Kiwi IRC has been translated to 26 different languages:
- Albanian
- Bosnian
- Catalan
- Čeština
- Deutsch
- English
- Español
- Español (Latino America)
- Français
- Galego
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Italiano
- Korean
- Македонски
- Nederlands
- Norsk
- Polski
- Português (Brasil)
- Română
- русский
- Srpski
- Türkçe
- Українська
- Tiếng Việt
- 中文 (繁體) (Simplified chinese)
Current translations are handled by the following (only listing translators willing to be publically mentioned):
- Norwegian - Olav Lindekleiv (
- Albanian - Besnik Bleta ([email protected])
- Ukrainian - Artem Polivanchuk ([email protected])
- Catalan - NeoMahler (
- Bosnian - Predsjednik ([email protected])
- Polish - Piotr Doroszewski (piotrekd at vivaldi dot net)
- Serbian - Stefan C. ([email protected])
- Galicia - Chema Casanova (
- Greek - Nikos Papakonstantinou ([email protected])