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189 lines (147 loc) · 7.54 KB

Coverage analysis

Once the alignments are ready in paf format, various tracks and statistics can be generated.



All scripts requires $tools variable to be set prior to running.
The $tools is the dir path where this github repository has been cloned under.
seqrequester and asset should be also installed under $tools.

Quick start

# This step needs to be run only once per assembly.
mkdir pattern && cd pattern
$tools/T2T-Polish/coverage/ /path/to/asm_ver.fasta
ln -s /path/to/merqury/asm_ver_only.bed asm_ver.error.bed  # symlink asm_only.bed file from Merqury. Hybrid kmers recommended.

cd /path/to/mappings

# Run this step on each in.paf file per platform.
$tools/T2T-Polish/coverage/ in.paf name ver platform pattern

# Load *.cov.wig and *.issues.bed on IGV to visually inspect coverage and related issues.

Here is the discription of and

Usage: ./ <asm.fasta>
  <asm.fasta>: absolute path to asm.fasta,
               expecting to have asm.fasta.fai in the same path

Usage: ./ in.paf name ver platform pattern
  in.paf   : input paf file
  name     : name to appear on the .wig files
  ver      : assembly version
  platform HiFi, ONT or Hybrid
  pattern  path to pattern folder

Required: pattern/ver/, pattern/ver.bed, pattern/ver.error.bed, pattern/ver.exclude.bed, pattern/ver.telo.bed

This runs the following scripts:

  • requires additional files. Adjust the script to match the file path. See prerequisites.

Collect Summary

Usage: ./ in.paf name

By default, using a given paf file, this script generates various summary .wig tracks:

  • collect_stat: all and per-strand read length, MQ, Idy, and strand ratio in every 10kb window
  • collect_coverage: coverage and clipped (>100bp) read tracks in every 1024 bp

Internally, this launches several paf tools that could be run independently.
The track will be displayed with as name. Use quotes (" ") if the name contains spaces.


Generate minimum, average, median, maximum .wig tracks from values in col-idx in every span bp.

java -jar -Xmx8g $tools/T2T-Polish/paf_util/pafToMinAvgMedMaxWig.jar <in.paf> <name> <span> <col-idx> <out-prefix>
  <name>       : name of this track. String
  <span>       : span of the interval. INT
  <col-idx>    : column to collect stats. DEFAULT=2
  <out-prefix> : output prefix
  output       : <out-prefix.type.wig>. Four .wig formatted files are generated; with type = min avg med and max.


Generate +, -, or normalized count tracks by the total reads in every span bp. Output .wig file is generated in standard out.

java -jar -Xmx8g $tools/T2T-Polish/paf_util/pafToStrandedWig.jar <in.paf> <name> <span> <type>
  <name> : name of this track. String
  <span> : span of the interval. INT
  <type> : + | - | norm. norm = normalized + counts by total reads
  stdout : .wig format.


Generate coverage (read counts), absolute and normalized counts of clipped and total read tracks in every span bp; if the soft-clipped or hard-clipped bases are over min-clipped.

Usage: java -jar -Xmx8g pafToCovClippedWig.jar <in.paf> <name-prefix> <span> <out-prefix> [min-clipped]
  name-prefix name prefix of the tracks. String
  span        span of the interval. INT
  out-prefix  output prefix.
  min-clipped minimum num. of clipped bases. DEFAULT=100. OPTIONAL.

Coverage mean and SD

Using the .cov.wig file from, obtain mean and SD.

Usage: ./ in.wig [exclude.bed]

Obtain coverage statistics
  in.wig       output from /data/Phillippy/tools/T2T-Polish/paf_util/pafToCovWig.jar
  exclude.bed  region to exclude when calculating coverage stats (optional)

This script outputs the followings:

  • cov.mean.txt : Coverage mean
  • high_cutoff.txt: Mean x 2.5
  • low_cutoff.txt : Mean / 4
  • : SD from all coverage
  • cov.sd_adj.txt : Adjusted SD using coverage under 2.5 x mean
  • : Median(|X - X^|)
  • cov.mad.txt : Median absolute deviation (MAD)
  • cov.theta.txt : 1.4826 x MAD

high_cutoff.txt and low_cutoff.txt are used to detect low coverage regions (likely mis-assembly) and high coverage regions (likely collapses). These cutoffs could be adjusted depending on the coverage.

Low support

This script generates the issues.bed file, reported in CHM13-Issues repo.

Usage: ./ in.paf ver platform pattern
  in.paf    sam2paf
  ver       assembly version prefix
  platform  HiFi, ONT or Hybrid
  pattern   path to pattern folder

Adjust the file paths below before running this script.

Prerequisites requires several files under pattern.
asm, telo, exclude, pattern will be generated with

  • asm : ver.bed; Bed file containing regions as chromosome (scaffold) length.
  • telo : ver.telo.bed; Both ends of each chromosome. Will be excluded from flagging as lower coverage is expected due to natural sequencing coverage dropouts. Could be an empty file.
  • error : ver.error.bed; Regions of known consensus base errors. Merqury asm only track.
  • exclude: ver.exclude.bed; Any additional regions to exclude, e.g. known collapses or gaps. Could be an empty file.
  • pattern: pattern/ver folder; containing microsatellite patterns.

Hybrid mode

Asset runs without excluding any bases at the beginning or end of a read alignment while collecting coverage (-l 0).
Clipping threshold is set to 5, flagging regions when > 5 reads or > 5% of the reads have clippings.

HiFi mode

Asset runs without excluding any bases at the beginning or end of a read alignment while collecting coverage (-l 0).
Clipping threshold is set to 10, flagging regions when > 10 reads or > 10% of the reads have clippings.

ONT mode

Asset runs with default options.
Clipping threshold is set to 15, flagging regions when > 15 reads or > 15% of the reads have clippings.

Output file

Output prefix follows the in.paf file (without the .paf).

  • prefix.issues.bed
  • prefix.clipped.bed


Regions are reported with one of the following categories:

Label Description R,G,B Color
Low Low coverage 204,0,0 red
Low_Qual Low coverage from lower consensus quality 204,0,0 red
Low_[GA/TC|GC|AT] Low coverage associated with > 80% microsatellites 153,153,255 light purple
Clipped Clipped regions 153,153,153 Grey
High High coverage 153,102,255 purple

Precedence takes place in the following order:

  • Low_Qual: Low coverage, associated with an error k-mer
  • Low_GA/TC|GC|AT: Low coverage, associated with possible sequencing bias. GA|TC > GC > AT.
  • Low
  • High
  • Clipped


Clipped regions not reported because of the overlapping low or high coverage are reported in this file.