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Identifying an untested feature Using APISnoop

According to this APIsnoop query, there are still some remaining ReplicaSet endpoints which are untested.

      FROM testing.untested_stable_endpoint
      where eligible is true
      and endpoint ilike '%ReplicaSetStatus'
      order by kind, endpoint desc
      limit 10;
                  endpoint                 |                              path                              |    kind
   replaceAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/status | ReplicaSet
   readAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus    | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/status | ReplicaSet
   patchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus   | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets/{name}/status | ReplicaSet
  (3 rows)

API Reference and feature documentation

The mock test

Test outline

  1. Create a watch to track replica set events

  2. Create a replica set with a static label. Confirm that the pods are running.

  3. Get the replica set status. Parse the response and confirm that the replica set status conditions can be listed.

  4. Update the replica set status. Confirm via the watch that the status has been updated.

  5. Patch the replica set status. Confirm via the watch that the status has been patched.

Test the functionality in Go

Using an existing status lifecycle test as a template for a new ginkgo test for daemon set lifecycle test. Due to a test flake with patching the replica set status conditions the final “watch/validation” check is still be written.

Test Flake

Patching the replica set causes test failure

[It] should validate Replicaset Status endpoints
Apr  6 15:16:30.093: INFO: labels: name=sample-pod,pod=httpd
STEP: Create a ReplicaSet
STEP: Verify that the required pods have come up.
Apr  6 15:16:30.099: INFO: Pod name sample-pod: Found 0 pods out of 1
Apr  6 15:16:35.108: INFO: Pod name sample-pod: Found 1 pods out of 1
STEP: ensuring each pod is running
STEP: Getting /status
Apr  6 15:16:35.136: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs has Conditions: []
Apr  6 15:16:35.136: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs Status.Replicas: 1
Apr  6 15:16:35.136: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs Status.ReadyReplicas: 1
Apr  6 15:16:35.136: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs Status.AvailableReplicas: 1
STEP: updating the ReplicaSet Status
Apr  6 15:16:35.147: INFO: updatedStatus.Conditions: []v1.ReplicaSetCondition{v1.ReplicaSetCondition{Type:"StatusUpdate", Status:"True", LastTransitionTime:v1.Time{Time:time.Time{wall:0x0, ext:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}}, Reason:"E2E", Message:"Set from e2e test"}}
STEP: watching for the daemon set status to be updated
Apr  6 15:16:35.149: INFO: Observed event: ADDED
Apr  6 15:16:35.149: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
Apr  6 15:16:35.149: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
Apr  6 15:16:35.149: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
Apr  6 15:16:35.149: INFO: Found replica set test-rs in namespace replicaset-2037 with labels: map[name:sample-pod pod:httpd] annotations: map[] & Conditions: [{StatusUpdate True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC E2E Set from e2e test}]
Apr  6 15:16:35.149: INFO: Replica set test-rs has an updated status
STEP: get ReplicaSet state
Apr  6 15:16:35.152: INFO: rs1.Conditions: []v1.ReplicaSetCondition{v1.ReplicaSetCondition{Type:"StatusUpdate", Status:"True", LastTransitionTime:v1.Time{Time:time.Time{wall:0x0, ext:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}}, Reason:"E2E", Message:"Set from e2e test"}}
Apr  6 15:16:35.152: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs Status.FullyLabeledReplicas: 1
Apr  6 15:16:35.152: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs Status.Replicas: 1
Apr  6 15:16:35.152: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs Status.ReadyReplicas: 1
Apr  6 15:16:35.152: INFO: ReplicaSet test-rs Status.AvailableReplicas: 1
STEP: patching the ReplicaSet Status
Apr  6 15:16:35.158: FAIL: Failed to patch replica set status. ReplicaSet.apps "test-rs" is invalid: [status.fullyLabeledReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas, status.readyReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas, status.availableReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas]

Full Stack Trace

Unexpected error:
    <*errors.StatusError | 0xc00024d4a0>: {
        ErrStatus: {
            TypeMeta: {Kind: "", APIVersion: ""},
            ListMeta: {
                SelfLink: "",
                ResourceVersion: "",
                Continue: "",
                RemainingItemCount: nil,
            Status: "Failure",
            Message: "ReplicaSet.apps \"test-rs\" is invalid: [status.fullyLabeledReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas, status.readyReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas, status.availableReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas]",
            Reason: "Invalid",
            Details: {
                Name: "test-rs",
                Group: "apps",
                Kind: "ReplicaSet",
                UID: "",
                Causes: [
                        Type: "FieldValueInvalid",
                        Message: "Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas",
                        Field: "status.fullyLabeledReplicas",
                        Type: "FieldValueInvalid",
                        Message: "Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas",
                        Field: "status.readyReplicas",
                        Type: "FieldValueInvalid",
                        Message: "Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas",
                        Field: "status.availableReplicas",
                RetryAfterSeconds: 0,
            Code: 422,
    ReplicaSet.apps "test-rs" is invalid: [status.fullyLabeledReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas, status.readyReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas, status.availableReplicas: Invalid value: 1: cannot be greater than status.replicas]

The error looks to be part of the validation code for replica sets. Looking for suggestions on whats likely to be happening and how to best resolve the flake would be appreciated.

Verifying increase in coverage with APISnoop

Listing endpoints hit by the new e2e test

This query shows the endpoints hit within a short period of running the e2e test

select distinct  endpoint, right(useragent,65) AS useragent
from testing.audit_event
where endpoint ilike '%ReplicaSetStatus%'
and release_date::BIGINT > round(((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()))::numeric)*1000,0) - 60000
and useragent like 'e2e%'
order by endpoint
limit 10;
                endpoint                 |                             useragent
 patchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus   | [sig-apps] ReplicaSet should validate Replicaset Status endpoints
 readAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus    | [sig-apps] ReplicaSet should validate Replicaset Status endpoints
 replaceAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus | [sig-apps] ReplicaSet should validate Replicaset Status endpoints
(3 rows)

Final notes

If a test with these calls gets merged, test coverage will go up by 2 points

This test is also created with the goal of conformance promotion.

/sig testing

/sig architecture

/area conformance