This Python notebook shows the process of benchmarking the search result ranking for the Charles Explorer application. It is a part of my diploma thesis at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.
Find out more about the thesis in the GitHub repository.
Made by Jindřich Bär, 2024.
As we have noticed before, the search results ranking we have acquired from Scopus is mostly based on the raw query relevance. Because of this, it might be also riddled with the problems we have discussed in the thesis - such as the susceptibility to search engine optimization of certain papers.
In search for a better ranking for Charles Explorer, we try to predict the citation count of the papers based on the local graph measures we have calculated in the previous notebooks. The citation count is a good indicator of the importance of the paper that cannot be easily interfered with by the authors. Unfortunately the citation count is not available in our dataset (hence the need for prediction / approximation of it).
For our previously acquired (balanced) dataset of representative queries and results, we collect the publication citation counts by querying the Scopus API.
import pandas as pd
queries = pd.read_csv('./best_queries.csv')
scopus = pd.read_csv('./scopus_results.csv')
explorer = pd.read_csv('./filtered_search_results.csv')
charles = set(explorer['name'].str.lower().str.slice(0, 50))
elsevier = set(scopus['title'].str.lower().str.slice(0, 50))
explorer[~explorer['name'].str.lower().str.slice(0, 50).isin(elsevier)].reset_index(drop=True).to_csv('missing/explorer_missing.csv', index=False)
import json
import subprocess
def get_query_object(query):
return {
"documentClassificationEnum": "primary",
"query": f"TITLE-ABS-KEY({query})",
"cluster": ["scoaffilctry,\"Czech Republic\",t"],
"filters": {"yearFrom": "Before 1960","yearTo": "Present"},
"sort": "r-f",
"itemcount": 10,
"offset": 0,
"showAbstract": False
def get_curl_call(query):
return f"""curl\
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0'\
-H 'Accept: */*'\
-H 'Accept-Language: en,cs;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.3'\
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd'\
-H 'content-type: application/json'\
-H 'Origin:'\
-H 'Connection: keep-alive'\
-H 'Cookie: SCSessionID=31A68011EC090B2C2D25409C367FD7A5.i-08c7b4cb90a86575e; scopusSessionUUID=4c0172ba-92b7-452f-b; scopus.machineID=31A68011EC090B2C2D25409C367FD7A5.i-08c7b4cb90a86575e; AWSELB=CB9317D502BF07938DE10C841E762B7A33C19AADB178C55D2587457546F4CC2EC9F7A3D245FD8F55BE465930D985598F19EDB4B09AA31AAC5A6BDE3E4B4DACF34F3854CEEBA41C0B8E02C8591C8E9694E78F7571EE; __cf_bm=QHSDXWknCNhCK.1Jk6zQuBuY2.TgrNE9ijPVSl_qNo4-1719667076-; _cfuvid=f2mprad0VaNiurnrtUrYr1Br4uwpTY3mIxGUaeXhWTo-1719667076015-; SCOPUS_JWT=eyJraWQiOiJjYTUwODRlNi03M2Y5LTQ0NTUtOWI3Zi1kMjk1M2VkMmRiYmMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.b4mQO49VcJWXnIXsMLWqpLPiFpTN9UAX9o1qRXKssB2EYv6WElIIdSh4fzDY7xzZIsfukS3WUbO57UG-cwf5ekHZilEEWS-X-2FmKAnm47tEdi_AopRt5bb1kaOHOCw0CP9TVUQwv50T7nuPO97DpOCA7KjN9u_59oCM7f2IxJ3chQjwXgU2jkoC1zlg_FKp1HBApdZK2NGN9URkJM7HVrLdRf2F6wM4uYu4gHKc9LrRUcRc6wYrAGOGqfLwyeaDel9_z-yv-2QOrhiSpOdlcOKpA0FjMJJmU4jlnLlc4nHDgwqutWX_p0ug4o1_zsRs2NJZJCSkCCjh492MApQKjw; Scopus-usage-key=enable-logging; AT_CONTENT_COOKIE="SERP_NEW_CTO:1,FEATURE_NEW_CITATION_OVERVIEW_IN_OLD_SERP:1,KDP_SOURCE_ENABLED:0,AUTH_NEW_CTO:1,FEATURE_NEW_CTO_AUTHOR_SEARCH:1,AUTH_NEW_CTO_CHART:1,KDP_FACADE_AFFILIATION_ENABLED:1,KDP_FACADE_ABSTRACT_ENABLED:1,FEATURE_SERVICE_FOR_METRICS:1,KDP_FACADE_PATENT_ENABLED:1,FEATURE_NEW_CTO_SOURCES:1,KDP_FACADE_AUTHOR_ENABLED:1,"; AMCV_4D6368F454EC41940A4C98A6%40AdobeOrg=-2121179033%7CMCIDTS%7C19904%7CMCMID%7C88067232839403622750793792218789971773%7CMCAID%7CNONE%7CMCOPTOUT-1719674281s%7CNONE%7CMCAAMLH-1720271881%7C6%7CMCAAMB-1720271881%7Cj8Odv6LonN4r3an7LhD3WZrU1bUpAkFkkiY1ncBR96t2PTI%7CMCCIDH%7C-1525754217%7CMCSYNCSOP%7C411-19911%7CvVersion%7C5.3.0; mbox=session#a48bb3160fc24266876c01004294eb63#1719668958|PC#a48bb3160fc24266876c01004294eb63.37_0#1782911898; at_check=true; __cfruid=dfc41b3af0a92df8102ae2c279f08d1b45e16cca-1719667080; cf_clearance=GD52LNNVT8hQoudVlbmFYVFnfmK.mOrfZq5tAs70fks-1719667080-; AMCVS_4D6368F454EC41940A4C98A6%40AdobeOrg=1; s_pers=%20c19%3Dsc%253Asearch%253Adocument%2520searchform%7C1719668881317%3B%20v68%3D1719667079654%7C1719668881319%3B%20v8%3D1719667095484%7C1814275095484%3B%20v8_s%3DFirst%2520Visit%7C1719668895484%3B; s_sess=%20e41%3D1%3B%20s_cpc%3D1%3B%20s_cc%3Dtrue%3B%20s_sq%3D%3B'\
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty'\
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors'\
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin'\
-H 'Priority: u=4'\
-H 'Pragma: no-cache'\
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'\
-H 'TE: trailers' \
--data-raw '{json.dumps(get_query_object(query))}'"""
def call_scopus_api(query):
result =, check=True, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return json.loads(result.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
import pandas as pd
import re
missing_publications = pd.read_csv('missing/explorer_missing.csv')
missing_names = missing_publications['name'].str.lower().str.slice(0, 50).unique()
pub_data = pd.read_csv('missing/scopus_new_data_complete.csv')
for i, name in enumerate(list(missing_names[3040:])):
result = call_scopus_api(re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z\s]+', ' ', name))['items']
if pub_data is None:
pub_data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result)
x = pd.concat([pub_data, pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result)])
pub_data = x
if i % 10 == 0:
print(f"Processed {3040+i}/{len(missing_names)}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing {name}: {e}")
pub_data.to_csv('missing/scopus_new_data_complete.csv', index=False)
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Error processing dentin hypersensitivity - green or: 'items'
Error processing dentin hypersensitivity - green or : 'items'
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Error processing the labour law regulation of employee control and : 'items'
Processed 3590/7189
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Processed 3620/7189
Error processing strychnine as a poison and or matter in experiment: 'items'
Processed 3630/7189
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Processed 3650/7189
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Processed 3690/7189
Error processing musical activities in czech as a mother tongue and: 'items'
Processed 3700/7189
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Processed 3740/7189
Error processing the elbing vocabulary in translation: methods and : 'items'
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Processed 3890/7189
Error processing to the latest amendment of the mark of origin and : 'items'
Error processing proceedings of the czech geographical society and : 'items'
Processed 3910/7189
Processed 3920/7189
Processed 3930/7189
Processed 3940/7189
Processed 3950/7189
Error processing give blood and and you will receive the spirit. li: 'items'
Error processing the habsburg monarchy, emperor franz joseph i, and: 'items'
Processed 3960/7189
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Processed 3980/7189
Processed 3990/7189
Processed 4000/7189
Processed 4010/7189
Error processing contribution of botanists of 19th century born and: 'items'
Processed 4020/7189
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Processed 4100/7189
Processed 4110/7189
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Processed 4130/7189
Processed 4140/7189
Error processing mechanism of action of atypical antipsychotics and: 'items'
Processed 4150/7189
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Processed 4300/7189
Processed 4310/7189
Processed 4320/7189
Processed 4330/7189
Processed 4340/7189
Processed 4350/7189
Processed 4360/7189
Error processing which taxa are alien? criteria, applications, and : 'items'
Processed 4370/7189
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Processed 4400/7189
Processed 4410/7189
Processed 4420/7189
Processed 4430/7189
Processed 4440/7189
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Processed 4460/7189
Error processing majority society and its coexistence with arab and: 'items'
Processed 4470/7189
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Processed 4490/7189
Processed 4500/7189
Processed 4510/7189
Processed 4520/7189
Processed 4530/7189
Processed 4540/7189
Processed 4550/7189
Error processing natural history study of stxbp1-developmental and : 'items'
Processed 4560/7189
Error processing morphine exposure prevents up-regulation of mr and: 'items'
Processed 4570/7189
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Processed 4590/7189
Processed 4600/7189
Processed 4610/7189
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Processed 4680/7189
Processed 4690/7189
Processed 4700/7189
Processed 4710/7189
Processed 4720/7189
Processed 4730/7189
Processed 4740/7189
Error processing hot conflict in the cold arctic : geopolitics and : 'items'
Processed 4750/7189
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Processed 5000/7189
Processed 5010/7189
Processed 5020/7189
Processed 5030/7189
Processed 5040/7189
Processed 5050/7189
Processed 5060/7189
Processed 5070/7189
Error processing not only for gravediggers: the book of burial and : 'items'
Error processing stable angina pectoris: recommended diagnostic and: 'items'
Processed 5080/7189
Error processing congresses of czech (czechoslovak) naturalists and: 'items'
Processed 5090/7189
Processed 5100/7189
Processed 5110/7189
Processed 5120/7189
Processed 5130/7189
Processed 5140/7189
Processed 5150/7189
Error processing adaptation of the child to the foreign culture and: 'items'
Processed 5160/7189
Processed 5170/7189
Processed 5180/7189
Processed 5190/7189
Error processing specification of eating disorders in children and : 'items'
Processed 5200/7189
Processed 5210/7189
Processed 5220/7189
Processed 5230/7189
Processed 5240/7189
Processed 5250/7189
Processed 5260/7189
Processed 5270/7189
Processed 5280/7189
Processed 5290/7189
Processed 5300/7189
Processed 5310/7189
Error processing blood serum level of ths and thyroid hormones and : 'items'
Processed 5320/7189
Processed 5330/7189
Processed 5340/7189
Processed 5350/7189
Processed 5360/7189
Processed 5370/7189
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Processed 5410/7189
Processed 5420/7189
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Processed 5480/7189
Processed 5490/7189
Processed 5500/7189
Processed 5510/7189
Processed 5520/7189
Processed 5530/7189
Processed 5540/7189
Processed 5550/7189
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Processed 5570/7189
Processed 5580/7189
Processed 5590/7189
Processed 5600/7189
Processed 5610/7189
Processed 5620/7189
Processed 5630/7189
Processed 5640/7189
Processed 5650/7189
Processed 5660/7189
Processed 5670/7189
Processed 5680/7189
Processed 5690/7189
Processed 5700/7189
Processed 5710/7189
Processed 5720/7189
Error processing relationship between diastasis recti abdominis and: 'items'
Processed 5730/7189
Processed 5740/7189
Processed 5750/7189
Processed 5760/7189
Processed 5770/7189
Processed 5780/7189
Processed 5790/7189
Processed 5800/7189
Processed 5810/7189
Processed 5820/7189
Processed 5830/7189
Processed 5840/7189
Processed 5850/7189
Processed 5860/7189
Processed 5870/7189
Processed 5880/7189
Processed 5890/7189
Processed 5900/7189
Processed 5910/7189
Processed 5920/7189
Error processing decrease of olfactory and gustatory functions and : 'items'
Processed 5930/7189
Processed 5940/7189
Processed 5950/7189
Processed 5960/7189
Processed 5970/7189
Processed 5980/7189
Processed 5990/7189
Error processing oral enzyme therapy - principles of absorption and: 'items'
Processed 6000/7189
Processed 6010/7189
Processed 6020/7189
Processed 6030/7189
Processed 6040/7189
Processed 6050/7189
Processed 6060/7189
Processed 6070/7189
Processed 6080/7189
Processed 6090/7189
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Processed 6120/7189
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Processed 6140/7189
Processed 6150/7189
Processed 6160/7189
Processed 6170/7189
Processed 6180/7189
Processed 6190/7189
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Processed 6250/7189
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Processed 6320/7189
Processed 6330/7189
Processed 6340/7189
Processed 6350/7189
Processed 6360/7189
Processed 6370/7189
Processed 6380/7189
Processed 6390/7189
Processed 6400/7189
Error processing attitudes of intensivists to limiting therapy and : 'items'
Processed 6420/7189
Processed 6430/7189
Processed 6440/7189
Processed 6450/7189
Processed 6460/7189
Processed 6470/7189
Processed 6480/7189
Error processing the historical lexicon. dictionaries of texts and : 'items'
Processed 6490/7189
Error processing the rise of colligations. english can’t stand and : 'items'
Processed 6500/7189
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Processed 6520/7189
Processed 6530/7189
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Processed 6570/7189
Error processing a walk along the royal road: prague, tourists, and: 'items'
Processed 6580/7189
Processed 6590/7189
Processed 6600/7189
Processed 6610/7189
Error processing electronic prescription in the czech republic and : 'items'
Processed 6620/7189
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Processed 6690/7189
Processed 6700/7189
Processed 6710/7189
Processed 6720/7189
Processed 6730/7189
Processed 6740/7189
Error processing meningitis and meningoencephalitis in children and: 'items'
Processed 6750/7189
Processed 6760/7189
Processed 6770/7189
Processed 6780/7189
Processed 6790/7189
Error processing hamiltonian coupling of electromagnetic field and : 'items'
Processed 6800/7189
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Processed 6950/7189
Error processing xxxiii. motol workshop of pediatric cardiology and: 'items'
Processed 6960/7189
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Processed 7110/7189
Processed 7120/7189
Error processing the ctla4 variants may interact with the il23r-and: 'items'
Processed 7130/7189
Processed 7140/7189
Error processing šubrt jiří: the systemic approach in sociology and: 'items'
Processed 7150/7189
Error processing multi-agent systems in theories of f. a. hayek and: 'items'
Processed 7160/7189
Processed 7170/7189
Error processing niklas luhmann and forms of the baroque modern; or: 'items'
Processed 7180/7189
import pandas as pd
import re
loaded = pd.read_csv('missing/scopus_new_data_complete.csv')
missing = pd.read_csv('missing/explorer_missing.csv')
missing['index'] = missing.index
missing['normalized_name'] = missing['name'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z\s]+', ' ', x).lower()[0:50])
loaded['normalized_name'] = loaded['title'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z\s]+', ' ', x).lower()[0:50])
loaded.set_index('normalized_name', inplace=True)
joined = missing.join(loaded, on='normalized_name', how='left')
joined = joined[~joined['title'].isna()]
import ast
joined['citation_count'] = joined['citations'].map(lambda x: ast.literal_eval(x)['count'])
filtered = pd.DataFrame(joined[['id', 'name', 'citation_count']])
filtered.reset_index(drop=True).to_csv('missing/citation_counts.csv', index=False)
In the process described with the code cells above, go over a set of 7189
publications we have retrieved from Charles Explorer and try to match them to publications in Scopus by their name. If the match is found, we store the citation count in a new column.
In the case of our balanced dataset, we have found a match for 962
While this might seem low, it still provides us with a good enough dataset to train and test our models.
As the next step, we load the graph measures we have calculated in the previous notebooks and join those with the records containing the citation counts.
import pandas as pd
katz = pd.read_csv('katz.csv')
node_cuts = pd.read_csv('node_cuts.csv')
centrality = pd.read_csv('local_centrality.csv')
degrees = pd.read_csv('degrees.csv')
citations = pd.read_csv('missing/citation_counts.csv')
df = citations.merge(
katz, left_on='id', right_on='id', how='left'
node_cuts, left_on='id', right_on='id', how='left'
centrality, left_on='id', right_on='id', how='left'
degrees, left_on='id', right_on='id', how='left'
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
id | name | citation_count | katz_centrality | node_cut | query_x | centrality_1 | centrality_2 | query_y | degree | query | |
0 | 80319 | Deception in social psychological experiments:... | 40 | 0.4000 | 99 | social psychology | 0.000015 | 0.000005 | social psychology | 2 | social psychology |
1 | 323832 | Epilogue | 0 | 0.2000 | 189 | social psychology | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | social psychology | 1 | social psychology |
2 | 571872 | Stereotypes, norms, and political correctness | 2 | 0.2000 | 56 | social psychology | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | social psychology | 1 | social psychology |
3 | 510254 | Signs of Myelin Impairment in Cerebrospinal Fl... | 10 | 0.6000 | 283 | clinical neurology | 0.000082 | 0.000306 | clinical neurology | 3 | clinical neurology |
4 | 512548 | Atypical language representation in children w... | 10 | 1.6000 | 208 | clinical neurology | 0.000765 | 0.004019 | clinical neurology | 8 | clinical neurology |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1231 | 533264 | Selective IgM deficiency: clinical and laborat... | 26 | 1.4000 | 127 | immunopathology | 0.000360 | 0.000809 | immunopathology | 7 | immunopathology |
1232 | 477343 | Two types of CMV ocular complications in patie... | 2 | 1.0000 | 343 | immunopathology | 0.000171 | 0.005273 | immunopathology | 5 | immunopathology |
1233 | 641559 | Kirche der Freiheit and A Systems Theory Of Ch... | 0 | 0.3584 | 2 | systems theory | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | systems theory | 1 | systems theory |
1234 | 168916 | On the Issue of Learning of Social Science in ... | 0 | 0.4000 | 214 | systems theory | 0.001700 | 0.000072 | systems theory | 2 | systems theory |
1235 | 639120 | Sport Migration Influences on Cultural Brand I... | 1 | 0.4000 | 54 | systems theory | 0.000204 | 0.001406 | systems theory | 2 | systems theory |
1236 rows × 11 columns
To see whether there is any correlation between the citation count and the graph measures, we calculate the correlation matrix on the graph measures and the citation count per publication.
df[['citation_count', 'katz_centrality', 'node_cut', 'centrality_1', 'centrality_2', 'degree']].corr()
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
citation_count | katz_centrality | node_cut | centrality_1 | centrality_2 | degree | |
citation_count | 1.000000 | 0.282355 | 0.071930 | 0.134054 | 0.003482 | 0.368689 |
katz_centrality | 0.282355 | 1.000000 | 0.046096 | 0.251490 | 0.062201 | 0.819643 |
node_cut | 0.071930 | 0.046096 | 1.000000 | 0.119445 | 0.176158 | 0.148508 |
centrality_1 | 0.134054 | 0.251490 | 0.119445 | 1.000000 | 0.576928 | 0.307011 |
centrality_2 | 0.003482 | 0.062201 | 0.176158 | 0.576928 | 1.000000 | 0.091475 |
degree | 0.368689 | 0.819643 | 0.148508 | 0.307011 | 0.091475 | 1.000000 |
Note that this is in (approximately) in line with the results of experiments conducted by Alireza Abbasi and Jörn Altmann in .
We see that the the highest correlation between two variables is 0.8196
between the katz_centrality
and degree
. This is partially expected from the definition of the Katz centrality, which iteratively - with growing distance - sums the number of nodes reachable from the given node in this distance.
Aside from this correlation, we also see a correlation between the ego- and 2-hop-neighborhood betweenness centralities. This is also expected, as the 2-hop-neighborhood considered in the second measure is a superset of the ego-neighborhood and might capture the similar information.
As for the correlation with the citation count, we see that the highest correlation is with the degree
measure, which is 0.3687
. This is a good sign, as the degree is a simple measure of the number of connections of the node. It also partially confirms out assumption that the publication degree can be a good proxy for a publication importance - and that publications with more coauthors tend to be more cited. Perhaps due to the high correlation between the degree
and Katz centrality, the katz centrality also shows a good correlation with the citation count.
To see how well the graph measures can predict the citation count, we train the same models as in the previous experiment - a simple linear regression model and a neural network model.
## Using sklearn, we learn a neural network model to predict the location of the document in the Scopus Search results
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
projection = df[[
'centrality_1', 'centrality_2',
'katz_centrality', 'node_cut',
projection['katz_centrality'] = projection['katz_centrality'].replace([float('inf')], projection['katz_centrality'].median())
feature_columns = ['centrality_1', 'centrality_2', 'degree', 'katz_centrality', 'node_cut']
X = projection[[*feature_columns, 'id']]
y = projection['citation_count']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
linear_model = Ridge()
linear_pipeline = Pipeline([
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('linear', linear_model)
])[feature_columns], y_train)
y_pred = linear_pipeline.predict(X_test[feature_columns])
print(f"MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)}")
print(list(zip(feature_columns, linear_model.coef_)))
MSE: 6725.050765413087
[('centrality_1', 13.606487405580742), ('centrality_2', -12.04390116805357), ('degree', 35.422981810917456), ('katz_centrality', -5.464560624987053), ('node_cut', 3.060149167695211)]
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
neural_network = MLPRegressor(max_iter=1000, hidden_layer_sizes=(100, 100))
pipeline = Pipeline([
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('neural_network', neural_network)
])[feature_columns], y_train)
y_pred = pipeline.predict(X_test[feature_columns])
print(f"MSE: {mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)}")
MSE: 7425.5727259536125
We see that unlike in the reranking experiment, the regularized linear regression did better than the neural network.
Both of the method performed quite bad, though - with the linear regression having a mean squared error of 6725.0508
and the neural network having a mean squared error of 7517.2390
As expected from the correlation matrix exploration, the linear regression model has the highest coefficient for the degree
measure, which is 35.4230
. The coefficient for the other measures is quite low (even negative at points), which might be due to the high correlation between the degree
and the other measures.
This is also in line with the expermients conducted in - while they use a variable called degree centrality
, this is simply the node degree in the graph.
While the results of these experiments do not seem to provide much insight into the citation count prediction, we still might try to utilize them for the search result ranking in the Charles Explorer application.
Note that the ranking benchmarks (and human users of search engines) might not be interested in the exact citation count, but rather in the relative importance of the publications. Both benchmarks and users also tend to discount the publications further down in the search result list.
Because of our original goal, i.e. reorder the search results to set the more "globally" important papers higher - we might try to use the graph measures to reorder the search results with better results. We calculate the ndcg score with the citation count as the relevance feedback and the predicted citation count as the ordering.
We start by utilizing the graph measures to predict the citation count for the publications and add this as a new attribute column.
df['katz_centrality'] = df['katz_centrality'].replace([float('inf')], df['katz_centrality'].median())
df['predicted_citation_count_l'] = linear_pipeline.predict(df[feature_columns])
df['predicted_citation_count_n'] = pipeline.predict(df[feature_columns])
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def get_dcg(relevances: List[int]):
dcg = 0
for i, relevance in enumerate(relevances):
dcg += relevance / np.log2(i + 2)
return dcg
original_dcgs = []
idcgs = []
reranked_dcgs_l = []
reranked_dcgs_n = []
for query in df['query'].unique():
original_dcgs.append(get_dcg(df[df['query'] == query]['citation_count']))
idcgs.append(get_dcg(df[df['query'] == query]['citation_count'].sort_values(ascending=False)))
reranked_dcgs_l.append(get_dcg(df[df['query'] == query].sort_values('predicted_citation_count_l', ascending=False)['citation_count']))
reranked_dcgs_n.append(get_dcg(df[df['query'] == query].sort_values('predicted_citation_count_n', ascending=False)['citation_count']))
dcgs = pd.DataFrame({
'query': df['query'].unique(),
'original_ndcg': np.array(original_dcgs) / np.array(idcgs),
'reranked_ndcg_l': np.array(reranked_dcgs_l) / np.array(idcgs),
'reranked_ndcg_n': np.array(reranked_dcgs_n) / np.array(idcgs)
pl = dcgs.plot(kind='box')
pl.set_title('NDCG scores for rerankings wrt. citation count')
pl.set_ylabel('NDCG over 100 queries')
pl.set_xticklabels(['Relevance based\n ranking', 'Graph rerank +\nLinear aggregation', 'Graph rerank + \n Neural network aggregation'])
/tmp/ipykernel_133778/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
'original_ndcg': np.array(original_dcgs) / np.array(idcgs),
/tmp/ipykernel_133778/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
'reranked_ndcg_l': np.array(reranked_dcgs_l) / np.array(idcgs),
/tmp/ipykernel_133778/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
'reranked_ndcg_n': np.array(reranked_dcgs_n) / np.array(idcgs)
[Text(1, 0, 'Relevance based\n ranking'),
Text(2, 0, 'Graph rerank +\nLinear aggregation'),
Text(3, 0, 'Graph rerank + \n Neural network aggregation')]
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
original_ndcg | reranked_ndcg_l | reranked_ndcg_n | |
count | 100.000000 | 100.000000 | 100.000000 |
mean | 0.719249 | 0.848755 | 0.850198 |
std | 0.219230 | 0.185739 | 0.185111 |
min | 0.278943 | 0.278943 | 0.333333 |
25% | 0.531919 | 0.678916 | 0.702819 |
50% | 0.693623 | 0.968237 | 0.950909 |
75% | 0.995240 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
max | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
Surprisingly, both methods improve the ndcg score of the search results ranking by quite a significant margin. This suggests that while the local graph neighborhood structure cannot serve as a good predictor of the citation count, it can be quite useful for inferring the citation-count based ranking.