- Remove querystring module dependency, DONE
- Clean up the utils functions and modules, DONE
- Map
- Mouse hover on features, HMMMMM, only work once! Should display tooltips
- Active id for forecast layers, DONE
- Test opening external forecasts, DONE
- Left and right drawers opening, DONE
- Test on remove map layer and source layer, now does not remove source, but call remove on map, DONE
- Add Forecast markers, DONE
- Zoom to forecast region, DONE
- Make sure layers state is saved, visible and filters, DONE
- Better caching for some containers, weather station, MIN, features on mapbox API, DONE
- Look at the layers order to make sure it remains the same after all these changes, DONE
- Test posting a MIN report, DONE
- Add to map MIN report directly accessed, DONE
- Zoom to MIN A & B does not work, DONE
- Static page should not display other content when loading a page, DONE
- Do more caching
- Fix assets caching, asset hashes get replaced on every push
- Use inspectpack/plugin
- Split mapbox
- Load style
- Add layers and sources manually
- Layer & Source components as accessor, or components do not remove when unmounting
- DataSet components fetch data and set it to the source
- Glossary
- When there is filter, related link are visible, but the definition might not be. Need a way, so the user can still link to these definitions
- Remove react-ga DONE
- https://github.com/babel/babel-loader
- SVELTE, DONE. Really promising, lots of work to refactor. Started w/ the foundation website as POC
- HUGO, started POC w/ Chery Bowl