Variable index
accessible in templates and references to root page (with "index" slug). Object properties are the same as for page
Variable page
can be accessed in any template and references to current page:
Property of page | Description --- | --- slug | Value of "Slug" field fullpath | Page fullpath title | Value of "Title" field published | Value of "Published" field hidden | Value of "Hidden (from navigation)" field templatable | Value of "Use as object template" field children | Returns "children" collection - pages having this page as parent in "Parent page" field parent | Parent page reference
Variable request
gives an access to some properties of current request:
Property of request | Description --- | --- path | Returns request relative path url | Returns request URL host | Returns host - domain name or IP address base_url | Returns request root URL - protocol + domain name or IP, ex., "" referer | Returns URL of page that initiated current request form_authenticity_token | Returns authenticity token for current request - for form protection from CSRF attack param() | Returns URL param. Example: request.param('page')
Variable item
gives access to current object of "templatable" page. "Templatable" - page with enabled "Use as object template" field and chosen object in "Object" field. Properties of item
depend on concrete object. Please check out APIQ Models
Variable search
returns collection of items representing pages containing searched query. You can setup a form with text input having name="query"
, and a page that has slug equals to form's action
<form method="get" action="/search">
<input type="text" name="query">
<input type="submit" value="Search">
And on your '/search' page:
Property of search item | Description --- | --- title | Page title link | Page fullpath content | Page content