From: Prawo i pięść
Title: Nim wstanie dzień
By: Agnieszka Osiecka
Translated: Kornel Jankowski, Anna Kramarska, Michał Łazowik
SourceLang: pl
TargetLang: en
From here and from afar
and walks of mountain ash
where forests burned
and wind gave way to
battle cries
Where fields of crops untouched
Where fruit have rotten black
Day is nigh
Sunshine will welcome us to our land
and look as the blood-soa-ked fields
feed us again as they coat with rye's
golden dust
Women will open their door for us
and look, they will laugh through the tears
music will lead us into a dance
soon enough
a day, or two,
a night, or three,
but not now
a day, a night
they too shall pass
dawn will come
We'll light up the ovens to bake our bread
and look, where there's ashes and smoke
blossom will heal up the wounds of war
life will grow
Someday our children will shake their heads
and look, they will laugh that their folks
cling to the stories of long-gone storms,
times of woe