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ADNLib library for Android


ADNLib is a work in progress. It currently supports a majority of the available APIs, including:

  • All Post and User endpoints that a typical social/microblogging app might use,
  • Channel and Message endpoints that can be used for something like a private messaging app or a chat room app,
  • File creation and retrieval endpoints to let you tap into a user's file storage,
  • Place search,
  • and other miscellaneous functionality, including Stream Markers and retrieval of Configuration objects.

It also supports password flow authentication, or you can retrieve an access token on your own and pass it to the client.

See the TODO list at the bottom of this README for a list of stuff that is yet to be implemented. Fork and contribute!

ADNLib is set up to be used with Android Studio.

Getting Started

ADNLib is a standalone Android Studio project, but here we describe how to add it as a module to your existing project. These instructions were written for Android Studio 0.2.6. It is still a "Preview" that often works in mysterious ways. For this reason, we do things a little funky. If you are an Android Studio pro, then feel free to set up the project however you'd prefer. Please note that these instructions may become stale as Android Studio updates are released.

  1. Clone ADNLib into the root of your Android Studio project.

  2. Close your project.

  3. Open the .idea/modules.xml file for your project and add the following lines to your <modules>:

    <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ADNLib/ADNLib.iml" 
            filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/ADNLib/ADNLib.iml" />
    <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/ADNLib/ADNLibModule/ADNLibModule.iml"
            filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/ADNLib/ADNLibModule/ADNLibModule.iml" />
  4. Reopen your Android Studio project. You will notice that ADNLib and ADNLibModule are now recognized as modules (bold in the Project View)

  5. File > Project Structure

  6. In the Modules section, select your project's main module, open the "Dependencies" tab, click the "+" button and add a Module Dependency on ADNLibModule.

  7. Open your project's top-level settings.gradle file and add an include for ADNLibModule, e.g. include ':YourMainModule', ':ADNLib:ADNLibModule'

  8. Open the build.gradle within your main module (not the top-level build.gradle). In the dependencies block, add the following line: compile project(':ADNLib:ADNLibModule')

  9. You should be set. In your main Activity try importing and constructing a new AppDotNetClient(), e.g.

import android.os.Bundle;

import com.alwaysallthetime.adnlib.AppDotNetClient;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        AppDotNetClient client = new AppDotNetClient();


  • You might need to copy the from the root of the project to the ADNLibModule folder. On OS X, this file typically contains: sdk.dir=/Applications/Android
  • If it still doesn't compile and run, close Android Studio, blow in the end of the cartridge, and restart.


The main class is AppDotNetClient. ADNLib uses Gson to serialize from and deserialize to a set of first-class data objects that live in the data package (e.g. User and Post). Because ADNLib uses Android's AsyncTask for multithreaded network access, client requests require a response handler, which live in the response package (e.g. LoginResponseHandler and PostResponseHandler). On each response handler you must override onSuccess, and you may optionally override onError.


With existing access token

AppDotNetClient client = new AppDotNetClient(accessToken);


AppDotNetClient client = new AppDotNetClient();

Using password flow authentication

AppDotNetClient client = new AppDotNetClient(clientId, passwordGrantSecret);
client.authenticateWithPassword(username, password, scope, new LoginResponseHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(String accessToken, Token token) {
        // The access token has already been set on the client; you don't need to call setToken() here.

Basic examples

Get current user

client.retrieveCurrentUser(new UserResponseHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(User user) {


Star a post

client.starPost(postId, new PostResponseHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(Post post) {

Create a new post

Post post = new Post("test post");
client.createPost(post, new PostResponseHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(Post responsePost) {

Follow a user

client.followUser(userId, new UserResponseHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(User user) {

Query parameters

Each client method has a variation that takes a QueryParameters instance. The general endpoint parameters are pre-defined on the GeneralParameter enum.


client.retrieveUser(userId, new QueryParameters(GeneralParameter.INCLUDE_ANNOTATIONS), new UserResponseHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(User user) {


  • documentation
  • Creating Derived Files
  • WebView component for client-side authentication flow
  • pagination
  • streaming API
  • filters
  • unit tests