All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file automatically by Versionist. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY! This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update dependency @types/debug to v4.1.12 [Self-hosted Renovate Bot]
- Update dependency @types/debug to v4.1.9 [Self-hosted Renovate Bot]
- chore(deps): update dependency rimraf to 4.1.1 [Renovate Bot]
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to 18.11.18 [Renovate Bot]
- Drop support for Node 14 and add support for Node 18 [dfunckt]
- add flowzone [Zane Hitchcox]
- patch: Add package-lock.json [Lorenzo Alberto Maria Ambrosi]
- patch: Fix linting [Lorenzo Alberto Maria Ambrosi]
- await stop poll [Zane Hitchcox]
- minor: Retry closing device when busy [Lorenzo Alberto Maria Ambrosi]
- patch: Update dependencies [Lorenzo Alberto Maria Ambrosi]
- patch: Add .resinci.yml [Lorenzo Alberto Maria Ambrosi]
- major: Switch to tessel/node-usb [Lorenzo Alberto Maria Ambrosi]
- Update debut to v4 [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Stop sending file chunks when the file was fully sent [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Ignore package-lock.json file [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Fix progress going from 18 to 0 then to 100 [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Transform switch into if / else, remove tslint: disable comment [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Add some typing, stop returning duplicated references, actually wait for transfers to complete [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Remove unused tslint:disable comment [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Remove ts-ignore comment next to setInterval [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Don't detect beagle bones that are already mass storage devices [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Add versionbot yml changelog file [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Update changelog file for versionbot [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- remove prettier [Zane Hitchcox]
- Lint and build in prepublish script [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Remove version scripts [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Replace tslint with @balena/lint [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Remove os dependency [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Update git repository address in package.json [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Update typescript to v4 and ts-ndoe to v9 [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Update @types/node to v12, @types/usb is a dev dependency [Alexis Svinartchouk]
- Initial release