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Building Docker Images with BuildKit

BuildKit is the image building engine inside Docker. It's not part of other container runtimes - like containerd - but you can run a BuildKit server in a container.

This powers a CI/CD pipeline running in Kubernetes, where you can have a BuildKit Pod building images from source. Builds are managed by an automation server - like Jenkins - which sends commands to the BuildKit server.


Run the BuildKit server

BuildKit can run as a server application:

  • buildkitd.yaml - specifies a Service and a Deployment. This simple example uses a privileged container; the rootless alternative is more secure.
kubectl apply -f labs/buildkit/specs/buildkitd

kubectl logs -l app=buildkitd

The server is listening on port 1234. We can send commands from a remote builctl CLI to build container images from a Dockerfile.

Build an image with BuildKit

The buildctl CLI is a separate install. You don't typically need it on your machine, so we'll install it inside a Pod.

📋 Run a simple sleep Pod we can connect to, and exec into a shell session.

Not sure how?
kubectl apply -f labs/buildkit/specs/sleep

kubectl exec -it sleep -- sh

Inside the Pod session, install the BuildKit release:


tar xvf buildkit-v0.9.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz

The release contains the BuildKit server, CLI and emulators to build images for different CPU architectures.

Still inside the Pod session, download a Dockerfile:

cd bin

wget --no-check-certificate

cat Dockerfile

Build an image using the remote BuildKit server:

./buildctl --addr tcp://buildkitd:1234 build --frontend=dockerfile.v0 --local context=. --local dockerfile=. --output type=image,name=simple

You'll see output which is familiar from Docker build commands, but the image is building on the BuildKit Pod; the logs show the Dockerfile and context being transferred before the build.

Push image builds to a registry

BuildKit can automatically push images to a registry, but it needs to be authenticated.

📋 Try the name buildctl command, but naming the image as courselabs/simple and pushing it to Docker Hub by adding the push=true flag to the output parameter.

Not sure how?
./buildctl --addr tcp://buildkitd:1234 build --frontend=dockerfile.v0 --local context=. --local dockerfile=. --output type=image,,push=true

The build will work, but you'll get a 401 authorization failed error on the push. You can't push images to someone else's repo.

We'll try again with a Pod which is authorized to push images. Start by exiting the shell session:


Kubernetes has a special type of secret called docker-registry which can be used to store image registry credentials. We'll create a Secret for your own Docker Hub creds - this also works for any registry with username/password authentication.

If you're using Docker Hub you can create a temporary access token instead of using your own password.

This is sensitive stuff, so we'll store the details in variables which you won't see on screen.

On Windows, use PowerShell to store your credentials:

$REGISTRY_USER=Read-Host -Prompt 'Username'
$password = Read-Host -Prompt 'Password'-AsSecureString
$REGISTRY_PASSWORD = [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $password).Password

OR on MacOS or Linux:


📋 Now create a registry Secret in Kubernetes called registry-creds, using the variables you've stored.

Not sure how?
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-creds --docker-server=$REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=$REGISTRY_USER --docker-password=$REGISTRY_PASSWORD

We'll run a Pod which uses that Secret to authenticate with the registry. It needs one more setup step - the name of the registry and repository to use, which will get surfaced as environment variables.

📋 Create a ConfigMap called build-config , with a variable called REGISTRY set to your registry domain, and a variable called REPOSITORY set to your registry user name.

Not sure how?

The Docker Hub registry domain is and I'll be pushing to the courselabs group, so I use:

kubectl create configmap build-config  --from-literal=REPOSITORY=courselabs

Now we can run a Pod from an image which has the BuildKit CLI already installed, surfacing the registry details we've created:

  • buildkit-cli.yaml - mounts the registry credentials in the default path used by Docker and buildctl

📋 Run the BuildKit CLI Pod, and exec into a shell session.

Not sure how?
kubectl apply -f labs/buildkit/specs/buildkit-cli

kubectl exec -it buildkit-cli -- sh

Inside the Pod session, list the environment variables and check the registry credentials are loaded:

printenv | grep RE

ls -l /root/.docker

If you cat the config.json file you'll see your creds in plain text...

Finally we can download a Dockerfile and use BuildKit to build and push the image. The registry credentials need to be set in the buildctl client, but it's the BuildKit server which does the push.

cd ~

wget --no-check-certificate

# build using the repository info from the ConfigMap:
buildctl --addr tcp://buildkitd:1234 build --frontend=dockerfile.v0 --local context=. --local dockerfile=. --output type=image,name=${REGISTRY}/${REPOSITORY}/simple,push=true

On Docker Hub you can check your page, e.g.; or on other registries run docker pull ...


Your CI/CD pipeline will have a buildctl command which runs on every push to source control. You'll want a version number in the image tag, so you can identify the images pushed from each build.

Simulate that in this lab - build a new version of the simple Docker image and push it with a new tag. Use an environment variable for the version number, so your build command is the same every time; update the environment variable and push images with the tag 0.1.0 and 0.2.0.

Stuck? Try hints or check the solution.


Cleanup by removing objects with this lab's label:

kubectl delete deploy,svc,pod -l