A memcached-like Elixir cache.
Before this library, caching data for a limited time was a a boring thing to do. Developers had to save the last time the data was stored, and then, check it every time the data was read. So, I decided to return the work to the open source community by writing this really simple cache, allowing developers to keep information for a limited time.
Shootout to # QuitNow!'s cache. I wanted to do something for Elixir community and I took the idea from them. Also, I used it for some projects and works really great.
Available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding lazy_cache
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:lazy_cache, "~> 0.1.0"}
{:ok, PID} = LazyCache.start() # starts the cache and its process for auto-clearing expired elements
a_boolean = LazyCache.insert(key, value, keep_alive_in_milliseconds) # insert an element into the cache for a certain amount of time
a_boolean = LazyCache.insert(key, value) # this element is going to be stored forever!
a_boolean = LazyCache.delete(key) # delete this element
an_integer = LazyCache.size() # how many elements are in my cache?
a_boolean = LazyCache.clear() # delete everything!
The documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/lazy_cache.
Please, feel free to report any issue or contribute to the codebase.
Before creating your pull request, please run mix test
to make sure nothing is broken!
LazyCache source code is released under GNU General Public License v3.0. The generated contents, however, are under different licenses based on projects used to help render HTML, including CSS, JS, and other assets.
Check the LICENSE file for more information.