Health check service uses set of modules against each is performed health check. If one of the modules is unhealthy, the summarized result will be unhealthy.
You can specify common modules by configuration, by default all listed modules bellow are used. If you want to use only some of them, specify modules option and list modules which you want to use:
- AnzuSystems\CommonBundle\HealthCheck\Module\OpCacheModule
- AnzuSystems\CommonBundle\HealthCheck\Module\ForwardIpModule
- AnzuSystems\CommonBundle\HealthCheck\Module\MysqlModule
- AnzuSystems\CommonBundle\HealthCheck\Module\MongoModule
- AnzuSystems\CommonBundle\HealthCheck\Module\RedisModule
- AnzuSystems\CommonBundle\HealthCheck\Module\DataMountModule
MySQL module is making simple select as SELECT 1 FROM table LIMIT 1
. By default, the table _doctrine_migration_versions
is used, if you need to change it, configure it:
mysql_table_name: _DoctrineMigrationVersions
Mongo module is making ping to defined collection, by default are used collections anzu_mongo_app_log_collection
and anzu_mongo_audit_log_collection
, if you want to change it, you can configure it:
mongo_collections: [anzu_mongo_app_log_collection, anzu_mongo_audit_log_collection, anzu_mongo_app_something_specific_collection]
Just implement ModuleInterface. If your application is using autoconfiguration, it will autoconfigure your service with tag anzu_systems_common.health_check.module
and HealthChecker will use your own module. In case you are not using autoconfiguration, tag your service on your own.
Common bundle provides HealthCheckController. It's on you to register routes as you wish.
Create route configuration in config/routes/health_check.yaml
, for example:
path: /api/sys/v1/health
methods: GET
controller: AnzuSystems\CommonBundle\Controller\HealthCheckController::healthCheck