+ self.assertEqual(data["reply_to"], ["another@example.com"])
+ self.assertCountEqual(
+ data["headers"],
+ {"X-MyHeader": "my value"},
+ )
+ def test_html_message(self):
+ text_content = "This is an important message."
+ html_content = "This is an important message.
+ email = mail.EmailMultiAlternatives(
+ "Subject", text_content, "from@example.com", ["to@example.com"]
+ )
+ email.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
+ email.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(data["text"], text_content)
+ self.assertEqual(data["html"], html_content)
+ # Don't accidentally send the html part as an attachment:
+ self.assertNotIn("attachments", data)
+ def test_html_only_message(self):
+ html_content = "This is an important message.
+ email = mail.EmailMessage(
+ "Subject", html_content, "from@example.com", ["to@example.com"]
+ )
+ email.content_subtype = "html" # Main content is now text/html
+ email.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertNotIn("text", data)
+ self.assertEqual(data["html"], html_content)
+ def test_extra_headers(self):
+ self.message.extra_headers = {"X-Custom": "string", "X-Num": 123}
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ # header values must be strings (or they'll cause an "invalid literal" API error)
+ self.assertEqual(data["headers"], {"X-Custom": "string", "X-Num": "123"})
+ def test_extra_headers_serialization_error(self):
+ self.message.extra_headers = {"X-Custom": Decimal(12.5)}
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailSerializationError, "Decimal"):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_reply_to(self):
+ email = mail.EmailMessage(
+ "Subject",
+ "Body goes here",
+ "from@example.com",
+ ["to1@example.com"],
+ reply_to=["reply@example.com", "Other "],
+ )
+ email.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ data["reply_to"], ["reply@example.com", "Other "]
+ )
+ def test_attachments(self):
+ text_content = "* Item one\n* Item two\n* Item three"
+ self.message.attach(
+ filename="test.txt", content=text_content, mimetype="text/plain"
+ )
+ # Should guess mimetype if not provided...
+ png_content = b"PNG\xb4 pretend this is the contents of a png file"
+ self.message.attach(filename="test.png", content=png_content)
+ # Should work with a MIMEBase object (also tests no filename)...
+ pdf_content = b"PDF\xb4 pretend this is valid pdf data"
+ mimeattachment = MIMEBase("application", "pdf")
+ mimeattachment.set_payload(pdf_content)
+ self.message.attach(mimeattachment)
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ attachments = data["attachments"]
+ self.assertEqual(len(attachments), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(attachments[0]["filename"], "test.txt")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ decode_att(attachments[0]["content"]).decode("ascii"), text_content
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(attachments[1]["filename"], "test.png")
+ self.assertEqual(decode_att(attachments[1]["content"]), png_content)
+ # unnamed attachment given default name with correct extension for content type
+ self.assertEqual(attachments[2]["filename"], "attachment.pdf")
+ self.assertEqual(decode_att(attachments[2]["content"]), pdf_content)
+ def test_unicode_attachment_correctly_decoded(self):
+ self.message.attach(
+ "Une pièce jointe.html", "\u2019
", mimetype="text/html"
+ )
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ data["attachments"],
+ [
+ {
+ "filename": "Une pièce jointe.html",
+ "content": b64encode("\u2019
+ "ascii"
+ ),
+ }
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_embedded_images(self):
+ # Resend's API doesn't have a way to specify content-id
+ image_filename = SAMPLE_IMAGE_FILENAME
+ image_path = sample_image_path(image_filename)
+ cid = attach_inline_image_file(self.message, image_path) # Read from a png file
+ html_content = (
+ 'This has an
' % cid
+ )
+ self.message.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailUnsupportedFeature, "inline content-id"):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_attached_images(self):
+ image_filename = SAMPLE_IMAGE_FILENAME
+ image_path = sample_image_path(image_filename)
+ image_data = sample_image_content(image_filename)
+ # option 1: attach as a file
+ self.message.attach_file(image_path)
+ # option 2: construct the MIMEImage and attach it directly
+ image = MIMEImage(image_data)
+ self.message.attach(image)
+ image_data_b64 = b64encode(image_data).decode("ascii")
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ data["attachments"],
+ [
+ {
+ "filename": image_filename, # the named one
+ "content": image_data_b64,
+ },
+ {
+ # For unnamed attachments, Anymail constructs a default name
+ # based on the content_type:
+ "filename": "attachment.png",
+ "content": image_data_b64,
+ },
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_multiple_html_alternatives(self):
+ # Multiple alternatives not allowed
+ self.message.attach_alternative("First html is OK
", "text/html")
+ self.message.attach_alternative("But not second html
", "text/html")
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailUnsupportedFeature, "multiple html parts"):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_html_alternative(self):
+ # Only html alternatives allowed
+ self.message.attach_alternative("{'not': 'allowed'}", "application/json")
+ with self.assertRaises(AnymailUnsupportedFeature):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_alternatives_fail_silently(self):
+ # Make sure fail_silently is respected
+ self.message.attach_alternative("{'not': 'allowed'}", "application/json")
+ sent = self.message.send(fail_silently=True)
+ self.assert_esp_not_called("API should not be called when send fails silently")
+ self.assertEqual(sent, 0)
+ def test_suppress_empty_address_lists(self):
+ """Empty to, cc, bcc, and reply_to shouldn't generate empty fields"""
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertNotIn("cc", data)
+ self.assertNotIn("bcc", data)
+ self.assertNotIn("reply_to", data)
+ # Test empty `to`--but send requires at least one recipient somewhere (like cc)
+ self.message.to = []
+ self.message.cc = ["cc@example.com"]
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertNotIn("to", data)
+ def test_api_failure(self):
+ failure_response = {
+ "statusCode": 400,
+ "message": "API key is invalid",
+ "name": "validation_error",
+ }
+ self.set_mock_response(status_code=400, json_data=failure_response)
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(
+ AnymailAPIError, r"Resend API response 400"
+ ) as cm:
+ mail.send_mail("Subject", "Body", "from@example.com", ["to@example.com"])
+ self.assertIn("API key is invalid", str(cm.exception))
+ # Make sure fail_silently is respected
+ self.set_mock_response(status_code=422, json_data=failure_response)
+ sent = mail.send_mail(
+ "Subject",
+ "Body",
+ "from@example.com",
+ ["to@example.com"],
+ fail_silently=True,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(sent, 0)
+class ResendBackendAnymailFeatureTests(ResendBackendMockAPITestCase):
+ """Test backend support for Anymail added features"""
+ def test_envelope_sender(self):
+ self.message.envelope_sender = "anything@bounces.example.com"
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailUnsupportedFeature, "envelope_sender"):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_metadata(self):
+ self.message.metadata = {"user_id": "12345", "items": 6}
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ json.loads(data["headers"]["X-Metadata"]),
+ {"user_id": "12345", "items": 6},
+ )
+ def test_send_at(self):
+ self.message.send_at = 1651820889 # 2022-05-06 07:08:09 UTC
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailUnsupportedFeature, "send_at"):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_tags(self):
+ self.message.tags = ["receipt", "reorder test 12"]
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ json.loads(data["headers"]["X-Tags"]),
+ ["receipt", "reorder test 12"],
+ )
+ def test_headers_metadata_tags_interaction(self):
+ # Test three features that use custom headers don't clobber each other
+ self.message.extra_headers = {"X-Custom": "custom value"}
+ self.message.metadata = {"user_id": "12345"}
+ self.message.tags = ["receipt", "reorder test 12"]
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ data["headers"],
+ {
+ "X-Custom": "custom value",
+ "X-Tags": '["receipt", "reorder test 12"]',
+ "X-Metadata": '{"user_id": "12345"}',
+ },
+ )
+ def test_track_opens(self):
+ self.message.track_opens = True
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailUnsupportedFeature, "track_opens"):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_track_clicks(self):
+ self.message.track_clicks = True
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailUnsupportedFeature, "track_clicks"):
+ self.message.send()
+ def test_default_omits_options(self):
+ """Make sure by default we don't send any ESP-specific options.
+ Options not specified by the caller should be omitted entirely from
+ the API call (*not* sent as False or empty). This ensures
+ that your ESP account settings apply by default.
+ """
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertNotIn("headers", data)
+ self.assertNotIn("attachments", data)
+ self.assertNotIn("tags", data)
+ def test_esp_extra(self):
+ self.message.esp_extra = {
+ "tags": [{"name": "my_tag", "value": "my_tag_value"}],
+ }
+ self.message.send()
+ data = self.get_api_call_json()
+ self.assertEqual(data["tags"], [{"name": "my_tag", "value": "my_tag_value"}])
+ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+ def test_send_attaches_anymail_status(self):
+ """The anymail_status should be attached to the message when it is sent"""
+ msg = mail.EmailMessage(
+ "Subject",
+ "Message",
+ "from@example.com",
+ ["Recipient "],
+ )
+ sent = msg.send()
+ self.assertEqual(sent, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(msg.anymail_status.status, {"queued"})
+ self.assertEqual(
+ msg.anymail_status.message_id, "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ msg.anymail_status.recipients["to1@example.com"].status, "queued"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ msg.anymail_status.recipients["to1@example.com"].message_id,
+ "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ msg.anymail_status.esp_response.content, self.DEFAULT_RAW_RESPONSE
+ )
+ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+ def test_send_failed_anymail_status(self):
+ """If the send fails, anymail_status should contain initial values"""
+ self.set_mock_response(status_code=500)
+ sent = self.message.send(fail_silently=True)
+ self.assertEqual(sent, 0)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.message.anymail_status.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.message.anymail_status.message_id)
+ self.assertEqual(self.message.anymail_status.recipients, {})
+ self.assertIsNone(self.message.anymail_status.esp_response)
+ # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+ def test_send_unparsable_response(self):
+ """
+ If the send succeeds, but a non-JSON API response, should raise an API exception
+ """
+ mock_response = self.set_mock_response(
+ status_code=200, raw=b"yikes, this isn't a real response"
+ )
+ with self.assertRaises(AnymailAPIError):
+ self.message.send()
+ self.assertIsNone(self.message.anymail_status.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.message.anymail_status.message_id)
+ self.assertEqual(self.message.anymail_status.recipients, {})
+ self.assertEqual(self.message.anymail_status.esp_response, mock_response)
+ def test_json_serialization_errors(self):
+ """Try to provide more information about non-json-serializable data"""
+ self.message.metadata = {"price": Decimal("19.99")} # yeah, don't do this
+ with self.assertRaises(AnymailSerializationError) as cm:
+ self.message.send()
+ print(self.get_api_call_json())
+ err = cm.exception
+ self.assertIsInstance(err, TypeError) # compatibility with json.dumps
+ # our added context:
+ self.assertIn("Don't know how to send this data to Resend", str(err))
+ # original message:
+ self.assertRegex(str(err), r"Decimal.*is not JSON serializable")
+class ResendBackendRecipientsRefusedTests(ResendBackendMockAPITestCase):
+ # Resend doesn't check email bounce or complaint lists at time of send --
+ # it always just queues the message. You'll need to listen for the "rejected"
+ # and "failed" events to detect refused recipients.
+ pass
+class ResendBackendSessionSharingTestCase(
+ SessionSharingTestCases, ResendBackendMockAPITestCase
+ """Requests session sharing tests"""
+ pass # tests are defined in SessionSharingTestCases
+class ResendBackendImproperlyConfiguredTests(AnymailTestMixin, SimpleTestCase):
+ """Test ESP backend without required settings in place"""
+ def test_missing_api_key(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured) as cm:
+ mail.send_mail("Subject", "Message", "from@example.com", ["to@example.com"])
+ errmsg = str(cm.exception)
+ self.assertRegex(errmsg, r"\bRESEND_API_KEY\b")
+ self.assertRegex(errmsg, r"\bANYMAIL_RESEND_API_KEY\b")
diff --git a/tests/test_resend_integration.py b/tests/test_resend_integration.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..777993a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_resend_integration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+from email.utils import formataddr
+from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings, tag
+from anymail.exceptions import AnymailAPIError
+from anymail.message import AnymailMessage
+from .utils import AnymailTestMixin
+@tag("resend", "live")
+ "environment variables to run Resend integration tests",
+ EMAIL_BACKEND="anymail.backends.resend.EmailBackend",
+class ResendBackendIntegrationTests(AnymailTestMixin, SimpleTestCase):
+ """Resend.com API integration tests
+ Resend doesn't have sandbox so these tests run
+ against the **live** Resend API, using the
+ environment variable `ANYMAIL_TEST_RESEND_API_KEY` as the API key,
+ and `ANYMAIL_TEST_RESEND_DOMAIN` to construct sender addresses.
+ If those variables are not set, these tests won't run.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super().setUp()
+ self.from_email = "from@%s" % ANYMAIL_TEST_RESEND_DOMAIN
+ self.message = AnymailMessage(
+ "Anymail Resend integration test",
+ "Text content",
+ self.from_email,
+ ["test+to1@anymail.dev"],
+ )
+ self.message.attach_alternative("HTML content
", "text/html")
+ def test_simple_send(self):
+ # Example of getting the Resend message id from the message
+ sent_count = self.message.send()
+ self.assertEqual(sent_count, 1)
+ anymail_status = self.message.anymail_status
+ sent_status = anymail_status.recipients["test+to1@anymail.dev"].status
+ message_id = anymail_status.recipients["test+to1@anymail.dev"].message_id
+ self.assertEqual(sent_status, "queued") # Resend always queues
+ self.assertGreater(len(message_id), 0) # non-empty string
+ # set of all recipient statuses:
+ self.assertEqual(anymail_status.status, {sent_status})
+ self.assertEqual(anymail_status.message_id, message_id)
+ def test_all_options(self):
+ message = AnymailMessage(
+ subject="Anymail Resend all-options integration test",
+ body="This is the text body",
+ # Verify workarounds for address formatting issues:
+ from_email=formataddr(("Test «Från», med komma", self.from_email)),
+ to=["test+to1@anymail.dev", '"Recipient 2, OK?" '],
+ cc=["test+cc1@anymail.dev", "Copy 2 "],
+ bcc=["test+bcc1@anymail.dev", "Blind Copy 2 "],
+ reply_to=['"Reply, with comma" ', "reply2@example.com"],
+ headers={"X-Anymail-Test": "value", "X-Anymail-Count": 3},
+ metadata={"meta1": "simple string", "meta2": 2},
+ tags=["tag 1", "tag 2"],
+ )
+ message.attach_alternative("HTML content
", "text/html")
+ message.attach("attachment1.txt", "Here is some\ntext for you", "text/plain")
+ message.attach("attachment2.csv", "ID,Name\n1,Amy Lina", "text/csv")
+ message.send()
+ # Resend always queues:
+ self.assertEqual(message.anymail_status.status, {"queued"})
+ self.assertGreater(
+ len(message.anymail_status.message_id), 0
+ ) # non-empty string
+ @override_settings(ANYMAIL_RESEND_API_KEY="Hey, that's not an API key!")
+ def test_invalid_api_key(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailAPIError, "API key is invalid"):
+ self.message.send()
diff --git a/tests/test_resend_webhooks.py b/tests/test_resend_webhooks.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77e17e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_resend_webhooks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+import base64
+import json
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from unittest import skipIf, skipUnless
+from unittest.mock import ANY
+from django.test import override_settings, tag
+from anymail.exceptions import AnymailImproperlyInstalled, AnymailInsecureWebhookWarning
+from anymail.signals import AnymailTrackingEvent
+from anymail.webhooks.resend import ResendTrackingWebhookView
+from .webhook_cases import WebhookBasicAuthTestCase, WebhookTestCase
+# These tests are run both with and without 'svix' installed.
+ from svix import Webhook
+except ImportError:
+ Webhook = None
+def svix_secret(secret):
+ return f"whsec_{base64.b64encode(secret.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')}"
+TEST_WEBHOOK_MESSAGE_ID = "msg_abcdefghijklmnopqrst12345"
+class ResendWebhookTestCase(WebhookTestCase):
+ def client_post_signed(self, url, json_data, svix_id=None, secret=None):
+ """Return self.client.post(url, serialized json_data) signed with secret"""
+ svix_id = svix_id or TEST_WEBHOOK_MESSAGE_ID
+ secret = secret or TEST_SIGNING_SECRET
+ data = json.dumps(json_data)
+ headers = {
+ "svix-id": svix_id,
+ }
+ timestamp = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
+ signature = Webhook(secret).sign(
+ msg_id=svix_id, timestamp=timestamp, data=data
+ )
+ headers.update(
+ {
+ "svix-timestamp": timestamp.timestamp(),
+ "svix-signature": signature,
+ }
+ )
+ return self.client.post(
+ url,
+ content_type="application/json",
+ data=data.encode("utf-8"),
+ # Django 4.2+ test Client allows headers=headers;
+ # before that, must convert to HTTP_ args:
+ **{
+ f"HTTP_{header.upper().replace('-', '_')}": value
+ for header, value in headers.items()
+ },
+ )
+@override_settings(ANYMAIL={}) # clear WEBHOOK_SECRET from base class
+class ResendWebhookSettingsTestCase(ResendWebhookTestCase):
+ @skipIf(SVIX_INSTALLED, "test covers behavior when 'svix' package missing")
+ @override_settings(ANYMAIL_RESEND_SIGNING_SECRET=svix_secret("settings secret"))
+ def test_secret_requires_svix_installed(self):
+ """If webhook secret is specified, error if svix not available to verify"""
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(AnymailImproperlyInstalled, "svix"):
+ self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", {"type": "email.sent"})
+ # Test with and without SVIX_INSTALLED
+ def test_basic_auth_required_without_secret(self):
+ with self.assertWarns(AnymailInsecureWebhookWarning):
+ self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", {"type": "email.sent"})
+ # Test with and without SVIX_INSTALLED
+ @override_settings(ANYMAIL={"WEBHOOK_SECRET": "username:password"})
+ def test_signing_secret_optional_with_basic_auth(self):
+ """Secret verification is optional if using basic auth"""
+ response = self.client_post_signed(
+ "/anymail/resend/tracking/", {"type": "email.sent"}
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ @skipUnless(SVIX_INSTALLED, "secret verification requires 'svix' package")
+ @override_settings(ANYMAIL_RESEND_SIGNING_SECRET=svix_secret("settings secret"))
+ def test_signing_secret_view_params(self):
+ """Webhook signing secret can be provided as a view param"""
+ view_secret = svix_secret("view-level secret")
+ view = ResendTrackingWebhookView.as_view(signing_secret=view_secret)
+ view_instance = view.view_class(**view.view_initkwargs)
+ self.assertEqual(view_instance.signing_secret, view_secret)
+class ResendWebhookSecurityTestCase(ResendWebhookTestCase, WebhookBasicAuthTestCase):
+ should_warn_if_no_auth = TEST_SIGNING_SECRET is None
+ def call_webhook(self):
+ return self.client_post_signed(
+ "/anymail/resend/tracking/",
+ {"type": "email.sent"},
+ )
+ # Additional tests are in WebhookBasicAuthTestCase
+ @skipUnless(SVIX_INSTALLED, "signature verification requires 'svix' package")
+ def test_verifies_correct_signature(self):
+ response = self.client_post_signed(
+ "/anymail/resend/tracking/",
+ {"type": "email.sent"},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ @skipUnless(SVIX_INSTALLED, "signature verification requires 'svix' package")
+ def test_verifies_missing_signature(self):
+ response = self.client.post(
+ "/anymail/resend/tracking/",
+ content_type="application/json",
+ data={"type": "email.sent"},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+ @skipUnless(SVIX_INSTALLED, "signature verification requires 'svix' package")
+ def test_verifies_bad_signature(self):
+ # This also verifies that the error log references the correct setting to check.
+ with self.assertLogs() as logs:
+ response = self.client_post_signed(
+ "/anymail/resend/tracking/",
+ {"type": "email.sent"},
+ secret=svix_secret("wrong signing key"),
+ )
+ # SuspiciousOperation causes 400 response (even in test client):
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+ self.assertIn("check Anymail RESEND_SIGNING_SECRET", logs.output[0])
+class ResendTestCase(ResendWebhookTestCase):
+ def test_sent_event(self):
+ raw_event = {
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:19:43.736Z",
+ "data": {
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:19:43.982Z",
+ "email_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ "from": "Sender ",
+ "headers": [
+ {"name": "Reply-To", "value": "reply@example.com"},
+ {"name": "X-Tags", "value": '["tag1", "Tag 2"]'},
+ {
+ "name": "X-Metadata",
+ "value": '{"cohort": "2018-08-B", "user_id": 123456}',
+ },
+ {"name": "Cc", "value": "cc1@example.org, Cc 2 "},
+ ],
+ "subject": "Sending test",
+ "tags": {"tag1": "Tag_1_value", "tag2": "Tag_2_value"},
+ "to": ["Recipient ", "to2@example.org"],
+ },
+ "type": "email.sent",
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed(
+ "/anymail/resend/tracking/",
+ raw_event,
+ svix_id="msg_2W2D3qXLS5fOaPja1GDg7rF2CwB",
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertIsInstance(event, AnymailTrackingEvent)
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "sent")
+ # event.timestamp comes from root-level created_at:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ event.timestamp,
+ # "2023-09-28T17:19:43.736Z"
+ datetime(2023, 9, 28, 17, 19, 43, microsecond=736000, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
+ )
+ # event.message_id matches the message.anymail_status.message_id when the
+ # message was sent. It comes from data.email_id:
+ self.assertEqual(event.message_id, "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee")
+ # event.event_id is unique for each event, and comes from svix-id header:
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_id, "msg_2W2D3qXLS5fOaPja1GDg7rF2CwB")
+ # event.recipient is always the first "to" addr:
+ self.assertEqual(event.recipient, "to@example.org")
+ self.assertEqual(event.tags, ["tag1", "Tag 2"])
+ self.assertEqual(event.metadata, {"cohort": "2018-08-B", "user_id": 123456})
+ self.assertEqual(event.esp_event, raw_event)
+ # You can retrieve Resend native tags (which are different from Anymail tags)
+ # from esp_event:
+ resend_tags = event.esp_event["data"].get("tags", {})
+ self.assertEqual(resend_tags, {"tag1": "Tag_1_value", "tag2": "Tag_2_value"})
+ def test_delivered_event(self):
+ raw_event = {
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:19:44.823Z",
+ "data": {
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:19:43.982Z",
+ "email_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ "from": "Sender ",
+ "subject": "Sending test",
+ "to": ["to@example.org"],
+ },
+ "type": "email.delivered",
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", raw_event)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertIsInstance(event, AnymailTrackingEvent)
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "delivered")
+ self.assertEqual(event.recipient, "to@example.org")
+ self.assertEqual(event.tags, [])
+ self.assertEqual(event.metadata, {})
+ def test_hard_bounced_event(self):
+ raw_event = {
+ "created_at": "2023-10-02T18:11:26.101Z",
+ "data": {
+ "bounce": {
+ "message": (
+ "The recipient's email provider sent a hard bounce message, but"
+ " didn't specify the reason for the hard bounce. We recommend"
+ " removing the recipient's email address from your mailing list."
+ " Sending messages to addresses that produce hard bounces can"
+ " have a negative impact on your reputation as a sender."
+ )
+ },
+ "created_at": "2023-10-02T18:11:25.729Z",
+ "email_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ "from": "Sender ",
+ "subject": "Sending test",
+ "to": ["bounced@resend.dev"],
+ },
+ "type": "email.bounced",
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", raw_event)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "bounced")
+ self.assertEqual(event.reject_reason, "bounced")
+ self.assertRegex(
+ event.description,
+ r"^The recipient's email provider sent a hard bounce message.*",
+ )
+ self.assertIsNone(event.mta_response) # raw MTA info not provided
+ def test_suppressed_event(self):
+ raw_event = {
+ "created_at": "2023-10-01T20:01:01.598Z",
+ "data": {
+ "bounce": {
+ "message": (
+ "Resend has suppressed sending to this address because it is"
+ " on the account-level suppression list. This does not count"
+ " toward your bounce rate metric"
+ )
+ },
+ "created_at": "2023-10-01T20:01:01.339Z",
+ "email_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ "from": "Sender ",
+ "subject": "Sending test",
+ "to": ["blocked@example.org"],
+ },
+ "type": "email.bounced",
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", raw_event)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "bounced")
+ self.assertEqual(event.reject_reason, "blocked")
+ self.assertRegex(
+ event.description, r"^Resend has suppressed sending to this address.*"
+ )
+ self.assertIsNone(event.mta_response) # raw MTA info not provided
+ def test_delivery_delayed_event(self):
+ # Haven't been able to trigger a real-world version of this event
+ # (even with SMTP reply 450, status 4.0.0 "temporary failure").
+ # This is the sample payload from Resend's docs, but correcting the type
+ # from "email.delivered_delayed" to "email.delivery_delayed" to match
+ # docs and configuration UI.
+ raw_event = {
+ "type": "email.delivery_delayed", # "email.delivered_delayed",
+ "created_at": "2023-02-22T23:41:12.126Z",
+ "data": {
+ "created_at": "2023-02-22T23:41:11.894719+00:00",
+ "email_id": "56761188-7520-42d8-8898-ff6fc54ce618",
+ "from": "Acme ",
+ "to": ["delivered@resend.dev"],
+ "subject": "Sending this example",
+ },
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", raw_event)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "deferred")
+ self.assertIsNone(event.reject_reason)
+ self.assertIsNone(event.description)
+ self.assertIsNone(event.mta_response) # raw MTA info not provided
+ def test_complained_event(self):
+ raw_event = {
+ "created_at": "2023-10-02T18:10:03.690Z",
+ "data": {
+ "created_at": "2023-10-02T18:10:03.241Z",
+ "email_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ "from": "Sender ",
+ "subject": "Sending test",
+ "to": ["complained@resend.dev"],
+ },
+ "type": "email.complained",
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", raw_event)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "complained")
+ def test_opened_event(self):
+ raw_event = {
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:20:38.990Z",
+ "data": {
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:19:43.982Z",
+ "email_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ "from": "Sender ",
+ "subject": "Sending test",
+ "to": ["to@example.org"],
+ },
+ "type": "email.opened",
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", raw_event)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "opened")
+ def test_clicked_event(self):
+ raw_event = {
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:21:35.257Z",
+ "data": {
+ "click": {
+ "ipAddress": "",
+ "link": "https://example.com/test",
+ "timestamp": "2023-09-28T17:21:35.257Z",
+ "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 ...",
+ },
+ "created_at": "2023-09-28T17:19:43.982Z",
+ "email_id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
+ "from": "Sender ",
+ "subject": "Sending test",
+ "to": ["to@example.org"],
+ },
+ "type": "email.clicked",
+ }
+ response = self.client_post_signed("/anymail/resend/tracking/", raw_event)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ kwargs = self.assert_handler_called_once_with(
+ self.tracking_handler,
+ sender=ResendTrackingWebhookView,
+ event=ANY,
+ esp_name="Resend",
+ )
+ event = kwargs["event"]
+ self.assertEqual(event.event_type, "clicked")
+ self.assertEqual(event.click_url, "https://example.com/test")
+ self.assertEqual(event.user_agent, "Mozilla/5.0 ...")
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 0eb6ba1c..aa75c3b9 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ envlist =
# Django 5.1 dev: Python 3.10+
# ... then partial installation (limit extras):
- django42-py311-{none,amazon_ses,postal}
+ django42-py311-{none,amazon_ses,postal,resend}
# tox requires isolated builds to use pyproject.toml build config:
isolated_build = True
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ extras =
# Careful: tox factors (on the left) use underscore; extra names use hyphen.)
all,amazon_ses: amazon-ses
all,postal: postal
+ all,resend: resend
setenv =
# tell runtests.py to limit some test tags based on extras factor
+ # (resend should work with or without its extras, so it isn't in `none`)
none: ANYMAIL_SKIP_TESTS=amazon_ses,postal
amazon_ses: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=amazon_ses
mailersend: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=mailersend
@@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ setenv =
mandrill: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=mandrill
postal: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=postal
postmark: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=postmark
+ resend: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=resend
sendgrid: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=sendgrid
sendinblue: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=sendinblue
sparkpost: ANYMAIL_ONLY_TEST=sparkpost