In order to get the best performance from your Redshift Database, you must ensure that database tables regularly analyzed and vacuumed. For more information , please read the below Redshift documentation,
Whenever you insert, delete, or update (In Redshift update = delete + insert) a significant number of rows, you should run a VACUUM command and then an ANALYZE command. In Redshift, the data blocks are immutable, i.e. when rows are DELETED or UPDATED against a table they are simply logically deleted (flagged for deletion), but not physically removed from disk. These causes the rows to continue consuming disk space and those blocks are scanned when a query scans the table. The result of this, table storage space is increased and degraded performance due to otherwise avoidable disk IO during scans. A vacuum recovers the space from deleted rows and restores the sort order.
To avoid resource intensive VACUUM operation, you can load the data in sort key order, or design your table maintain data for a rolling time period, using time series tables.
If your table has a large unsorted region (which can’t be vacuumed), a deep copy is much faster than a vacuum. You can use the Column Encoding Utility from our open source GitHub project ( to perform a deep copy. The Column Encoding Utility takes care of the compression analysis, column encoding and deep copy.
The ANALYZE command updates the statistics metadata, which enables the query optimizer to generate more accurate query plans. COPY automatically updates statistics after loading an empty table, so your statistics should be up-to-date.
The Redshift ‘Analyze Vacuum Utility’ gives you the ability to automate VACUUM and ANALYZE operations. When run, it will VACUUM or ANALYZE an entire schema or individual tables.
This Utility Analyzes and Vacuums table(s) in a Redshift Database schema, based on certain parameters like unsorted, stats off and size of the table and system alerts from stl_explain & stl_alert_event_log. By turning on/off '--analyze-flag’ and '--vacuum-flag' parameters, you can run it as 'vacuum-only' or 'analyze-only' utility. This script can be scheduled to run VACUUM and ANALYZE as part of regular maintenance/housekeeping activities, when there are less database activities (quiet period).
This script runs vacuum in two phases,
Identify and run vacuum based on the alerts recorded in STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG. STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG, records an alert when the query optimizer identifies conditions that might indicate performance issues. We can use the STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG table to identify tables that needs vacuum. The script uses the following query to get the list of tables and number of alerts (count), that needs vacuum based on alerts raised by optimizer:
SELECT schema_name,
FROM (SELECT TRIM(n.nspname) schema_name,
c.relname table_name,
FROM stl_alert_event_log AS l
FROM stl_scan
WHERE perm_table_name <> 'Internal Worktable'
GROUP BY query,
perm_table_name) AS s
ON s.query = l.query
JOIN pg_class c
ON c.oid = s.tbl
JOIN PG_CATALOG.pg_namespace n
ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE l.userid > 1
AND l.event_time >= DATEADD(DAY, $(goback_no_of_days) , CURRENT_DATE)
AND l.Solution LIKE '%VACUUM command%'
GROUP BY TRIM(n.nspname),
c.relname) anlyz_tbl
WHERE anlyz_tbl.qry_rnk < $( query_rank )
Variables and default values (which can be changed):
- goback_no_of_days: To control number days to look back from CURRENT_DATE, Default value = 1
- query_rank : To get the top N rank tables based on the stl_alert_event_log alerts, Default value = 25
Identify and run vacuum based on the certain thresholds (Like unsorted > 10% and Stats Off > 10% and Size < 700 GB):
SELECT DISTINCT 'vacuum' + "schema" + '.' + "table" + ' ; '
FROM svv_table_info
WHERE "schema" = $( schema_name)
--If the size of the table is less than the max_table_size_mb then , run vacuum based on condition: >min_unsorted_pct AND >deleted_pct
( ( size < $(max_table_size_mb) )AND ( unsorted > $(min_unsorted_pct) OR empty > $( deleted_pct) ) )
--If the size of the table is greater than the max_table_size_mb then , run vacuum based on condition:
-- >min_unsorted_pct AND < max_unsorted_pct AND >deleted_pct
--This is to avoid big table with large unsorted_pct
( ( size > $(max_table_size_mb) )AND ( unsorted > $(min_unsorted_pct) AND unsorted < $(max_unsorted_pct) ) ) )
ORDER BY "size" ASC;
This script runs Analyze in two phases
Run ANALYZE based on the alerts recorded in stl_explain & stl_alert_event_log. The script uses the following query to get the list of tables and number of alerts (count), that needs analyze based on alerts raised by optimizer:
SELECT DISTINCT 'analyze ' + feedback_tbl.schema_name + '.' + feedback_tbl.table_name + ' ; '
+ '/* '+ ' Table Name : ' + info_tbl."schema" + '.' + info_tbl."table"
+ ', Stats_Off : ' + CAST(info_tbl."stats_off" AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' */ ;'
FROM ((SELECT TRIM(n.nspname) schema_name,
c.relname table_name
FROM (SELECT TRIM(SPLIT_PART(SPLIT_PART(a.plannode,':',2),' ',2)) AS Table_Name,
FROM stl_explain a,
stl_query b
WHERE a.query = b.query
AND CAST(b.starttime AS DATE) >= dateadd (DAY,-1,CURRENT_DATE)
AND a.userid > 1
AND a.plannode LIKE '%missing statistics%'
AND a.plannode NOT LIKE '%_bkp_%'
GROUP BY Table_Name) miss_tbl
LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON c.relname = TRIM (miss_tbl.table_name)
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE miss_tbl.qry_rnk <= 25)
SELECT schema_name,
FROM (SELECT TRIM(n.nspname) schema_name,
c.relname table_name,
FROM stl_alert_event_log AS l
FROM stl_scan
WHERE perm_table_name <> 'Internal Worktable'
GROUP BY query,
perm_table_name) AS s ON s.query = l.query
JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.tbl
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE l.userid > 1
AND l.event_time >= dateadd (DAY,-1,CURRENT_DATE)
AND l.Solution LIKE '%ANALYZE command%'
GROUP BY TRIM(n.nspname),
c.relname) anlyz_tbl
WHERE anlyz_tbl.qry_rnk < 25) feedback_tbl
JOIN svv_table_info info_tbl
ON info_tbl.schema = feedback_tbl.schema_name
AND info_tbl.table = feedback_tbl.table_name
WHERE info_tbl.stats_off::DECIMAL (32,4) > $(stats_off_pct)
AND TRIM(info_tbl.schema) = $( schema_name)
ORDER BY info_tbl.size ASC ;
Run ANALYZE based on the below filter criteria:
SELECT DISTINCT 'analyze ' + "schema" + '.' + "table" + ' ; '
+ '/* '+ ' Table Name : ' + "schema" + '.' + "table"
+ ', Stats_Off : ' + CAST("stats_off" AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' */ ;'
FROM svv_table_info
WHERE stats_off> $(stats_off_pct)
AND "schema" = $(schema_name);
If table has a stats_off_pct > 10 %, then the script runs ALALYZE command to update the statistics.
Sl.No Parameter Mandatory Default Value
1. --db Yes
2. --db-user Yes
3. --db-pwd Yes
4. --db-host Yes
5. --db-port No 5439
6. --schema-name No Public
7. --table-name No Schema
8. --output-file Yes
9. --debug No False
10. --slot-count No 1
11. --ignore-errors No False
12. --query_group No None
13. --analyze-flag No True
14. --vacuum-flag No True
15. --vacuum-parameter No FULL
16. --min-unsorted-pct No 05%
17. --max-unsorted-pct No 50%
18. --deleted-pct No 05%
19. --stats-off-pct No 10%
20. --max-table-size-mb No 700*1024 MB
The above parameter values depends on the cluster type, table size, available system resources and available ‘Time window’ etc. The default values provided here are based on ds2.8xlarge, 8 node cluster. It may take some trial and error to come up with correct parameter values to vacuum and analyze your table(s). If table size is greater than certain size (max_table_size_mb) and has a large unsorted region (deleted_pct or max_unsorted_pct), consider deep copy, which would be much faster than a vacuum.
As VACUUM & ANALYZE operations are resource intensive, you should ensure that this will not adversely impact other database operations running on your cluster. AWS has thoroughly tested this software on a variety of systems, but cannot be responsible for the impact of running the utility against your database.
Sets the number of query slots a query will use.
Workload management (WLM) reserves slots in a service class according to the concurrency level set for the queue (for example, if concurrency level is set to 5, then the service class has 5 slots). WLM allocates the available memory for a service class equally to each slot. For more information, see Implementing Workload Management.
For operations where performance is heavily affected by the amount of memory allocated, such as Vacuum, increasing the value of wlm_query_slot_count can improve performance. In particular, for slow Vacuum commands, inspect the corresponding record in the SVV_VACUUM_SUMMARY view. If you see high values (close to or higher than 100) for sort_partitions and merge_increments in the SVV_VACUUM_SUMMARY view, consider increasing the value for wlm_query_slot_count the next time you run Vacuum against that table.
Increasing the value of wlm_query_slot_count limits the number of concurrent queries that can be run.
If the value of wlm_query_slot_count is larger than the number of available slots (concurrency level) for the service class, the query will fail. If you encounter an error, decrease wlm_query_slot_count to an allowable value.
Flag to turn ON/OFF ANALYZE functionality (True or False). If you want run the script to only perform ANALYZE on a schema or table, set this value ‘False’ : Default = ‘True’.
Flag to turn ON/OFF VACUUM functionality (True or False). If you want run the script to only perform VACUUM on a schema or table, set this value ‘False’ : Default = ‘True’.
Specify vacuum parameters [ FULL | SORT ONLY | DELETE ONLY | REINDEX ] Default = FULL' Vacuum Syntax: VACUUM [ FULL | SORT ONLY | DELETE ONLY | REINDEX ] [ table_name ]
Minimum unsorted percentage (%) to consider a table for vacuum: Default = 05%.
Maximum unsorted percentage(%) to consider a table for vacuum : Default = 50%.
Minimum deleted percentage (%) to consider a table for vacuum: Default = 05%
Minimum stats off percentage(%) to consider a table for analyze : Default = 10%
Maximum table size in MB : Default = 700*1024 MB
python --db <> --db-user <> --db-pwd <> --db-port 8192 --db-host --schema-name public --table-name customer_v6 --output-file /Users/test.log --debug True --ignore-errors False --slot-count 2 --min-unsorted-pct 5 --max-unsorted-pct 50 --deleted-pct 15 --stats-off-pct 10 --max-table-size-mb 700*1024
To install PyGreSQL (Python PostgreSQL Driver) on Amazon Linux, please ensure that you follow the below steps as the ec2-user:
sudo easy_install pip
sudo yum install postgresql postgresql-devel gcc python-devel
sudo pip install PyGreSQL
- Script runs all VACUUM commands sequentially. Currently in Redshift multiple concurrent vacuum operations are not supported.
- Script runs all ANALYZE commands sequentially not concurrently.
- Does not support column level ANALYZE.
- Multiple schemas are not supported.
- Skew factor is not considered.