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497 lines (491 loc) · 25.3 KB

File metadata and controls

497 lines (491 loc) · 25.3 KB



-  __TEXT.__text: 0x28a20
-  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x700
+  __TEXT.__text: 0x20640
+  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x6b0
   __TEXT.__init_offsets: 0x14
   __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x960
-  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x724a
-  __TEXT.__const: 0x95b
-  __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x17f0
-  __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x3e8
-  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x5f8
+  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x3660
+  __TEXT.__const: 0x94b
+  __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x1ac
+  __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x206
+  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x570
   __TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x13d
-  __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x247c
+  __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x246a
   __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x1221
-  __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x12e0
+  __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x12c0
   __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x88
   __DATA_CONST.__const: 0xb0
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x60
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0x10
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
-  __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x5d8
+  __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x5d0
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_superrefs: 0x58
-  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x390
+  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x368
   __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x6c0
-  __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x6a0
+  __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x600
   __AUTH_CONST.__objc_const: 0x2628
   __AUTH.__objc_data: 0xa0
   __DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x2bc
   __DATA.__data: 0x158
-  __DATA.__common: 0x20
   __DATA_DIRTY.__objc_data: 0x320
-  __DATA_DIRTY.__common: 0x30
   __DATA_DIRTY.__bss: 0x298
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Accelerate
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation

   - /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
   - /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
   - /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
-  Functions: 405
-  Symbols:   145
-  CStrings:  1395
+  Functions: 404
+  Symbols:   140
+  CStrings:  973
+ _FigSignalErrorAt
- _FigSignalErrorAt3
- __os_log_send_and_compose_impl
- _fig_log_call_emit_and_clean_up_after_send_and_compose
- _fig_log_emitter_get_os_log_and_send_and_compose_flags_and_os_log_type
- _fig_note_initialize_category_with_default_work_cf
- _objc_retain_x7
- " CVPixelBuffer has incorrect pixel format"
- " Missing context or NULL CVPixelBuffer"
- "%!s(MISSING)%!s(MISSING)%!s(MISSING) signalled err=%!d(MISSING) (%!s(MISSING)) (%!s(MISSING)) at %!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING)"
- "'sigma_r_chroma' should be > 0."
- "'sigma_r_luma' should be > 0."
- "'sigma_s' should be > 0."
- "(Fig)"
- "-1"
- "-[ANEDepthScalingProcessor initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[ANEDepthScalingProcessor scaleFromDepth:toDisparity:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash _addHashKeyAtX:Y:key:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash _computeBilateralSpace:sigma_s:sigma_r_luma:sigma_r_chroma:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash _hashMapFindKey:to:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash blur:pout:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash blur_indices:n_blur_indices:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash blur_n:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash blur_ones:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash computeBlurIndices]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash computeCoordIndices]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash create:sigma_s:sigma_r_luma:sigma_r_chroma:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash initWithWidth:height:maxHashTableSize:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash normalize:pout:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash normalize_blur:pout:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash slice:outPixelBuffer:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash slice_trilinear:pin:pout:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash splat:pout:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash splat_ones:]"
- "-[BilateralGridHash splat_w_mul_x:inPixelBuffer:pout:]"
- "-[BilateralSolverGPU doSolveWithBilateralGridhash:reference:input:confidence:output:lambda:maxIterations:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal allocateResources]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal buildFindMask:value:outputBuffer:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal disparityDataOverrideOnGpu:To:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal makeForegroundMask:personSegmentationMap:validForegroundMask:minSegmentationThreshold:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal postErosion:outputConfidence:outputDisparity:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal postFbs:toF16:prepareBuffer:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal prepareForFbs:toF32:confidenceInF16:confidenceOutF32:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal preprocessData:inputDisparity:outputDisparity:outputConfidence:]"
- "-[DepthProcUtilitiesMetal setFarWithDistance:inputDistanceTransformMap:inputDisparity:inoutConfidenceMap:outputDistanceTransformDisparity:]"
- "-[DistanceTransformGpu allocateResources]"
- "-[DistanceTransformGpu computeDistanceWithBuffer:distance:waitForScheduled:]"
- "-[DistanceTransformGpu computeDistanceWithTexture:distance:waitForScheduled:]"
- "-[DistanceTransformGpu createDTKernels]"
- "-[FFCFiltersMetal boxFilter11x11From:To:]"
- "-[FFCFiltersMetal boxFilterFrom:To:]"
- "-[FFCFiltersMetal erosionFilterFrom:To:]"
- "-[FFCFiltersMetal initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorANE convertDepth:toDisparity:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorANE initWithParameters:commandQueue:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorANE processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorANE processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:personSegmentationMaskBuffer:instanceSegmentationMaskBufferArray:instanceSegmentationConfidences:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorANE processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:rgbSegmentationMaskBuffer:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorANE scaleInputDepth:toDisparity:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU allocateResources]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU estimateDisparityQualityScore]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU fastBilateralSolver]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU fastBilateralSolver_PrepareHashTable]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU initF16CVPixelBuffer:withValue:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU initSubmodules]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU initWithParameters:commandQueue:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU prewarmWithTuningParameters:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:personSegmentationMaskBuffer:instanceSegmentationMaskBufferArray:instanceSegmentationConfidences:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:rgbSegmentationMaskBuffer:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU processDisparityPipeline]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU releaseResources]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU sanityCheckParameters]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU setFarDistanceOnGpu]"
- "-[FigStillDepthProcessorGPU setTuningParameters:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _convertInputShifts:disparityOut:resX:resY:extendedWidth:inputInvalidDisparityValue:outputDisparitySaturationValue:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _convertInputYUV:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _copyToDepthImage:disparityIn:resX:resY:extendedWidth:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _endSMPFilteringTrace]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _performGDRFilterOnDisparity:yuvBuffer:disparityOut:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _performSMPFilterOnDisparity:depthBuffer:inputInvalidDisparityValue:outputInvalidDisparityValue:disparityOut:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _performSMPFilterOnDisparity:inputInvalidDisparityValue:outputInvalidDisparityValue:disparityOut:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU _startSMPFilteringTrace]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU allocateResources]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:personSegmentationMaskBuffer:instanceSegmentationMaskBufferArray:instanceSegmentationConfidences:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU processDepthBuffer:yuvBuffer:rgbSegmentationMaskBuffer:parametersDictionary:outputDisparityBuffer:]"
- "-[SLICMetal initWithParameters:andMetalContext:]"
- "-[SLICMetal processSLICToOutputSPixelCentersIdsAndCounts:outputSPixelColor:outputIndexes:inputImage:parameters:]"
- "-[SuperPixelHoleFillMetal allocateResources:]"
- "-[SuperPixelHoleFillMetal computeStage0:inImageTexture:inLabelTexture:inPersonMaskTexture:inInstanceSegmentationLayer0Texture:inInstanceSegmentationLayer1Texture:inInstanceSegmentationLayer2Texture:inInstanceSegmentationLayer3Texture:]"
- "-[SuperPixelHoleFillMetal computeStage4:inLabelTexture:inDepthTex:inConfTex:inDistanceTransformMapTex:maxDist:sigma_den:]"
- "-[SuperPixelHoleFillMetal computeStageSolver:inLabelTexture:inConfTex:inImageTex:outDepthTex:outConfTex:]"
- "-[SuperPixelHoleFillMetal convertFrom420fPixelBuffer:lumaTexture:chromaTexture:toSlicRgbaTexture:]"
- "-[SuperPixelHoleFillMetal initWithMetalContext:]"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>>"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): _kernelPrepareFbsPart1 is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelBuildFindMask is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelDisparityDataOverride is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelGetFarDistanceMin is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelPostErosion is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelPostFbs is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelPrepareFbsPart2 is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelPreprocessData is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelSetFarDistance is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): kernelmakeForegroundMask is nil"
- "<<< DepthProcUtilitiesMetal >>> %!s(MISSING): metalContext is nil"
- "<<<< DistanceTransform >>>>"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_ANE >>>>"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_ANE >>>> %!s(MISSING): ANE / MONO DepthProcessor called with personSegmentationMaskBuffer and instanceSegmentationMaskBufferArray. This interface is not implemented. Ignoring personSegmentationMaskBuffer and instanceSegmentationMaskBufferArray input."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_ANE >>>> %!s(MISSING): ANE / MONO DepthProcessor called with rgbSegmentationMaskBuffer. This interface is not implemented. Ignoring rgbSegmentationMaskBuffer input."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_ANE >>>> %!s(MISSING): Using provided metal command queue %!p(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_ANE >>>> %!s(MISSING): init [finished with error]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_ANE >>>> %!s(MISSING): processDepthBuffer [finished]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_Configurations >>>> %!s(MISSING): DepthProcessor tuning: %!s(MISSING) = %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_Configurations >>>> %!s(MISSING): DepthProcessor tuning: %!s(MISSING) = %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_Configurations >>>> %!s(MISSING): DepthProcessor tuning: %!s(MISSING) is not present"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>>"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Finished reading plist params."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): GPU DepthProcessorV2 called without instanceSegmentationMaskBufferArray. This use is deprecated."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): No tuningParameters passed, tuningParameters is nil. Using default parameter values."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Not enough vertices for 5D FBS. Falling back to 3D FBS."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Reading in plist params."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Resources have already been allocated for this bundle."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Submodules have already been initialized for this bundle."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Using provided metal command queue %!p(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): allocateResources [finished]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): allocateResources [started]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): init [finished with error]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): init [finished]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): init [started]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): initSubmodules [finished]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): initSubmodules [started]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): prewarmWithTuningParameters [finished]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): prewarmWithTuningParameters [started]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): processDepthBuffer [finished]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): processDepthBuffer [started]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): releaseResources [finished]."
- "<<<< FigStillDepthProcessor_GPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): releaseResources [start]."
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): CPU DepthProcessor called with rgbSegmentationMaskBuffer and instanceSegmentationMaskBufferArray. This is not implemented."
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): CPU DepthProcessor called with rgbSegmentationMaskBuffer. This is not implemented."
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Depth: Copy: %!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING) (extended:%!d(MISSING)) --> %!@(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Depth: GDR (%!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Depth: SMP (%!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING)) extendedWidth %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to SMP filter depth data"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to allocate SDPGuidedDepthReconstruction for %!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING) dimensions"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to allocate SmpFiltering for %!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING)(extendedWidth: %!d(MISSING)) dimensions"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to lock input depth buffer (err:%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to lock input shifts buffer (err:%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to lock input yuv buffer (err:%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Failed to lock output depth buffer with (err:%!d(MISSING))"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): RGB: Scale + Convert: %!@(MISSING) --> %!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING) RGB"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Resources have already been allocated. No need to allocate resources again."
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): SMP Filter doesn't support the requested resolution: %!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unsupported SMP filtering resolution %!d(MISSING)x%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< FigStreamingDepthProcessorCPU >>>> %!s(MISSING): disparityPtr cannot be NUll"
- "<CVPixelBuffer %!p(MISSING)> %!l(MISSING)ux%!l(MISSING)u, '%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)%!c(MISSING)'"
- "<CVPixelBuffer NULL>"
- "At least one inInstanceSegemntationLayerTexture has a zero dimension."
- "Box filter failed."
- "Buffer type should be float16."
- "Buffer type should be kCVPixelFormatType_DisparityFloat16."
- "Confidence falloff failed."
- "Context unavailable"
- "Could not compile shaders"
- "Depth format should be 'fdep' in f32"
- "DepthProcessor: Sanity checks failed."
- "Disparity format should be 'hdis' in f16"
- "Disparity quality estimation failed."
- "Erosion failed."
- "Error::Invalid number of vertices."
- "Error::Number of vertices exceed the max number specified."
- "Failed to read tuning parameters. Bailing."
- "Fast bilateral solver failed."
- "FigDepthProcessorBoxFilterFailed"
- "FigDepthProcessorErosionFailed"
- "FigDepthProcessorFastBilateralSolverFailed"
- "FigDepthProcessorInputError"
- "FigDepthProcessorMakeForegroundMaskFailed"
- "FigDepthProcessorMemoryAllocationError"
- "FigDepthProcessorNoValidDepthDataError"
- "FigDepthProcessorOtherError"
- "FigDepthProcessorParameterError"
- "FigDepthProcessorProcessingError"
- "FigDepthProcessorSetFarDistanceFailed"
- "FigDepthProcessorSlicAndStatsFailed"
- "FigDepthProcessorSuperPixelHoleFillFailed"
- "FigDepthProcessorYuvToRgbFailed"
- "Input depth has zero height."
- "Input depth has zero width."
- "Input segmentation buffer does not have the expected type. Can be float32 or float16."
- "Instance maps do not have the same height."
- "Instance maps do not have the same width."
- "No metal context provided"
- "No parameters provided"
- "Not enough entries in _instanceSegmentationInputBufferArray."
- "Not enough entries in instanceSegmentationConfidences."
- "Output disparity has zero height."
- "Output disparity has zero width."
- "Resources for this bundle have not been allocated."
- "RunSolver failed"
- "Segmentation input buffer has 0 height."
- "Segmentation input buffer has 0 width."
- "Set far distance failed."
- "Submodules for this bundle have not been initialized."
- "Submodules have not been initialized for this bundle."
- "Super pixel hole fill process failed (computeStage0)."
- "Super pixel hole fill process failed (part 2). "
- "The input 'depthBuffer' does not contain enough valid depth points."
- "YUV to RGB conversion failed."
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal]"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelComputeConfidence is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelComputeStage0 is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelComputeStage1 is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelComputeStage2 is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelComputeStage4 is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelComputeStage5 is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelConvertToRbga is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelFindLabelRoi is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): kernelSuperPixel2Image is nil"
- "[SBP:SDOF:SuperPixelHoleFillMetal] %!s(MISSING): metalContext is nil"
- "[inPixelBuffer] format should be float32."
- "[outPixelBuffer] format should be float32."
- "_DepthProcUtilMetal is NULL"
- "_FFCFilters is NULL"
- "_bilateralConfMapFloat32Texture is NULL"
- "_bilateralDisparityTexture is NULL"
- "_bilateralGridProcessing is NULL"
- "_bilateralInvZBufferInTexture is NULL"
- "_bilateralInvZBufferOutTexture is NULL"
- "_bilateralSolverGPUProcessing is NULL"
- "_blur_indices is NULL"
- "_confidenceMap is NULL"
- "_confidenceMapTexture is NULL"
- "_coord_indices is NULL"
- "_coord_indices_off is NULL"
- "_coord_table is NULL"
- "_disparityInputBuffer does not have the size specified during bundle init time."
- "_disparityInputBuffer does not have the type specified during bundle init time."
- "_disparityInputBuffer has wrong type."
- "_disparityInputBuffer has zero dimension."
- "_disparityInputBuffer is null."
- "_disparityInputTexture is NULL"
- "_disparityOutputBuffer does not have the size specified during bundle init time."
- "_disparityOutputBuffer does not have the type specified during bundle init time."
- "_disparityOutputBuffer has zero dimension."
- "_disparityOutputBuffer is null."
- "_disparityOutputTexture is NULL"
- "_distanceTransformDisparityTexture is NULL"
- "_distanceTransformMapTexture is NULL"
- "_distanceTransformProcessing is NULL"
- "_dtHorizontalKernel is NULL"
- "_dtInitKernel is NULL"
- "_dtScratchBuffers[0] is NULL"
- "_dtScratchBuffers[1] is NULL"
- "_dtVerticalKernel is NULL"
- "_hash_map is NULL"
- "_hash_matrix_data is NULL"
- "_hash_table is NULL"
- "_imerodeConfidenceMapTexture is NULL"
- "_instanceSegmentationInputBufferArray contains nil pointer."
- "_instanceSegmentationInputBufferArray is nil."
- "_interp_indices is NULL"
- "_interp_pad is NULL"
- "_interp_table is NULL"
- "_invalidConfidenceMaskTexture is NULL"
- "_maskTexture is NULL"
- "_maxNumSuperPixels is bigger than ushort"
- "_metalContext is nil"
- "_metalCtx is nil"
- "_mtlCommandBuffer is NULL"
- "_personSegmentationMaskInputBuffer is null."
- "_personSegmentationMaskInputTexture is NULL"
- "_preprocessedDisparity is NULL"
- "_preprocessedDisparityTexture is NULL"
- "_setFarDistFurthestDisparityArray is nil"
- "_slicIdxImgTexture is NULL"
- "_slicMetal is NULL"
- "_slicMetalParameters is NULL"
- "_slicRgbaTexture is NULL"
- "_slicSpixelCentersIdAndNPixelsTexture is NULL"
- "_slicSpixelColorTexture is NULL"
- "_solverMemoryPointer is nil"
- "_superPixelHoleFillConfidenceTexture is NULL"
- "_superPixelHoleFillDisparityTexture is NULL"
- "_superPixelHoleFillMetal is NULL"
- "_superPixelsBoundaries is nil"
- "_tempTexture is NULL"
- "_validForegroundMaskTexture is NULL"
- "_workMem is nil"
- "_yuvInputBuffer does not have the size specified during bundle init time."
- "_yuvInputBuffer does not have the type specified during bundle init time."
- "_yuvInputBuffer is null."
- "_yuvInputChromaTexture is NULL"
- "_yuvInputLumaTexture is NULL"
- "bilateralGridHash is NULL"
- "bilateralGridProcessing create failed."
- "buffer is NULL"
- "chromaTexture is NULL"
- "chromaTexture is not RG8Unorm"
- "cmdBuf is NULL"
- "cmdBuffer is NULL"
- "cmdEnc is NULL"
- ""
- "commandBuffer is NULL"
- "commandEncoder is NULL"
- "confidence is NULL"
- "confidenceInF16 do not match expected values"
- "confidenceInF16 is NULL"
- "confidenceOutF32 do not match expected values"
- "confidenceOutF32 is NULL"
- "conversion of depth to disparity has failed."
- "depth is NULL"
- "depthBuffer is null."
- "depthprocessorcpugdptrace"
- "disparity is NULL"
- "disparityInF16 do not match expected values"
- "disparityInF16 is NULL"
- "disparityOutF32 do not match expected values"
- "disparityOutF32 is NULL"
- "disparityQualityThreshold should be in the range [0,1]."
- "disparityTexture is NULL"
- "distanceTexture is NULL"
- "encoder is NULL"
- "err"
- "inConfTex is nil"
- "inConfTex is not MTLPixelFormatR16Float"
- "inConfTex not same size as inLabelTexture"
- "inDepthTex is nil"
- "inDepthTex is not MTLPixelFormatR16Float"
- "inDepthTex not same size as inLabelTexture"
- "inDistanceTransformMapTex is nil"
- "inDistanceTransformMapTex is not MTLPixelFormatR16Float"
- "inDistanceTransformMapTex not same size as inLabelTexture"
- "inImageTex is nil"
- "inImageTex is not MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm"
- "inImageTex not same size as inLabelTexture"
- "inImageTexture is NULL"
- "inImageTexture is not MTLPixelFormatRGBA8Unorm"
- "inImageTexture not same size as inLabelTexture"
- "inInstanceSegmentationLayer0Texture is NULL"
- "inInstanceSegmentationLayer1Texture is NULL"
- "inInstanceSegmentationLayer2Texture is NULL"
- "inInstanceSegmentationLayer3Texture is NULL"
- "inLabelTexture is NULL"
- "inLabelTexture is nil"
- "inLabelTexture is not MTLPixelFormatR16Uint"
- "inPersonMaskTexture is NULL"
- "inPersonMaskTexture not matching expected values"
- "inPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "inoutConfidenceMap is NULL"
- "inoutConfidenceMap not matching expected values"
- "input is NULL"
- "inputConfidence does not match expected values"
- "inputConfidence is NULL"
- "inputDepthTexture is NULL"
- "inputDisparity is NULL"
- "inputDisparity not R16Float"
- "inputDisparity not matching expected values"
- "inputDistanceTransformMap is NULL"
- "inputTex in nil."
- "inputTex type should be R16Float."
- "inputTexture is NULL"
- "inputTexture not R16Float"
- "inputTexture not R16Float."
- "instanceSegmentationConfidences contains nil pointer."
- "instanceSegmentationConfidences is nil."
- "kCMBaseObjectError_ParamErr"
- "kCMBaseObjectError_UnsupportedOperation"
- "kCMBaseObjectError_ValueNotAvailable"
- "kFigBaseObjectError_AllocationFailed"
- "kFigBaseObjectError_ParamErr"
- "lumaTexture is NULL"
- "lumaTexture is not R8Unorm"
- "makeForegroundMask failed"
- "maxNumSuperPixels outside of supported range"
- "maybeValueBool"
- "maybeValueFloat"
- "maybeValueInt"
- "minMaxBuffer is nil"
- "n_blur_indices is NULL"
- "outConfTex is nil"
- "outConfTex is not MTLPixelFormatR16Float"
- "outConfTex not same size as inLabelTexture"
- "outDepthTex is nil"
- "outDepthTex is not MTLPixelFormatR16Float"
- "outDepthTex not same size as inLabelTexture"
- "outPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "output is NULL"
- "outputConfidence does not match expected values"
- "outputConfidence is NULL"
- "outputDisparity does not match expected values"
- "outputDisparity is NULL"
- "outputDisparityBuffer is null."
- "outputDisparityTexture is NULL"
- "outputDistanceTransformDisparity is NULL"
- "outputDistanceTransformDisparity not matching expected values"
- "outputTex in nil."
- "outputTex type should be R16Float."
- "outputTexture do not match expected values"
- "outputTexture is NULL"
- "outputTexture not R16Float"
- "pBufferData is NULL"
- "pin is NULL"
- "pixelBuffer is NULL"
- "postFbs failed."
- "pout is NULL"
- "preProcessing failed."
- "prepareForFbs failed."
- "refPixelBuffer is NULL"
- "reference is NULL"
- "runSlic failed."
- "slicRgbaTexture is NULL"
- "slicRgbaTexture is not RGBA8Unorm"
- "slicRgbaTexture not same dimensions as lumaTexture"
- "solverMemBlock is nil"
- "streamingdepthprocessorcpu_trace"
- "stringWithFormat:"
- "textureF16Out do not match expected values"
- "textureF16Out is NULL"
- "textureF32In do not match expected values"
- "textureF32In is NULL"
- "tuningParameters is nil."
- "value is NULL"
- "weightPixelBuffer is NULL"