW->>CFW: Index and store, averaging w/ existing vector<br/>(see above for details)
M->>M: I wonder if<br/>similarities changed now
M->>GH: Post `@issuedigger dig`
ID->>CFW: "New issue comment" webhook fires
Note over CFW: Indexing and storing skipped<br/>for app commands
CFW->>GH: Post comment<br/>about similar issues
Note over M: Had enough of this nonsense
M->>ID: Uninstall
ID->>CFW: "Uninstall" webhook fires
CFW->>CFKV: Query stored vector IDs for repo
CFKV->>CFW: Vector IDs associated with repo
loop Per ID
CFW->>CFV: Delete
CFW->>CFKV: Delete
Durable Objects are used as mutexes, in an attempt to serialize work on individual issues.
When two items of the same issue thread are processed concurrently (e.g. during backfilling, or if two comments are submitted simultaneously), we'd have last-writer-wins issues otherwise, losing data. Serialization by the introduction of a per-issue critical section alleviates this.
KV Storage is only needed for bookkeeping: when offboarding an installation, all related vectors need to be removed, but Vectorize can only be queried by exact IDs. KV with its prefix querying helps retrieve those exact IDs after the fact.
Generation of embeddings is pretty grug-brained. Splitting into paragraphs before processing might lose important context. For example,
Her shoes are red.␊ ␊ They taste like strawberry.
makes no sense if taken (embedded) as one unit. The resulting vector might be "semantically malformed". issuedigger instead embeds these separately, and averages the results. The resulting mean vector is likely quite different from the single embedding, leading to different results.
Paragraphs are embedded separately chiefly due to limitations in the used model, which maxes out at 512 input tokens (whatever that means in characters 🤷♀️). If possible, embedding issue (comment) bodies in one go would be wildly preferable.
If individual paragraphs are still overly long, a summarization is applied.
The used models and how issuedigger handles overly long input is likely the bottleneck to its usefulness. Available models are lightweight, with very fast inference, at the cost of power in other areas, workarounds to which issuedigger implements in simplistic, potentially even wrong ways!