diff --git a/content/en/plugins/scale-agent/concepts/horizontal-scaling.md b/content/en/plugins/scale-agent/concepts/horizontal-scaling.md
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+title: Horizontal Scaling Architecture and Features
+linkTitle: Horizontal Scaling
+description: >
+ Learn how the Horizontal Scaling feature helps by distributing operations across Armory Scale Agent replicas in your Armory Continuous Deployment or Spinnaker environment.
+ - /scale-agent/tasks/horizontal-scaling/
+## Overview of Horizontal Scaling
+Rather than sending operations to the first Scale Agent instance that could handle it, horizontal Scaling provides a way to improve operations by distributing them across all the Scale Agent replicas that could handle it.
+### How to enable and use Horizontal Scaling
+First, familiarize yourself with the architecture and features in this guide. Then you can:
+1. {{< linkWithTitle "plugins/scale-agent/tasks/horizontal-scaling/operations-enable.md" >}}
+## Horizontal Scaling glossary
+- **K8s Operation**: an abstraction of a K8s operation; Get, List, Add, Delete, Patch etc.
+- **Dynamic account Operation**: an abstraction of a dynamic account operation; Add or Unregister accounts
+- **Endpoint**: the URL segment after the Clouddriver root
+- **Request**: an instruction that isn’t fulfilled immediately and can have different outcomes; a request can be done through HTTP by the admin or internally by one of the services.
+## Architecture
+First is important to understand the main difference between K8s operations and Dynamic account operations.
+|K8s |Dynamic account |
+|Are handled by a single Scale Agent Instance |Could be handled by more than one Scale Agent Instance |
+|Are processed on every polling cycle |Are processed on demand |
+The Scale Agent stores K8s and Dynamic Account operations data in dedicated tables that act like a queue:
+- `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation`: Has the information of new received operations
+- `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_single_assign`: Has the information of K8s operations that could be assigned just to a single Scale Agent Instance
+- `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_multiple_assign`: Has the information of dynamic account operations that could be assigned to multiple Scale Agent Instances
+- `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_history`: Has the information of K8s and dynamic account operations responses
+### K8s Operations
+The Scale Agent Plugin creates a job per Scale Agent Instance registration, this job is in charge of:
+1. Fetching pending K8s operations from `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation` table
+2. Assigning pending K8s operations on clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_single_assign table
+3. Fetch assigned K8s operations from `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_single_assign` table and send it to Scale Agent
+Some important thing to know about it, is that when getting a bad operation response and there is still time to do a retry (based on `kubesvc.cache.operationWaitMs` property), the Scale Agent Plugin does the following:
+The Scale Agent Plugin does:
+1. Stored the response on `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_history` table
+2. Unassigns the operation from `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_single_assign` table, so that another or the same Scale Agent instance can take it again
+ title Scale Agent Horizontal Scaling Registration Jobs
+ Boundary(spin, "Armory Continuous Deployment or Spinnaker", "Instance", $borderColor="#0FC2C0") {
+ Boundary(cd, "Clouddriver", "Service", $borderColor="orange") {
+ System(sap, "Scale Agent Plugin
", "For each registration creates a job to assign and send
every N milliseconds the maximum number of K8s operations.
N = kubesvc.operations.database.scan.initialDelay | maxDelay
maximum number = kubesvc.operations.database.scan.batchSize")
+ System(saj0, "Scale Agent Job 0", "")
+ System(saj1, "Scale Agent Job 1", "")
+ System(saj2, "Scale Agent Job 2", "")
+ UpdateElementStyle(saj0, $bgColor="#04AA6D", $borderColor="none")
+ UpdateElementStyle(saj1, $bgColor="#f44336", $borderColor="none")
+ UpdateElementStyle(saj2, $bgColor="#555555", $borderColor="none")
+ }
+ Boundary(sa, "Armory Scale Agent", "Service", $borderColor="purple") {
+ System(sar0, "Replica 0", "")
+ System(sar1, "Replica 1", "")
+ System(sar2, "Replica 2", "")
+ UpdateElementStyle(sar0, $bgColor="#04AA6D", $borderColor="none")
+ UpdateElementStyle(sar1, $bgColor="#f44336", $borderColor="none")
+ UpdateElementStyle(sar2, $bgColor="#555555", $borderColor="none")
+ }
+ Rel(sar0, sap, "Registration", "")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sar0, sap, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#04AA6D")
+ Rel(sar1, sap, "Registration", "")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sar1, sap, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#f44336")
+ Rel(sar2, sap, "Registration", "")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sar2, sap, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#555555")
+ Rel(sap, saj0, "Create")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sap, saj0, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#04AA6D")
+ Rel(sap, saj1, "Create")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sap, saj1, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#f44336", $offsetX="-30", $offsetY="55")
+ Rel(sap, saj2, "Create")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sap, saj2, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#555555", $offsetX="-60", $offsetY="155")
+ BiRel(sar0, saj0, "HandleOp", "request/response")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sar0, saj0, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#04AA6D", $offsetX="-100", $offsetY="30")
+ BiRel(sar1, saj1, "HandleOp", "request/response")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sar1, saj1, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#f44336")
+ BiRel(sar2, saj2, "HandleOp", "request/response")
+ UpdateRelStyle(sar2, saj2, $textColor="black", $lineColor="#555555")
+ }
+ UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="1", $c4BoundaryInRow="2")
+### Dynamic account Operations
+Since dynamic account operations requests are less usual, the Scale Agent Plugin flow is as follows:
+1. Receive and store the new dynamic account operation on `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation` table
+2. Assign the dynamic account operation on `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_multiple_assign` table; it could be assigned to all connected Scale Agent instance or to instances with the recived zoneId
+3. Notify to all instances to fetch pending dynamic account operations from `clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_multiple_assign` table
+4. Each instance reads and sends pending dynamic account operations to Scale Agent
+5. Wait and send the response back
+ actor User
+ participant Plugin
+ participant Service
+ User->>Plugin: Send dynamic account operation
+ Plugin->>Plugin: Store in clouddriver.kubesvc_operation
+ Plugin->>Plugin: Assign on clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_multiple_assign
+ Plugin->>Plugin: Notify all to read and send pending operations
+ Plugin->>Service: gRPC HandleOp
+ Service-->>Plugin: return
+ Plugin->>Plugin: Store response in clouddriver.kubesvc_operation_history
+ Plugin-->>User: return
diff --git a/content/en/plugins/scale-agent/tasks/horizontal-scaling/operations-enable.md b/content/en/plugins/scale-agent/tasks/horizontal-scaling/operations-enable.md
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index 0000000000..5cf13e2309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/plugins/scale-agent/tasks/horizontal-scaling/operations-enable.md
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+title: Enable and Configure Operations Horizontal Scaling in the Armory Scale Agent
+linkTitle: Enable Operations Horizontal Scaling
+description: >
+ Learn how to enable and configure the Operations Horizontal Scaling feature in Armory Scale Agent for Spinnaker and Kubernetes.
+## {{% heading "prereq" %}}
+* You are familiar with {{< linkWithTitle "plugins/scale-agent/concepts/horizontal-scaling" >}}.
+## Scale Agent plugin
+> Operations Horizontal Scaling was introduce starting with plugin versions v0.13.20/0.12.21/0.11.56.
+You should enable Operations Horizontal Scaling by setting `kubesvc.cluster: database` in your plugin configuration. For example:
+{{< highlight bash "linenos=table,hl_lines=27-28">}}
+ spinnakerConfig:
+ profiles:
+ clouddriver:
+ spinnaker:
+ extensibility:
+ repositories:
+ armory-agent-k8s-spinplug-releases:
+ enabled: true
+ url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armory-io/agent-k8s-spinplug-releases/master/repositories.json
+ plugins:
+ Armory.Kubesvc:
+ enabled: true
+ version: 0.13.20 # Replace with a version compatible with your Armory CD version
+ extensions:
+ armory.kubesvc:
+ enabled: true
+ # Plugin config
+ kubesvc:
+ cluster: database
+ operations:
+ database:
+ scan:
+ batchSize: # (Optional) # requires kubesvc.cluster: database be enable
+ initialDelay: # (Optional) # requires kubesvc.cluster: database be enable
+ maxDelay: # (Optional) # requires kubesvc.cluster: database be enable
+{{< /highlight >}}
+* **batchSize**: (Optional) default: 5; The max number of operations that could be assigned to an Scale Agent instance per cycle
+* **initialDelay**: (Optional) default: 250; Milliseconds to wait per cycle, when there are pending operations
+* **maxDelay**: (Optional) default: 2000; Milliseconds to wait per cycle, when there are not pending operations
diff --git a/static/csv/agent/agent-plugin-config-options.csv b/static/csv/agent/agent-plugin-config-options.csv
index efe0bf91c8..485c998ece 100644
--- a/static/csv/agent/agent-plugin-config-options.csv
+++ b/static/csv/agent/agent-plugin-config-options.csv
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Setting|Type|Default|Description
|integer|0|Disabled by default, set it to a value greater than 0 to enable. Specifies minutes to keep namespace definitions in memory to reduce calls to the database.
|integer|10000|How long to wait for a recache operation.
|integer|30000|How long to wait for a Kubernetes operation like deploy, scale, delete, or others
|string|none|Type of clustering.
: for development only; don’t try to coordinate with other Clouddriver instances
: use Redis to coordinate via pubsub. Redis will be deprecated in a future release.
0.10.24+0.9.400.8.48 kubernetes
:(Recommended) Requires additional cluster-kubernetes configuration.
|string|none|Type of clustering.
: for development only; don’t try to coordinate with other Clouddriver instances
: use Redis to coordinate via pubsub. Redis will be deprecated in a future release.
0.10.24+0.9.400.8.48 kubernetes
:(Recommended) Requires additional cluster-kubernetes
0.13.19+0.12.20+0.11.56+ database
: Makes database act like a queue to coordinate, improves operations distribution, requires additional operations.database.scan configuration.
spin-clouddriver|(Optional) If configured, the plugin uses this file to discover Endpoints. If not configured, it will use the service account mounted to the pod.
(Optional) Whether to verify the Kubernetes API cert or not.
(Optional) If configured, the plugin watches Endpoints in this namespace. If null, it watches endpoints in the namespace indicated in the file /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace
(Optional) Name of the port configured in clouddriver Service that forwards traffic to clouddriver http port for REST requests.
(Optional) Name prefix of the Kubernetes Service pointing to the Clouddriver standard HTTP port.
|long|30000|2.23.0+ 1.23.0+ How often the plugin will refresh account credentials to clouddriver in case credentials.poller.enabled
is disabled. Otherwise the standard properties of credentials.poller.enabled
and credentials.poller.types.kubernetes.reloadFrequencyMs
are respected
|boolean|false|If you don’t need the V2 provider account, set that to true to speed up caching deserialization.
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ Setting|Type|Default|Description
|integer|5|0.10.3+ How many Kubernetes kinds to evict for each eviction event.
|integer|200|0.10.3+ The time between evictions in milliseconds. Using a low value can lead to a spike in resource usage when migration occurs.
|integer|255|How many characters as a maximum could have the kubesvc.ops.processTime.result
attribute metric
|integer|5|The max number of operations that could be assigned to an Scale Agent instance per cycle
|integer|250|Milliseconds to wait per cycle, when there are pending operations
|integer|2000|Milliseconds to wait per cycle, when there are not pending operations