CLI commands and utitilities for Sonar.
sonar <command>
$ sonar help
bin.js db <command> database
bin.js fs <command> file system
bin.js collection <command> manage collections
bin.js search <query> make search queries
bin.js server <command> server
bin.js ui [dev|serve] ui
Options :
--version Version anzeigen [boolean]
--endpoint, -e api endpoint url [Standard: "http://localhost:9191/api"]
--collection, -i collection key or name [Standard: "default"]
--help Hilfe anzeigen [boolean]
$ ./sonar server help
sonar server start start the sonar server
sonar server stop stop server
$ ./sonar ui help
sonar ui dev start sonar ui (dev mode)
sonar ui serve start sonar ui (dev mode)
$ ./sonar db help
sonar db get <id> get records
sonar db put [id] put record from stdin
sonar db put-schema [name] put schema from stdin
sonar db get-schema [name] get schemas
sonar db list-schemas list schemas