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Cart Service

The cart service manages all the details about the shopping card of the user. It implements the Repository pattern to have multiple implementations of DataStore. We have an in-memory data store and redis based data store in the application.

In the original c# implementation, the repository is defined using an interface. You can find the ballerina representation below. As you notice, the function body is not implemented. This forces the implementer to implement the body of the function.

public type DataStore distinct object {
    isolated function addItem(string userId, string productId, int quantity) returns error?;

    isolated function emptyCart(string userId) returns error?;

    isolated function getCart(string userId) returns stubs:Cart|error;

Then we implement the DataStore using the concrete class InMemoryStore and RedisStore to provide the actual implementation of the Datastore.

public isolated class InMemoryStore {
    private map<stubs:Cart> store = {};

    isolated function addItem(string userId, string productId, int quantity) {

    isolated function emptyCart(string userId) {

    isolated function getCart(string userId) returns stubs:Cart {

You could also observe that we use lock statements to ensure the concurrent safety.

isolated function getCart(string userId) returns stubs:Cart {
    lock {
        if {
        stubs:Cart newCart = {
            user_id: userId,
            items: []
        };[userId] = newCart;
        return newCart.cloneReadOnly();

And finally, we use the appropriate data store based on the config given by the user in the application initialization.

configurable string datastore = "";

service "CartService" on new grpc:Listener(9092) {
    private final DataStore store;

    function init() returns error? {
        if datastore is "redis" {
            log:printInfo("Redis datastore is configured for cart service");
   = check new RedisStore();
        } else {
            log:printInfo("Redis config is not specified. Starting the cart service with in memory store");
   = new InMemoryStore();
