PySpicer is a toolchain of python utilities design to interact with LTSpice Electronic Simulator.
- An utility that extracts from LTSpice output files data, and formats it for import in a spreadsheet,s uch like Excel or Calc.
- A pure python class that serves to read raw files into a python class.
- A python script that uses numpy and matplotlib to create an histogram and calculate the sigma deviations. This is useful for Monte-Carlo analysis.
- This is a script to launch LTSpice Simulations. This is useful because:
- Can overcome the limitation of only stepping 3 parameters
- Different types of simulations .TRAN .AC .NOISE can be run in a single batch
- The RAW Files are smaller and easier to treat
- When used with the and, validattion of the circuit can be done automatically.
- Different models can be simulation in a single batch. The principle of operation is the following :
- Add to the Spice circuit a .INC sim_settings.lib . In this include simulation directives are written by the script per each simulation call.
- Use the python script to update the simulation directives and call LTSpice to run the simulation in command line.
- When the simulation is complete, the simulation results are renamed according to user guidance.
Note: It only works with Windows based installations.
pip install --upgrade PyLTSpice
git clone
If using this method it would be good to add the path where you cloned the site to python path.
import sys
sys.path.append(<path to PyLTSpice>)
Include the following line on your scripts
from PyLTSpice.LTSpiceRaw_Reader import LTSpiceRawRead
from matplotlib import plot
LTR = LTSpiceRawRead("Draft1.raw")
IR1 = LTR.get_trace("I(R1)")
x = LTR.get_trace(0) # Zero is always the X axis
steps = LT.get_steps()
for step in range(len(steps)):
# print(steps[step])
plt.plot(x.get_wave(step), IR1.get_wave(step), label=steps[step])
plt.legend() # order a legend.
from PyLTSpice.LTSpiceBatch import *
LTC = LTCommander("testfile.asc")
python -m PyLTSpice.LTSteps <logfile or directory where last simulation was made>
python -m PyLTSpice.Histogram
- Tools website :
- Repo owner : [email protected]
- Alternative contact : [email protected]
Version 0.6 now has an option to make the histogram directly from values stored in the clipboard
Version 0.5 The now uses the struc.unpack function for a faster execution
Version 0.4 Added to the collection of tools
Version 0.3 A version of LTSteps that can be imported to use in a higher level script
Version 0.2 Adding and
Version 0.1 First commit to the bitbucket repository.