The source code of Android app of GoGym using Kotlin in order to complete Bangkit Capstone Project.
Splash Screen, There is logo screen before into the login page
Login, Allows a user to gain access to an application by entering their username and password
SignUp, Enables users to independently register and gain access to the system
Home, The start page that is displayed when you have logged in on your device
Pick Image From Gallery, You can select an image from the gallery in preparation for uploading an image to detect the equipment.
Take Image From Camera, You can take image from camera in preparation for uploading an image to detect the equipment.
Send image to server to detect a equipment, After you prepare the image, you can click the process button to send the image and detect the image and get the detail about the equipment
Article About Equipment Gym, in this application you can read articles about equipment
- Android Studio
- JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit).
- Get an API Key at Google Maps Platform
- Connect Android Studio with Firebase Connect to Firebase
- Clone this repository and import into Android Studio
- Enter your API in buildConfigField
buildConfigField("String", "MAPS_TOKEN", '"Your Api Key"')}