This README contains details about applying the automated polishing on general genome assemblies. The original script used in McCartney et al, 2021 has been updated to use the Merfin release version and contains minor corrections to Winnowmap alignments.
- Winnowmap2
- Falconc available in pbipa package
- Racon (liftover branch)
- Meryl v1.3
- Merfin v1.0
- Samtools
- BCFtools
(Optional) <num_threads> <num_iterations> <in_draft_fasta> <in_reads> <in_readmers> <out_prefix>
num_threads Number of threads to use.
num_iterations Number of polishing iterations to perform.
in_draft_fasta Path to the input FASTA/FASTQ containing draft sequences for polishing.
in_reads Path to the input reads file, in FASTA/FASTQ format.
in_readmers Path to a Meryl database of Illumina mers.
out_prefix Prefix of the output files. A folder will automatically be created if it does not exist.
This script automatically launches Winnowmap2 to align HiFi reads, falconc, Racon, and Merfin to call and filter polishing edits, and runs bcftools to generate the polished consensus in one iteration. Optionally, edits compared to the initial pre-polished consensus is driven by assembly-to-assembly alignments using minimap2 and paftools.
Prior to polishing initially aligns input HiFi reads to the draft assembly using Winnowmap2,
a tool developed to produce highly accurate repeat-aware alignments, using --MD -W bad_mers.txt -ax map-pb
# Collect repetitive 15-mers
meryl count k=15 ${in_draft} output merylDB
meryl print greater-than distinct=0.9998 merylDB > ${out_winnowmap_bam}.repetitive_k15.txt
# Align
winnowmap --MD -W ${out_winnowmap_bam}.repetitive_k15.txt -ax map-pb -t ${threads} ${in_draft} ${in_dataset} | \
samtools view -Sb > ${out_winnowmap_bam}
# Sort
samtools sort --threads ${threads} -o ${out_winnowmap_sorted_bam} ${out_winnowmap_bam}
The unpolished draft assembly is used as the target in the first iteration, while every following iteration uses the polished output of the previous stage as the input target.
The output alignments are filtered to remove all secondary alignments and alignments with excessive clipping,
using falconc bam-filter-clipped
tool in the pbipa
Bioconda package using options falconc bam-filter-clipped -t -F 0x104
where -F
is the filter flag. By default, maximum clipping on either left or right side of an alignment is set to 100bp,
but it is only applied if the alignment is located at least 25bp from a target sequence end
(to prevent clipping due to contig which could otherwise cause false alignment filtering).
falconc bam-filter-clipped -t -F 0x104 \
--input-fn ${out_winnowmap_sorted_bam} \
--output-fn ${out_falconc_sam} \
--output-count-fn ${out_falconc_sam}.filtered_aln_count.txt
The filtered alignments produced are then used as input to Racon, here the Racon liftover
branch is utilised.
To install the liftover
branch, follow the steps below:
git clone
cd racon
git checkout liftover
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
This is an extension of the master
branch of Racon with two custom features:
- BED selection of regions for polishing
- logging the changes introduced to the draft sequences to produce the polished output (in VCF, PAF or optionally SAM format)
Racon is run with default options except for two new logging options -L out_prefix
and -S
which store the liftover information between the input and output sequences.
We only need the out_prefix.vcf, which is generated with
racon -t ${threads} \
${in_dataset} \
${out_falconc_sam} \
${in_draft} \
-L ${out_racon_fasta} \
> ${out_racon_fasta}
Merfin is run using -polish
function and -peak 160.7
which should be adjusted by the user to accommodate their genome
and is calculated from kmer histogram or computed using tools such as GenomeScope 2.0.
Refer to Merfin and the WiKi page
for more details on how to obtain -peak kcov
and -prob lookup_table.txt
using the --fitted_hist
option in GenomeScope2 and the read kmer database.
merfin -polish \
-sequence ${in_draft} \
-seqmers ${out_meryl} \
-readmers ${in_readmers} \
-peak 106.7 \
-vcf ${out_racon_fasta}.vcf \
-output ${out_merfin} \
-threads ${threads}
Finally, consensus is called using bcftools and to generate the vcf of variants changed from the draft assembly to the polished assembly.
bcftools view -Oz ${out_merfin}.polish.vcf > ${out_merfin}.polish.vcf.gz
bcftools index ${out_merfin}.polish.vcf.gz
bcftools consensus ${out_merfin}.polish.vcf.gz -f ${in_draft} -H 1 > ${out_consensus}
Additionally, for benchmark purposes, the difference between the initial draft assembly vs. the final polished assembly could be obtained
using minimap2 using the --cs asm5
function, sorted, and input to paftools for vcf generation.
minimap2 -cx asm5 --cs ${in_draft} ${out_consensus} > ${out_consensus}.minimap2.paf
sort -k6,6 -k8,8n ${out_consensus}.minimap2.paf > ${out_consensus}.minimap2.sorted.paf
paftools call -f ${in_draft} ${out_consensus}.minimap2.sorted.paf > ${out_consensus}.paftools.vcf