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Status: invalid
Status: invalid
A reported issue that isn't reproduceable or was caused by user error/improper installation/etc.
Status: ready
Status: ready
The issue is sufficiently described/scoped to be picked up by a developer.
Status: refining
Status: refining
The issue needs additional details to ensure that requirements are clear.
Status: review
Status: review
The issue's code has been merged and is ready for testing/review.
Status: won't fix
Status: won't fix
A known bug that we've decided not to fix.
to investigate
to investigate
Type: bug
Type: bug
A flaw in the code that causes the software to produce an incorrect or unexpected result.
Type: cleanup
Type: cleanup
Categorizes issue as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt.
Type: documentation
Type: documentation
The issue requires documentation.
Type: enhancement
Type: enhancement
An improvement to existing functionality.
Type: epic
Type: epic
This is an umbrella issue that brings together many other issues.
Type: feature
Type: feature
New functionality.
Type: regression
Type: regression
A bug that is a regression of supported functionality from previous releases
University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne
Wellcome Trust