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OMGeo - Python Edition

python-omgeo is a geocoding abstraction layer written in python. Currently supported geocoders:


sudo pip install python-omgeo


Docs are available in HTML or PDF format.

Usage Example

Make a new geocoder and geocode and address:

>>> from omgeo import Geocoder
>>> g = Geocoder()
>>> result = g.geocode('340 12th St, Philadelphia PA')

Take a look at the result:

>>> result
{'candidates': [
  <340 S 12th St, Philadelphia, PA, 19107 (-75.161461, 39.94532) EsriWGS>,
  <340 N 12th St, Philadelphia, PA, 19107 (-75.158434, 39.958728) EsriWGS>
 'upstream_response_info': [<EsriWGS 1054ms>]}

Take a closer look at the information in our address Candidate objects:

>>> [c.__dict__ for c in result["candidates"]]
    [{'geoservice': 'EsriWGS',
      'locator': u'USA.AddressPoint',
      'locator_type': u'PointAddress',
      'match_addr': u'340 S 12th St, Philadelphia, PA, 19107',
      'score': 90.87,
      'wkid': 4326,
      'x': -75.161461,
      'y': 39.94532},
     {'geoservice': 'EsriWGS',
      'locator': 'interpolation',
      'locator_type': u'StreetAddress',
      'match_addr': u'340 N 12th St, Philadelphia, PA, 19107',
      'score': 90.87,
      'wkid': 4326,
      'x': -75.158434,
      'y': 39.958728}]

Some geocoders (EsriWGS and US Census) can return address components in addition to the full address:

>>> [{'geoservice': 'EsriWGS',
    'locator': 'interpolation',
    'locator_type': u'StreetAddress',
    'match_addr': u'340 N 12th St, Phila, Pennsylvania, 19107',
    'match_city': u'Phila',
    'match_country': u'USA',
    'match_postal': u'19107',
    'match_region': u'Pennsylvania',
    'match_streetaddr': u'340 N 12th St',
    'match_subregion': u'',
    'score': 90.1,
    'wkid': 4326,
    'x': -75.158384,
    'y': 39.958774}]

These are optional; their existence may change depending on the response from the geocoder.


There is a shell script in the root of the repository called Copy it using cp Edit to include the API keys that you obtained from the given geocoding service providers. Then, run the tests using ./