Releases: awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlin
[0.9.1-alpha] - 11/04/2021
WARNING: Alpha releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
New features
- implement retries for imds #404
- enable machinelearning endpoint customization #378
- add glacier request body checksum #379
- restJson1 empty httpPayload body serialization #402
0.9.0 Alpha Release
[0.9.0-alpha] - 10/28/2021
WARNING: Alpha releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
Breaking changes
- overhaul endpoint resolver types #361
New features
- extend user agent metadata with framework, feature, and config #372
- add sync models task and sync latest models #374
[0.8.0-alpha] - 10/21/2021
WARNING: Alpha releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
Breaking changes
- require a resolved configuration #351
New features
- detect region from active AWS profile #344
- ec2 imds region provider #341
- Add STS assume role and web identity credential providers #352
- ECS credential provider #353
- ec2 credentials provider #348
- use wrapped response when deserializing modeled exceptions #358
- switch from ULong to Long in public presigner API for better java interop #359
0.7.0 Alpha Release
0.6.0 Alpha Release
WARNING: Alpha releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
Breaking changes
- split auth and signing packages #318
- Import paths changed to
- Import paths changed to
New features
- autofill Glacier accountId #246
- support JVM system property and environment variables for profiles #297
- expose method to sign standalone requests #318
- AWS configuration loader and parser #216
- utilize custom endpoint ports #310
- Replace junit imports with kotlin.test imports where possible #321
- update readme to include latest version #319
- sync models and endpoints #317
- Favor kotlin-test-juint5 over kotlin-test to resolve intermittent build failures #316
- kotlin 1.5.30, coroutine, kotest version bumps #307
0.4.0 Alpha Release
WARNING: Alpha releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
Services new in this release
- ec2
- location
- marketplacecommerceanalytics
New features
- Support for presigning requests (smithy-kotlin#435)
- Detect aws region from system properties (aws-sdk-kotlin#202)
- EC2 Query Protocol (aws-sdk-kotlin#230)
- Provide opt-in wire logging (smithy-kotlin#425)
- Support profile credentials provider (smithy-kotlin#302)
- s3.deleteObjects causes an exception (aws-sdk-kotlin#125)
- Streaming request BodyStream never read (aws-sdk-kotlin#282)
- location service references traits not in sdk classpath (aws-sdk-kotlin#286)
- Ignore unboxed types for subset of services (aws-sdk-kotlin#261)
- Service operations specifying no auth should not sign requests with sigv4 (aws-sdk-kotlin#263)
- Create S3 object with Unicode name fails with signature mismatch (aws-sdk-kotlin#200)
- Codegen errors in marketplacecommerceanalytics (aws-sdk-kotlin#214)
- Escape model-extra files for Windows (aws-sdk-kotlin#191)
- Support Glacier APIVersion Header (smithy-kotlin#165)
- Support APIGateway Accept Header (smithy-kotlin#157)
- Add support for awsQueryError trait (smithy-kotlin#375)
- S3 HeadObject errors require customization (aws-sdk-kotlin#152)
- S3 custom treatment of GetBucketLocation response (aws-sdk-kotlin#194)
M2 Preview Release
WARNING: Beta releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
Services new in this release
- applicationcostprofiler
- apprunner
- autoscaling
- cloudformation
- cloudsearch
- cloudwatch
- docdb
- elasticache
- elasticbeanstalk
- elasticloadbalancing
- elasticloadbalancingv2
- finspace
- finspacedata
- iam
- neptune
- nimble
- rds
- redshift
- ses
- sns
- sqs
- ssmcontacts
- ssmincidents
- sts
New Features
protocol support (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#127)- detect region from environment variables (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#356)
- custom S3 error metadata support (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#323)
- environment credentials provider (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#301)
- bind default HTTP client engine to CRT (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#199)
- operation DSL overloads (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#184)
- Kinesis read timeouts (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#162)
- XML EOL encoding support (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#142)
- path literal not escaped correctly (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#395)
- idempotency tokens are not detected on resources (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#376)
- httpPayload bound members need dedicated serde (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#353)
- Route53 error messages (and maybe other restXml messages) are not deserialized and present in stacktrace
(smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#352) - fix url-encoding behavior of httpLabel and httpQuery members (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#328)
- runtime error when using Kotlin 1.5.0 (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#319)
- SES fails to build due to invalid docs (#153)
- exception is thrown for SQS delete message (#147)
- SNS getTopicAttributes throws an exception (#142)
- elasticbeanstalk model generates invalid enum (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#403)
- Kotlin 1.5.0 support
- design docs added to docs/design directory
M1 Preview Release
WARNING: Beta releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
Known Issues
- The Kotlin SDK is not compatible with Kotlin 1.5.0. Please use Kotlin 1.4.x.
Services new in this release
- accessanalyzer
- acm
- acmpca
- alexaforbusiness
- amp
- amplify
- amplifybackend
- appconfig
- appflow
- appintegrations
- applicationautoscaling
- applicationdiscoveryservice
- applicationinsights
- appmesh
- appstream
- appsync
- athena
- auditmanager
- autoscalingplans
- backup
- batch
- braket
- budgets
- build
- chime
- cloud9
- clouddirectory
- cloudfront
- cloudhsm
- cloudhsmv2
- cloudsearchdomain
- cloudtrail
- cloudwatchevents
- cloudwatchlogs
- codeartifact
- codebuild
- codecommit
- codedeploy
- codeguruprofiler
- codegurureviewer
- codepipeline
- codestar
- codestarconnections
- codestarnotifications
- cognitoidentity
- cognitosync
- comprehend
- comprehendmedical
- computeoptimizer
- configservice
- connect
- connectcontactlens
- connectparticipant
- costandusagereportservice
- costexplorer
- customerprofiles
- databasemigrationservice
- databrew
- dataexchange
- datapipeline
- datasync
- dax
- detective
- devicefarm
- devopsguru
- directconnect
- directoryservice
- dlm
- dynamodbstreams
- ebs
- ec2instanceconnect
- ecr
- ecrpublic
- ecs
- efs
- eks
- elasticinference
- elasticsearchservice
- elastictranscoder
- emr
- emrcontainers
- eventbridge
- fis
- fms
- forecast
- forecastquery
- frauddetector
- fsx
- glacier
- globalaccelerator
- greengrass
- greengrassv2
- groundstation
- guardduty
- health
- healthlake
- honeycode
- identitystore
- imagebuilder
- inspector
- ivs
- kafka
- kendra
- kinesis
- kinesisanalytics
- kinesisanalyticsv2
- kinesisvideo
- kinesisvideoarchivedmedia
- kinesisvideomedia
- kinesisvideosignaling
- lakeformation
- lexmodelbuildingservice
- lexmodelsv2
- lexruntimeservice
- lexruntimev2
- licensemanager
- lookoutequipment
- lookoutmetrics
- lookoutvision
- machinelearning
- macie
- macie2
- managedblockchain
- marketplacecatalog
- marketplaceentitlementservice
- marketplacemetering
- mediaconnect
- mediapackage
- mediapackagevod
- mediastore
- mediastoredata
- mediatailor
- mgn
- migrationhub
- migrationhubconfig
- mobile
- mq
- mturk
- mwaa
- networkfirewall
- networkmanager
- opsworks
- opsworkscm
- organizations
- outposts
- personalize
- personalizeevents
- personalizeruntime
- pi
- pinpointemail
- pinpointsmsvoice
- pricing
- qldb
- qldbsession
- quicksight
- ram
- rdsdata
- redshiftdata
- rekognition
- repocache
- resourcegroups
- resourcegroupstaggingapi
- robomaker
- route53
- route53domains
- route53resolver
- s3
- NOTE: S3 is a complicated service, this initial release DOES NOT have complete support for all S3 features.
- s3control
- s3outposts
- sagemaker
- sagemakera2iruntime
- sagemakeredge
- sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime
- sagemakerruntime
- savingsplans
- schemas
- serverlessapplicationrepository
- servicecatalog
- servicecatalogappregistry
- servicediscovery
- servicequotas
- sesv2
- sfn
- shield
- signer
- sms
- snowball
- sso
- ssoadmin
- ssooidc
- storagegateway
- support
- swf
- synthetics
- textract
- timestreamquery
- timestreamwrite
- transcribe
- transfer
- waf
- wafregional
- wafv2
- wellarchitected
- workdocs
- worklink
- workmail
- workmailmessageflow
- workspaces
- xray
New Features
protocol support- add conversions to/from
and SDKInstant
(smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#271) - implement missing IO runtime primitives (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#264)
- API documentation (#119)
- generate per/service base exception types (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#233)
- use sdkId if available for service client generation (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#276)
- explicitly set jvm target compatibility (#103)
- http error registration (#118)
- generate per/service base exception types (smithy-lang/smithy-kotlin#270)
Initial Preview Release
WARNING: Beta releases may contain bugs and no guarantee is made about API stability. They are not recommended for production use!
This is the initial beta release of AWS SDK Kotlin. It represents an early look at the overall API surface.
See the Getting Started Guide for how to work with beta releases and examples.
Services in this release
- DynamoDB
- Polly
- Translate
- Cognito Identity Provider
- Secrets Manager
- NOTE: Default idempotency token provider will not currently work, you'll need to override the config to create or update secrets until #180 is implemented
- Lambda
- We currently can (theoretically) support any JSON based AWS protocol. If there is a service you would like to see added in a future release (before developer preview) please reach out and let us know.
- No customizations are currently implemented, some SDK's may not behave 100% correctly without such support.
- Retries, waiters, paginators, and other features are not yet implemented
- Coroutine API
- DSL Builders
- Default (environment or config) or static credential providers only. Additional providers will be added in later releases.
- JVM only support (multiplatform support is on the roadmap)