McCarthy’s memo MIT AIM-034, New eval function written 1962.^280, latest 6. March^281, is a late unswer on unsasisfying processing of functions as arguments, in “theoretic” as well as in “system” Lisp.
McCarthy introduces several changes in notation. As in memoes about computability theory, he used round parenthesis in meta-expressions instead of rectangular. He denotes parenthesis with arbitrary number of dots or commas. For example, ..) closes parenthesis (.. and also all other parenthesis opened between those two signs. In conditional expressions he writes t instead of T and thus conditional expressions are translated in the form of Lisp 1.5, i.e. (COND … (T …)) instead of (COND … ((QUOTE T) …)) as in “pure Lisp”.
For difference from “pure Lisp”, “system” or “augmented Lisp” stores symbol values in a property list. Expressions of “augmented Lisp” or E-expressions are built from atomic symbols and a pointer (orig. full word pointer), address in memory. Definition of E-expression is
- Atomic symbol is E-expression
- Pointer is E-expression
- if e_1 and e_2 are E-expressions then (e1 . e2) is also an E-expression.
Elementary function car and cdr are not defined for pointers.
Predicate /atom/[x] is true only for symbols, and false for all other E-expressions.
Predicate eq/[x;y] is true if all /x and y are same addresses in memory.
Predicate fullword/[x] is true iff /x is a pointer.
Function value/[x] is defined if and only if /x is a symbol. If x has a vlue v stored in a property list, then
/value/[x] = (VALUE . v).
McCarthy tried to write funciton eval which would enable usage of functions as arguments and was correct commputed reagrdless if values of symbols were given in an associative or a property list.
If e is a symbol, then eval searches for a value of e first in the property list, and if it is not found there then in the associative list a.
If e has form (fn arg_1 … arg_n) then the function fnval is defined first as a result of computing fn.
If fn is a function, then fnval is the address of a function in machine language (which is tested by condition fullword/[fnval]), a lambda- or a label-expression.Then /eval applies (by using app1) fnval over computed values of the arguments.
If fn is fexpr, then fnval has form (fx . FEXPR) where fx is an lambda- or label-expression. Then eval applies fx on a list (args a) where args=(arg_1 … arg_n).
For applying the function over a list, function app1/[f-nval;args;a] is used, similar to function /apply from Lisp 1.5 programmer’s manual. For the difference from apply, function app1 does not compute values of symbols in operator place automatically.
app1/[ /eval [fn; a]; args; a] = /apply/[fn; args; a].
This is how suggested eval looked like, using usual rectangle parantheses and somewhat shorter variable names:
/eval/[e; a] = [atom[e] → /search/[e; λ[[j]; [eq[car[j]; VALUE]]]; cadr; λ[[ ]; /assoc/[e; a]]]; t → prog/[[fnval]; /fnval = eval[car[e]; a] /return/[[fullword[fnval] ∨ eq[car[fnval]; LAMBDA] ∨ eq[car[fnval]; LABEL] → app1[fnval; maplist[cdr[e]; λ[[j]; eval[car[j]; a]]]]; a]; t→ app1[car[fnval]; list[cdr[e]; a]; a]]]]]
New function eval does not have special rules for computing of usage for basic functions car, cdr, cons, atom, eq, nor operators COND or QUOTE but searches for their values just like for any other function of fexprs.
Problem that was left was computing lambda- and label-expressions themselves, for example /eval/[(LAMBDA (X) X);a].
McCarthy wasn’t fond of using QUOTE or FUNCTION. Instead, he suggests that lambda- and label-expression should be autonymes, expressions that computes themselves. That stance is consistent: lambda-expressions are introduced into “imperative Lisp” for the purpose of avoiding the computing. McCarthy achieves that by defining LAMBDA and LABEL as fexprs. For example, value LAMBDA can be defined in a property list as
McCarty was still ignoring then already two and a half year old funarg problem. Lisp implementers didn’t accepted McCarthy’s suggestions.^282
280 McCarthy, A basis for a mathematical theory of computation, AIM-031, 1962., p. 1. 281 Norton, Some identities concerning function subst[x;y;z], AIM-037, 1962., p. 1. 282 McCarthy et al., LISP 1.5 Programmer’s manual, 1962., p. 70.