The Rya Vagrant Example project allows users to quickly get up and running on Rya using a Virtual Machine. Specifically, this project uses Vagrant to create a VM, install Rya on Accumulo, and configure the RDF4J Workbench Web Application to use Rya.
The Rya Example Box VM requires Vagrant to install, configure, and run the VM. Vagrant is freely available for many host operating systems. More information about Vagrant (including installers) are available at
The Rya Example Box was developed using Vagrant 1.7.4 and Oracle Virtual Box 5.0.6.
If a user would rather not use Vagrant, expert users should be able to read through the Rya-Example-Box Vagrantfile and understand the operations that the Vagrantfile is performing to configure the VM for Rya. These operations should be applicable to other Linux machines and VMs.
Once Vagrant is installed, starting up the Rya-Example-Box is fairly straightforward.
Create a custom directory for the Rya Example Box (e.g., for windows users
or for Mac/Linux users/home/<user>/ryavagrant
) -
Download the Rya-Example-Box Vagrantfile to the custom directory. Note that it must be named
with no extension. -
Optionally, if you downloaded and built Rya, copy built Rya libraries from your project into the custom directory. If not, Vagrant will attempt to download from the public repository when building the VM. The following files can be copied or linked (ln -s file destination).
extras/indexingExample/target/rya.indexing.example-* extras/vagrantExample/target/rya.vagrant.example-*.jar web/web.rya/target/web.rya.war
The last one must be renamed to include the version, for example: web.rya-4.0.1.war
Modify the Vagrantfile so the RYA_EXAMPLE_VERSION matches the version in your files or in the public repository. It may already match the current version, but verify it since it is a pre-release guess. This is around line 56. For example:
Open a DOS prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac/Linux), change to the custom directory, and issue the command
vagrant up
. Note that it may take up to 30 minutes to download, install, and configure Rya and all of the components.
By default, the VM should be assigned the IP address of
. This value is defined in the Vagrantfile and it is configurable. All of the procedures in this in this document assume that the hostname rya-example-box
resolves to the VM’s IP address
. The easiest way to do this is to add the entry rya-example-box
to your machine’s host file (e.g., for windows users modify C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
or for Mac/Linux users modify /etc/hosts
Verify the Tomcat instance: Open a browser to http://rya-example-box:8080/. You should see a webpage that says “It works! If you're seeing this page via a web browser, it means you've setup Tomcat successfully. Congratulations!
Verify the deployed RDF4J Server service: Open your browser to http://rya-example-box:8080/rdf4j-server/protocol and you should see a
(this is the RDF4J Protocol Version). -
Verify the deployed RDF4J Workbench: Open your browser to http://rya-example-box:8080/rdf4j-workbench
Verify the deployed Rya Web: Open your browser to http://rya-example-box:8080/web.rya/sparqlQuery.jsp
Ssh into into the VM: SSH from your host machine to
with user/pass of vagrant/vagrant. -
Test the Accumulo shell: After ssh'ing into the VM, run the command:
/home/vagrant/accumulo-1.6.5/bin/accumulo shell -u root -p root
Most of the time, the Vagrant script works perfectly and passes all of the verification. However, below are a list of the common issues that we've seen and how to mitigate those issues
As dependencies such as Hadoop and Accumulo are updated, URLs for downloads of old versions can be come stale. If this happens, the vagrant provisioning script should fail. Scrolling back through the output should reveal an error message indicating which download did not work. To fix, try updating the version number specified in the Vagrantfile.
Run these two commands and see if you have any Rya files in the two lib directories:
ls /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/rdf4j-server/WEB-INF/lib/rya*
ls /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/rdf4j-workbench/WEB-INF/lib/rya*
If these files do note exists, open the vagrant file and look for the line echo "Downloading Rya"
. Try working through those commands manually on your Vagrant VM.
RDF4J Workbench requires a set of "transformations" for listing Rya in the RDF4J Workbench Repository list. The transforms are in this directory: /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/rdf4j-workbench/transformations/
- Verify that this file exists: create-RyaAccumuloSail.xsl
- Verify that create.xsl has been updated for rya. (run: "cat create.xsl | grep Rya" and make sure there's some stuff there.)
If these files do note exists, open the vagrant file and look for the line echo "Downloading Rya"
. Try working through those commands manually on your Vagrant VM. class path resource [] cannot be opened because it does not exist
This file is missing:
It is created by the Vagrantfile. It may be overwritten if the webapp is redeployed. Run vagrant up --provision
Below is a list of other useful commands on the VMs
#####Log into the VM
- Go to the folder containing "vagrantfile", run:
cd extras/vagrantExample/src/main/vagrant/
- Login -- no password required, uses crypto keys, run:
vagrant ssh
Alternatively: - Log into the vm (run:
ssh vagrant@rya-example-box
with pass:vagrant
#####Running as Root
Most start and stop scripts require running as root with variables, like %HADOOP_PREFIX% assigned.
- Run thecommand as root preserving environment variables, run:
sudo -E thecommand theParameters
preserves environment variables from the current session.
- Switch to root (run:
with pass:vagrant
) - Load the environment variables. (run:
) - Enter thecommand with parameters after the "#" prompt.
- Exit when done (run:
#####Restart Tomcat
- Login into the VM, see above.
- Restart tomcat, run:
sudo -E service tomcat7 restart
#####Restart Accumulo
- Login into the VM, see above.
- Stop Accumulo (run:
sudo -E /home/vagrant/accumulo-1.6.5/bin/
- If
doesn't complete, hitctrl-c
once and you should seeInitiating forced shutdown in 15 seconds
. Wait 15 seconds.
- Start Accumulo (run:
sudo -E /home/vagrant/accumulo-1.6.5/bin/
#####Test and Restart Zookeeper
- Log into the vm, see above.
- Ping Zookeeper, run:
echo ruok | (nc 2181 ; echo)
- If Zookeeper is okay, you should immediately see the response
- Otherwise, restart Zookeeper, run:
sudo -E /home/vagrant/zookeeper-3.4.5-cdh4.5.0/bin/ start
List the processes specific to rya.
From the VM, run:
Output should look like this:
org.apache.accumulo.start.Main monitor
org.apache.accumulo.start.Main tserver
org.apache.accumulo.start.Main master
org.apache.accumulo.start.Main gc
org.apache.accumulo.start.Main tracer
If you are having issues, or modified the vagrantfile and want to put everything back as specified, then use the provision command. This will overwrite most settings. It will not download nor unpack the libraries, unless you first remove there corresponding folders from the VM's vagrant home folder.
- Go to the folder containing "vagrantfile", on the host machine, (not the VM), run:
cd extras/vagrantExample/src/main/vagrant/
- Run the provision command:
vagrant provision
To get the full factory-reset, do some of the following before you re-provision:
From within the VM, run:
sudo rm -r zookeeper-3.4.5-cdh4.5.0/logs
sudo rm -r accumulo-1.6.5/logs/
If you run into the issue where it repeatedly prints: Waiting for accumulo to be initialized
This will allow Accumulo to start up. Remove the data, then reprovision as above.
From within the VM, run:
sudo rm -r /data
sudo rm -r /var/zookeeper/
The first step to using Rya via the RDF4J Workbench is to create a repository using the Rya Accumulo Store connector.
- Open your browser to the RDF4J Workbench
- Click on
New Repository
- Choose "Type" of
Rya Accumulo Store
, a Repository "ID" (e.g.,RyaAccumulo
), and a Repository "Title" (e.g.,Rya Accumulo
). Click onNext
when complete. - Enter the Rya Accumulo Store connection parameters. The default parameters will connect to the Rya Example Box Acccumulo deployment (i.e., Accumulo User:
, Accumulo Password:root
, Accumulo Instance:dev
, Zookeepers:localhost
, is Mock?:false
). Click onCreate
when complete.
Once we've created a Rya repository, we can load data into Rya via the RDF4J Workbench.
- Open your browser to the RDF4J Workbench
- Verify that RDF4J Workbench is connected to Rya. The RDF4j Workbench screen should have
Current Selections: Repository: Rya Accumulo ( RyaAccumulo )
at the top of the page. - Click on
on the left side of the page. - This page allows a user to add data either through a local file (uploaded through the browser), cut-and-pasted RDF, or a file located on the web. For this example, let's choose a file on the web. Set "Data Format" to
and "Location of the RDF data you wish to upload" to
. All other fields should remain empty. Click onUpload
when complete.
Once we've created a Rya repository and uploaded data, we can query Rya via the RDF4J Workbench.
Open your browser to the RDF4J Workbench
Verify that RDF4J Workbench is connected to Rya. The RDF4J Workbench screen should have
Current Selections: Repository: Rya Accumulo ( RyaAccumulo )
at the top of the page. -
Click on
on the left side of the page. -
Use the example SPARQL query below to query for Currencies with a Short Name of "dollar"
PREFIX money:<> select ?name where { ?x a money:Currency . ?x money:shortName "dollar" . ?x money:name ?name . }
More information about the RDF4J REST HTTP Protocol is availible in the [RDF4J 2.3.1 Docs] (
The Rya Web Client provides a user a web gui to query Rya. Once data has been loaded into Rya, we can run the same query as before
Open your browser to the Rya Web page.
Use the example SPARQL query below to query for Currencies with a Short Name of "dollar"
PREFIX money:<> select ?name where { ?x a money:Currency . ?x money:shortName "dollar" . ?x money:name ?name . }
You should see an XML document with the results.
Instructions for resizing a Vagrant/VirtualBox image can be found here