The individual was sitting on the ground peacefully, yet the police maced her, and since she didn't move, they kicked her in the head.
Protesters try to help someone stand up; police wait until the person is halfway up before pepper-spraying the helpers.
The journalist was trying to get a closer look at the police, while they were beating an individual.
A black SUV stops while at least a dozen police on bicycles pull up to it. The police open the vehicle's front doors. The passenger is pulled to the ground and then cuffed by several officers. The driver is pushed against the side of the vehicle and cuffed. As both are led to an area behind the vehicle, one officer yells inches away from the passenger's face, then punches him in the face. After the passenger is led away, the same officer walks back up to the passenger, grabs his shirt, and yells at him at close distance.
A man is being held on the ground by a police officer, who forces the man's hand onto a baton. Another officer joins in to force the man flat on the ground, kneeling on either the man's head or neck. The second officer then begins to strike the man on the head. A third officer joins in and grabs the man's arms. The police yell at witnesses to "back off", while someone yells "he can't breathe".
Over 30 protesters are standing in the grassy area beside a highway. Police on the highway throw tear gas canisters into the crowd of protesters. Some protesters try to throw the canisters back. A woman says "I can't breathe".
Three protestors kneeling on the ground with their hands on their heads/covering their faces are pepper-sprayed directly in the face by a cop.
Police pin young black man to the ground with their knees, swat UR reporter with a baton for filming the scene.