- [X] APISnoop org-flow: checkAPIGroupPreferredVersionTest.org
- [ ] Test approval issue: kubernetes/kubernetes#
- [ ] Test pr: kuberenetes/kubernetes#
- [ ] Two weeks soak start date: testgrid-link
- [ ] Two weeks soak end date:
- [ ] Test promotion pr: kubernetes/kubernetes#?
According to this APIsnoop query, there are still an endpoint which is untested.
-- k8s_action,
-- kind
-- FROM untested_stable_core_endpoints
FROM untested_stable_endpoints
where path not like '%volume%'
-- and kind like ''
and operation_id ilike '%APIGroup'
ORDER BY operation_id
operation_id | path | description
getApiregistrationAPIGroup | /apis/apiregistration.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getAppsAPIGroup | /apis/apps/ | get information of a group
getAuthenticationAPIGroup | /apis/authentication.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getAuthorizationAPIGroup | /apis/authorization.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getAutoscalingAPIGroup | /apis/autoscaling/ | get information of a group
getBatchAPIGroup | /apis/batch/ | get information of a group
getCoordinationAPIGroup | /apis/coordination.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getDiscoveryAPIGroup | /apis/discovery.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getEventsAPIGroup | /apis/events.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getExtensionsAPIGroup | /apis/extensions/ | get information of a group
getFlowcontrolApiserverAPIGroup | /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getNodeAPIGroup | /apis/node.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getPolicyAPIGroup | /apis/policy/ | get information of a group
getRbacAuthorizationAPIGroup | /apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getSchedulingAPIGroup | /apis/scheduling.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getSettingsAPIGroup | /apis/settings.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
getStorageAPIGroup | /apis/storage.k8s.io/ | get information of a group
(17 rows)
- Get a list of all group /apis
- Iterate through list
- Query each endpoint
- List the PreferredVersion for the endpoint
package main
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
func main() {
// uses the current context in kubeconfig
kubeconfig := flag.String("kubeconfig", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", os.Getenv("HOME"), ".kube", "config"), "(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file")
config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", *kubeconfig)
if err != nil {
// make our work easier to find in the audit_event queries
config.UserAgent = "live-test-writing"
// creates the clientset
ClientSet, _ := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
fmt.Println("[status] begin")
// get list of APIGroup endpoints
list := &metav1.APIGroupList{}
err = ClientSet.Discovery().RESTClient().Get().AbsPath("/apis/").Do(context.TODO()).Into(list)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to find /apis/", err)
for _, group := range list.Groups {
fmt.Println("Checking APIGroup:", group.Name)
// hit APIGroup endpoint
checkGroup := &metav1.APIGroup{}
apiPath := "/apis/" + group.Name + "/"
err = ClientSet.Discovery().RESTClient().Get().AbsPath(apiPath).Do(context.TODO()).Into(checkGroup)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Fail to access: %s | Error: %v\n", apiPath, err)
// get PreferredVersion for endpoint
fmt.Println("PreferredVersion:", checkGroup.PreferredVersion, "\n")
fmt.Println("[status] complete")
Discover useragents:
select distinct useragent from audit_event where bucket='apisnoop' and useragent not like 'kube%' and useragent not like 'coredns%' and useragent not like 'kindnetd%' and useragent like 'live%';
(1 row)
List endpoints hit by the test:
select * from endpoints_hit_by_new_test where useragent like 'live%';
useragent | operation_id | hit_by_ete | hit_by_new_test
live-test-writing | getAdmissionregistrationAPIGroup | t | 1
live-test-writing | getApiextensionsAPIGroup | t | 1
live-test-writing | getApiregistrationAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getAPIVersions | t | 1
live-test-writing | getAppsAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getAuthenticationAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getAuthorizationAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getAutoscalingAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getBatchAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getCertificatesAPIGroup | t | 1
live-test-writing | getCoordinationAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getDiscoveryAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getEventsAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getExtensionsAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getNetworkingAPIGroup | t | 1
live-test-writing | getNodeAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getPolicyAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getRbacAuthorizationAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getSchedulingAPIGroup | f | 1
live-test-writing | getStorageAPIGroup | f | 1
(20 rows)
Display endpoint coverage change:
select * from projected_change_in_coverage;
category | total_endpoints | old_coverage | new_coverage | change_in_number
test_coverage | 458 | 206 | 222 | 16
(1 row)
If a test with these calls gets merged, **test coverage will go up by 15 points**
This test is also created with the goal of conformance promotion.
/sig testing
/sig architecture
/area conformance