Before starting the lab, create and configure EC2, the IAM user you need.
- Creating an IAM User
- Creating a new VPC
- Creating Security Groups
- Launch an EC2 Instance
- Configuring your EC2 Instance
Let’s create an IAM User to use during the lab.
- Log in to the AWS Management Console and access the IAM service.
- Select Users from the left menu.
- Click the Add user button to enter the Add User page.
- Enter
<user name>
in User name, and then choose both Programmatic access and AWS Management Console access. Next, enter<password>
in Console password, In last, uncheck Require password reset. - Click the [Next: Permissions] button, select Attach existing policies directly, and add AdministratorAccess privileges.
- Click the [Next: Review] button, check the information, and click the Create user button.
- Click the Download.csv button to download the new user's information. This file is essential for setting up EC2, so save it in a location that is easy to remember.
Let’s create a new VPC to use during the lab.
- Log in to the AWS Management Console and select CloudFormation from the list of services.
- Select Create stack from the left menu.
- Choose With new resources (standard) from the dropdown list.
- In Specify template section, choose Upload a template file.
- Click Choose file button, and upload a cloudformation template download from ::alert[Make sure you choose a cloudformation template file corresponding to your region.]{type="info"}
- Click Next button.
- Enter Stack name (e.g.,
), and Click Next button. - Click Next button to skip
Step 3 Configure stack options
. - Click Submit button.
Create and configure a security group of EC2 instance.
Connect to the EC2 service in the AWS Management Console.
Select the Security Groups item from the NETWORK & SECURITY menu.
Click [Create Security Group].
On the Create Security Group screen, enter the necessary information for the Security Group, and then [Create] a new security group.
- Security group name :
- Description :
security group for bastion
Enter the following in Inbound of the security group rules.
- Type : SSH
- Protocol : TCP
- Port Range : 22
- Source :
- Security group name :
Create and configure a security group for Elasticsearch Service.
Connect to EC2 service in AWS Management Console.
Select the Security Groups item from the NETWORK & SECURITY menu.
Click [Create Security Group].
On the Create Security Group screen, enter the necessary information for the Security Group, and then [Create] a new security group.
- Security group name :
- Description :
security group for an es client
Enter nothing in Inbound of the security group rules.
- Security group name :
Click [Create Security Group] again to go to the Create Security Group screen. After entering the necessary information for the security group, [Create] a new security group.
- Security group name :
- Description :
security group for an es cluster
Enter the following in Inbound of the security group rules.
- Type : All TCP
- Protocol : TCP
- Port Range : 0-65535
- Source :
의 security group id ex) sg-038b632ef1825cb7f
- Security group name :
Create an EC2 instance that will generate the data needed for the lab in real time.
Connect to EC2 service in AWS Management Console.
In the upper right, select your region (e.g., N. Virginia).
Select Instances from the left INSTANCES menu and click [Launch Instance] to start creating a new instance.
Step 1: On the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) screen, choose Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type.
Step 2: On the Choose an Instance Type screen, select
as the instance type. Click [Next: Configure Instance Details]. -
Step 3: On the Configure Instance Details screen, select Enable for Auto-assign Public IP, and click [Next: Add Storage].
Step 4: On the Add Storage screen, leave the defaults and click [Next: Add Tags].
Step 5: On the Add Tags screen, click [Next: Configure Security Group].
Step 6: On the Configure Security Group screen, select Select an existing security group from Assign a security group, and then select
from the Security Group and click [Review and Launch]. -
Step 7: click [Launch] on the Review Instance Launch screen.
Create a key pair to access EC2 Instance. Select Create a new key pair, enter
as the Key pair name, and click Download Key Pair. Save the Key Pair to any location on your PC and click [Launch Instances]. (EC2 Instance startup may take several minutes.) -
For MacOS users, Change the File Permission of the downloaded Key Pair file to 400.
$ chmod 400 ./analytics-hol.pem $ ls -lat analytics-hol.pem -r-------- 1 ****** ****** 1692 Jun 25 11:49 analytics-hol.pem
For Windows OS users, Please refer to Use PuTTY to connect to your Linux instance from Windows.
Configure the EC2 instances to access and control other AWS resources as follows:
Log into the EC2 instance by ssh.
ssh -i "<Key pair name>" ec2-user@<Public IP>
or, open Amazon EC2 console at
In the navigation pane, select the ec2 instance previously created, and then click [Connect].
When the following screen appears, press [EC2 Instance Connect] to connect to your instance. -
Perform the following actions in order on the EC2 instance connected with ssh.
(1) Download the source code.
wget ''
(2) Extract the downloaded source code.
unzip -u
(3) Grant execution authority to the practice environment setting script.
chmod +x ./aws-analytics-immersion-day-main/
(4) Execute the setup script to set the lab environment.
(5) Make sure the files necessary for the lab are normally created after running the configuration script. For example, check if the source code and necessary files exist as shown below.
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-2-252 ~]$ ls -1 aws-analytics-immersion-day-main
In order to run the Python synthentic data generator script (
), we need to set user credentials by following the instructions:-
aws configure
to access other AWS resources. At this time, the IAM User data created earlier is used. Open the previously downloaded .csv file, check theAccess key ID
andSecret access key
, and enter them.$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: <Access key ID> AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <Secret access key> Default region name [None]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]:
If the setting is complete, the information entered as follows will be masked.
$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [****************EETA]: AWS Secret Access Key [****************CixY]: Default region name [None]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]:
ℹ️ Instead of using user credentials, you can attach an IAM role to the EC2 instance to run
. The IAM role should have IAM policies to read/write Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Firehose. For the purpose of this hands-on lab, you can create an IAM role attached withAmazonKinesisFullAccess
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