A collection of additional utilities that can come in handy when working with fundus images.
ImageTorchUtils: Image manipulation based on Pytorch tensors.
Example usage:from fundus_utilities import ImageTorchUtils as Img # Functions can be chained together. The final output is accessed via the `.img` attribute. # Load an image as an RGB tensor image = Img("path/to/image.jpg").to_tensor().img # Turn a cv2 image into an RGB tensor image = Img(cv2_image).to_tensor(from_cspace="bgr", to_cspace="rgb").img # Change color space of an RGB image and move the color channel to the last dimension image = Img(image).to_tensor().to_cspace(from_cspace="rgb", to_cspace="gray").set_channel_dim(-1).img # Get a numpy array from any RGB image or path, suited to be displayed with matplotlib image = Img(image).to_numpy().img # Move the color channel in an array to the last dimension image = Img(image).set_channel_dim(-1).img # Convert to pil image image = Img(image).to_tensor().to_pil().img # Get a torch tensor image batch from anything (path, cv2 image, PIL image, numpy array or lists, tuples or arrays of one type of these) image_batch = Img(image).to_batch().img # Check if you deal with a batch-like structur (list of images, tensor or tensors, etc.) is_batch = Img(image_batch).is_batch_like() # Check if you deal with a proper torch tensor batch is_batch = Img(image_batch).is_batch()
Balancing: A script to balance a torch dataset by both oversampling the minority class(es) and undersampling the majority class(es) from imbalanced-dataset-sampler.
Example usage to balance by a custom label.# In this example case, `data["dataset"]` refers to where the data originally came from before combining it into a single dataset from fundus_utilities import ImbalancedDatasetSampler if config.balance_datasets: # Balance by custom label sampler = ImbalancedDatasetSampler(self.train_dataset, method="balanced", labels = self.train_dataset.data["dataset"]) shuffle = False else: sampler = None shuffle = True # Create dataloader self.train_dataloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader( self.train_dataset, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, sampler=sampler )
Fundus transforms: A collection of torchvision data augmentation transforms to apply to fundus images adapted from pytorch-classification.
Example usage:from torchvision import transforms from fundus_utilities import get_transforms, get_unnormalization # If mean and std are not provided, ImageNet values are used # If split is not "train", then only normalization, resize and centercrop are applied transformations = transforms.Compose( get_transforms(img_size = 512, split = "train", normalize=True, mean=MEAN, std=STD) ) unnormalization = get_unnormalization(mean=MEAN, std=STD)
Get pixel mean std: A script to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the pixel values by channel of a dataset from pytorch dataloaders.
Example usage:from fundus_utilities import get_pixel_mean_std # d: List of all torch dataloaders. Make sure not to augment the data in any loader. d = [train_loader, val_loader, test_loader] mean, std = get_pixel_mean_std(d, device="cuda:0")
Model getter: Getter for torchvision models with efficientnet and resnet architectures initialized with ImageNet weights.
Example usage:from fundus_utilities import get_efficientnet_or_resnet # Options: resnet{18,34,50,101,152}, efficientnet-b{0-7} model = get_efficientnet_or_resnet("resnet18", n_outs=1):
LR scheduler: Get a pytorch learning rate scheduler (plus a warmup scheduler) for a given optimizer: Constant, OneCycleLR, CosineAnnealingLR, CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts.
Example usage:from fundus_utilities import get_lr_scheduler # Options: "cosine", "cosine_restart", "onecycle" # Without warmup scheduler: self.scheduler = get_lr_scheduler( "onecycle", optimizer, train_loader, lr=1e-4, epochs=25, cosine_len=None, warmup_epochs=None ) # With warmup scheduler: self.scheduler, self.warmup_scheduler = get_lr_scheduler( "onecycle", optimizer, train_loader, lr=1e-4, epochs=25, cosine_len=None, warmup_epochs=5 ) # Use like this in your script: # Here, the scheduler string (e.g. "onecycle") is stored in self.cfg.scheduler. # In the training loop, at the beginning of each epoch, run: if self.warmup_scheduler and not self.warmup_scheduler.finished(): self.warmup_scheduler.step() # And after each batch, run: if self.scheduler and "onecycle" in self.cfg.scheduler: if not self.warmup_scheduler or self.warmup_scheduler.finished() and self.warmup_scheduler.epoch != self.current_epoch+1: self.scheduler.step() # And at the end of each epoch, run: if self.scheduler and not "onecycle" in self.cfg.scheduler: if not self.warmup_scheduler or self.warmup_scheduler.finished(): self.scheduler.step()
Multilevel 3-way split: Split a pandas dataframe into train, validation and test splits with the options to split by group (i.e. keep groups together) and stratify by label. Wrapper for multi_level_split.
Example usage:from fundus_utilities import multilevel_3way_split, multilevel_train_test_split # Fix this for each of your experiments to guarantee equal splits across runs. If None, 12345 is used. SPLIT_SEED = 12345 train_df, val_df, test_df = multilevel_3way_split( df, proportions=[0.6, 0.2, 0.2], seed=SPLIT_SEED, stratify_by="dr_grade", split_by="patient_id" ) # Alternatively, split only into train and test using lmkoch's split function: train_df, test_df = multilevel_train_test_split( df, index=df.index, test_split=0.2, seed=SPLIT_SEED, stratify_by="dr_grade", split_by="patient_id" )
Seed everything: Set seed for reproducibility in python, numpy and torch, depending on the availability of the respective libraries.
Example usage:from fundus_utilities import seed_everything seed_everything(SEED)
Other basics:
from fundus_utilities import exist, exists, flatten_one, parse_list, on_slurm_job # Check if a file or multiple files exist exists("path/to/file") # > True exist(["path/to/file1", "path/to/file2"]) # > True # Flatten by one level flatten_one([[1,2], [3,[4,5]]]) # > [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]] # Parse list-like structures as a list parse_list("[1,2,3]") # > [1, 2, 3] # Check if running on a slurm job on_slurm_job() # > True