All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.2 (2019-07-05)
0.2.1 (2019-07-05)
- package: update repo info (94da8be)
0.2.0 (2019-07-05)
- gulp: add gulp task's to build app (0876159)
- gulp: add task to copy readme file (d894005)
- package: add gulp-header package to modification main.bundle.js file (65f3442)
- package: add gulp-replace package to replace string file's (226faf8)
- package: change package name (7a7ef28)
- remove unused library (7ae65b4)
- input: add suport for undefinded input type (e2a2de7)
- input: check max and min characters in input (2269a6b)
- main: when user does not want to load default template app abort (4bf2108)
- template: when file not exist, load default template (6d5bff3)
- template: when template file not exist, ask the user if it should be loaded defauld template (78097b0)
0.1.6 (2019-05-31)
0.1.5 (2019-05-31)
0.1.4 (2019-05-31)
0.1.3 (2019-05-31)
0.1.2 (2019-05-31)
0.1.1 (2019-05-31)
- index: delate iife function and add normaln start function (6022fe0)
- template: change parametr name (fc15caf)
- template: update start and end string in footer and body line (b5f88cd)
- add new dependencies (5cdf538)
- add new dependencies (e890d57)
- package: add mock-fs dependencies to mockup fs (a089c80)
- package: add ora and rxjs modules (95a7d53)
- package: add script, test config and dependencies (becd27f)
- yarn: add yarn.lock file (284268a)
- yarn: update yarn.lock file (2bb2c90)
- index: add simple version of index file (494e863)
- index: run loadTemplate when app is started (77eed80)
- input: add function to read stdin (47d2757)
- input: add read in stdin a new question type - yes/no (07227c6)
- loadTemplate: add loadTemplate function (5d92830)
- logo: add logo printer function (3781954)
- main: add main function - to start app (3b58db2)
- main: print commit message and add question with execution Y/N (884b70a)
- models: add template type (1cced0f)
- tempalte: add new type - TemplateWithCommit (e9fd729)
- template: add example template (0f5391e)
- template: add new filed to example template (4c046d9)
- template: add new param to TemplateLine type definition (72a2b9d)
- template: add new template line (3d7457b)
- template: startString and endString in LineTempale are optional (10b3a65)
- input: add standard and select LineField mockup's (a5bf101)
- loadTemplate: add first test (8e433cd)
- loadTemplate: check that stream return correct data (5e62fba)
- loadTemplate: remove console.log (07afc1c)
- loadTemplate: remove unused import (4297aaf)
- logo: add logo test's (5608daf)
- template: add line fields mockup's (57a1231)
- template: add new input's to template file mockup (a2bab46)
- template: add template object mockup (eaaa084)