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The camel-example-dds is a group of examples of Gateway usage with Java DSL.

Note that this example requires the ishapes graphical demo which is bundled with OpenSplice DDS.

Building the example

From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

mvn package

SimpleRoute example

A simple route from a DDS topic to another DDS topic (using the same type)

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a Circle shape and subscribe to Square shapes

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PSimpleRoute

Result: The Circle topic is routed to the Square topic.

MulticastRoute example

A route from a DDS topic to 2 DDS topics.

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a Circle shape and subscribe to Square and Triangle shapes

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PMulticastRoute

Result: The Circle topic is routed to the Square and Triangle topics

DataTransformRoute example

2 routes showing 2 kind of transformation:

  • case 1: a route modifying the data content
  • case 2: a route modifying the data format

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a Circle shape and subscribe to Square

  • Publish a Triangle shape

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PDataTransformRoute


  • case 1: the Circle topic is routed to the Square topic, but with modified shapes coordinates and color.
  • case 1: the Triangle topic is routed to the standard output, with the shapes transformed into a String.

FilterRoute example

A route with a filter implemented as a Java operation.

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a Circle shape and subscribe to Square

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PFilterRoute

Result: only shapes with X coordinate > 100 are routed from topic Circle to topic Square.

GroovyFilterRoute example

A route with a filter implemented as a Groovy script.

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a Circle shape and subscribe to Square

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PGroovyFilterRoute

Result: only shapes with coordinates X > 100 and Y > 100 are routed from topic Circle to topic Square.

SampleRoute example

A route with sampling of the data to lower the publication rate.

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a Circle shape and subscribe to Square

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PSampleRoute

Result: The Circle topic is forward to the Square topic at a lower rate (i.e. 1 sample per second)

ContentBasedRoute example

A route forwarding the data to different topic depending its content.

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a BLUE and a RED Circle and subscribe to Square and Triangle

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PContentBasedRoute

Result: The Circle topic is routed according to the shape color:

  • BLUE Circles are routed to the Square topic
  • RED Circles are routed to the Triangle topic
  • other Circles are routed as logging message to stdout

DynamicPollEnricherRoute example

A route from a DDS topic, each incoming data causing a poll to another DDS topic with a Query Expression to read a data with the same key (the shape color). The 2 data are aggregated a a new data and routed to a 3d DDS topic.

How to run it:

  • Start a OpenSplice iShapes with the following command:


  • Publish a Circle and a Square shape of the same color and subscribe to Triangle shapes

  • From the camel-example-dds directory run the following command:

    mvn exec:java -PDynamicPollEnricherRoute

Result: The Circle and Square topics are forward as a Triangle located in the average position of the two input topics