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571 lines (565 loc) · 28.6 KB

File metadata and controls

571 lines (565 loc) · 28.6 KB



-  __TEXT.__text: 0xbf0b0
-  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x770
+  __TEXT.__text: 0xb5eb0
+  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x730
   __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0xf88
   __TEXT.__const: 0x2c0
-  __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x18cc
-  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x85e8
-  __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x1a4
-  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xa60
+  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x4080
+  __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x7c
+  __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x53
+  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xa28
   __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x1f0
   __TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x254
-  __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x481a
+  __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x4809
   __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x10a9
-  __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x2600
+  __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x25c0
   __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x148
   __DATA_CONST.__const: 0xc0
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0xa0
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0x50
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
-  __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0xbd0
+  __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0xbc8
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_protorefs: 0x8
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_superrefs: 0x70
-  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x3c8
+  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x3a8
   __AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x78
   __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x388
   __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x1100

   - /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
   - /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
   Functions: 1164
-  Symbols:   1311
-  CStrings:  2166
+  Symbols:   1307
+  CStrings:  1659
+ _FigSignalErrorAt
+ _fig_log_get_emitter
- _FigGetUpTime
- _FigHostTimeToNanoseconds
- _FigSignalErrorAt3
- __os_log_send_and_compose_impl
- _fig_log_call_emit_and_clean_up_after_send_and_compose
- _fig_log_emitter_get_os_log_and_send_and_compose_flags_and_os_log_type
- "%!s(MISSING)%!s(MISSING)%!s(MISSING) signalled err=%!d(MISSING) (%!s(MISSING)) (%!s(MISSING)) at %!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING)"
- "(Fig)"
- "+[MetaDataUtilities extractRGBThumbnailFrom:width:height:numberOfThumbnails:redChannelIndex:greenChannelIndex:blueChannelIndex:]"
- "+[MetaDataUtilities extractRGBThumbnailFrom:width:height:numberOfThumbnails:redChannelIndex:greenChannelIndex:blueChannelIndex:validRect:]"
- "+[MetaDataUtilities getRGBThumbnailFromLTMThumbnailData:]"
- "+[MetaDataUtilities getRGBThumbnailFromLTMThumbnailPixelBuffer:]"
- "+[STFLinearAlgebra prewarm:nWeights:nPoly:]"
- "+[STFLtc populateLTCTextureData:LTCData:commandBuffer:]"
- "-[FastBlur _createShaders]"
- "-[FastBlur _encodeFastBlurHorzFir:inputTex:outputTex:]"
- "-[FastBlur _encodeFastBlurVertFir:inputTex:outputTex:]"
- "-[FastBlur allocateResources]"
- "-[FastBlur prepareToProcess:]"
- "-[FastBlur processWithCmdBuf:inputTex:outputTex:]"
- "-[JointBilateralFilters _createShaders]"
- "-[JointBilateralFilters _encodeSTFJointBilateralFilterPlane:guideTex:inputTex:outputTex:tmpTexArr:jbfToNormalScale:levelsCount:]"
- "-[JointBilateralFilters _encodeScaleRef:inputTex:outputTex:pixelsMultiplier:]"
- "-[JointBilateralFilters _encodeSpatialPass:guideTex:inputTex:tmpTexArr:outputTex:pstate:posIdx:level:levelsCount:set:]"
- "-[JointBilateralFilters allocateResources]"
- "-[JointBilateralFilters encodeSTFJointBilateralFilterWithFIRBlur:refTex:inputTexArr:outputTexArr:params:]"
- "-[JointBilateralFilters initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[NormalizeWeights _createShaders]"
- "-[NormalizeWeights allocateResources]"
- "-[NormalizeWeights encodeNormaliseWeightPlanes:ioTexArr:nWeights:nIter:]"
- "-[QuantileSplit _createShaders]"
- "-[QuantileSplit allocateResources]"
- "-[QuantileSplit encodeQuantileSplitLog:referenceTex:perturbedTex:inputParametersBuffer:outputTextureArray:numberOfPlanes:quantileSdevDiv:]"
- "-[STFLinearAlgebra ADMM:lhs:rhs:result:maxSolution2Norm:]"
- "-[STFLinearAlgebra _allocateMemory:commandBuffer:]"
- "-[STFLinearAlgebra _checkSolution2Norm:LHS:RHS:maximum:]"
- "-[STFLinsys _allocateSharedBuffers]"
- "-[STFLinsys encodeLinsys:thumInTex:thumOutTex:wtsTexArr:ltcTex:coeffs:stfParams:converged:]"
- "-[STFLinsys encodeLinsys:thumInTex:thumOutTex:wtsTexArr:ltcTex:coeffs:stfParams:converged:]_block_invoke"
- "-[STFLinsys initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[STFLinsys setPipelineStates]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 allocate2DTextureWithLabel:pixelFormat:texWidth:texHeight:compressionLevel:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 allocate3DTextureWithLabel:pixelFormat:texWidth:texHeight:texDepth:compressionLevel:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 computeBinned8BitsMonochromeThumbnail:width:height:binnedThumbnail:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 computeTCRMaskFromRGBThumbnail:width:height:mask:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 createIdentityCorrectionTexture:pts:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 prepareToProcessWithThumbnailWidth:thumbnailHeight:filterLength:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 prewarmShaders:withTuningParameters:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 processingFrame:updatedLTCs:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 processingFrameWithTCR:inputSbuf:HITHThumbnail:tcrMode:updatedLTCs:]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 releaseResources]"
- "-[STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 temporalStabilization:stabilisedLtcs:stabilizationMode:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog _createShaders]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog _encodeLog:inputTex:outputTex:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog _encodeMakeWeightsLtmLogCmn:refTex:outputTexArr:params:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog _encodeMeanLogRgb:inpTex:outTex:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog _encodePerturbedImage:guideTex:perturbedTex:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog _encodeRGBAToR:inputTex:outputTex:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog _encodeRToRGBA:inputTex:outputTex:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog allocateResources]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog blur2DWithCmdBuffer:inputTexture:outputTexture:blurSize:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog encodeMakeweightsLtmLogSmooth:inputThumbnail:outputTexArr:np:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog encodeMakeweightsLtmLogSmoothRGB:inpputRGBAThumbnail:outputTexArr:referenceImageGenerationType:np:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog encodeRenormaliseMakeweights:weightPlaneArr:sumWeightPlane:numWeights:]"
- "-[STFMakeweightsLtmLog initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeBlendLTCsWithCmdBuf:in0:in1:in2:outputTex:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeBlur2DWithCmdBuf:inputTexture:outputTexture:blurSize:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeBlurLTCsWithCmdBuf:inputTexture:outputTexture:blurSize:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeGenerateFusionWeightsWithCmdBuf:skymap:ltcFusionWeights:outLtcFusionWeightsLow:outLtcFusionWeightsMid:outLtcFusionWeightsHigh:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeGenerateMediumContrastMaskWithCmdBuf:inputLuma:outputMask:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeMixLTCsWithCmdBuf:in0:in1:weights:outputTex:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodePreprocessLTCsWithCmdBuf:thumbnail:skymap:stfLTCs:originalISPLTCs:tcrLTCs:ltmRoi:outputLTCs:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeScaleValues:inputTex:outputTex:scale:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeSplitAndBlendLTCsWithCmdBuf:skymap:stfLTCs:originalISPLTCs:tcrLTCs:ltmRoi:weightsLow:weightsMid:weightsHigh:outLTCs:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeSubtractLTCsWithCmdBuf:inLTCs0:inLTCs1:outLTCs:]"
- "-[STFReintegration _encodeUpsampleAndMergeLTCsWithCmdBuf:skymap:inLTCs0:inLTCs1:outLTCs:ltmRoi:]"
- "-[STFReintegration encodeLTCLTMReintegrationSkyVideo1:lumaThumbnail:weights:numberOfWeights:coefficients:basisLTCs:originalISPLTCs:spatialGainCurveLUT:fusedSpatialGainCurveLUT:]"
- "-[STFReintegration encodeLTCLTMReintegrationWithCmdBuf:inputLuma:inputChroma:lumaThumbnail:rgbThumbnail:weights:numberOfWeights:coefficients:basisLTCs:originalISPLTCs:tcrLTCs:foregroundLTCs:ltmRoi:skymask:personMask:gtcRatio:gtcFinal:highlightCompression:outputLumaGain:outputChroma:outputLTCs:outputPsnr:lumaHistogram:colorCorrection:spatialCCM:ccmRoi:linSysConverged:isLinear:exposureBiasFactor:scaleInput:chromaGainAdjPower:chromaBias:inputLumaPedestal:ltmHardGain:utmForegroundFactor:utmBackgroundFactor:hazeCorrection:]"
- "-[STFReintegration initWithMetalContext:settings:]"
- "-[STFRingBuffer add:]"
- "-[STFRingBuffer getFramesDataWindow:]"
- "-[STFRingBuffer initWithCapacity:historySize:]"
- "-[STFRingBuffer releaseResources]"
- "-[STFRingBuffer reset]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 _setupAllocator:label:externalMemoryResource:]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 extractSettings:]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 fillSettings]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 getCorrectionStrength]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 initializeStfBlocks]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 prepareToProcess:]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 prewarm]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 process]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 purgeResources]"
- "-[STFStillProcessorV1 setup]"
- "-[STFTemporalStabilization allocateTextures:thumbnailHeight:filterLength:]"
- "-[STFTemporalStabilization compileShaders]"
- "-[STFTemporalStabilization encodeIdentityCorrectionTexture:stabilisedLtcs:analyticsBuffer:pts:]"
- "-[STFTemporalStabilization encodeTemporalStabilization:ltcTextures:ltcTexturesStf:stabilisedLtcs:gtcRatio:gtcFinal:thumbnailCurrent:thumbnailCurrentLinearRgb:analyticsBuffer:inputEIT:pEIT:alternativeLayout:referenceFrame:filterLength:pts:]"
- "-[STFTemporalStabilization initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[STFTemporalStabilization purgeResources]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor encodeApplyLTCWithCmdBuf:inpIspLumaTex:ltcTex:ltmRoi:outISPLTMTex:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor encodeCalculateAndAddGlobalOffset:inputTexture:outputTexture:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor encodeDownSampleRGBToISPLuma:inRgbTex:outISPLumaTex:outRGBTex:isLinear:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor encodeDownsampleSkymaskWithCmdBuf:inputSkymask:outputSkymaskThumbnail:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor encodeDownsampleToISPLumaWithCmdBuf:inpTexY:inpTexCbCr:colorCorrection:spatialCCMTex:ccmRoi:outISPLumaTex:outRGBTex:isLinear:exposureBiasFactor:scaleInput:chromaBias:inputLumaPedestal:ltmHardGain:highlightCompression:hazeCorrection:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor encodeRgbToLuma:inpTexRGBA:outTexLuma:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor encodeZeroTextureWithCmdBuf:texture:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor initWithMetalContext:]"
- "-[STFThumbnailPreprocessor initWithMetalContext:settings:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 bufferFrame:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 computeLTCsCorrection:forPTS:shouldShutdown:skipFrame:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 getAnalyticsData:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 initWithRingBufferSize:historySize:cmdQueue:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 prepareToProcessWithMetadata:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 prewarmWithTuningParameters:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 setTcrExtraMaskStrength:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 setTcrGlobalStrength:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 setTcrSkyMaskStrength:]"
- "-[STFVideoProcessorV1 setTemporalWindowTimeDefault:]"
- "/Library/Caches/ %!s(MISSING): Encountered unsupported value (%!d(MISSING)) for FigCaptureLTMLookUpTables.v1.lutsCurveEntryCount"
- "/Library/Caches/ %!s(MISSING): Encountered unsupported value (%!d(MISSING)) for FigCaptureLTMLookUpTables.v2.lutsCurveEntryCount"
- "/Library/Caches/ %!s(MISSING): Support for FigCaptureLTMLookUpTables V%!d(MISSING) struct not yet implemented"
- "/Library/Caches/ %!s(MISSING): Tried to get LTM curves pointer from CCM struct"
- "< STF : MKW >"
- "<<<< STF >>>>"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Coudn't initialise STFLtmFrameProcessorV1"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Couldn't getFramesDataWindow not enough data in the ring buffer."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Couldn't initialize STFVideoProcessorV1"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Couldn't initialize StfRingBuffer. Capacity smaller then output window."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Couldn't initialize StfRingBuffer. Capacity too big."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Couldn't initialize StfRingBuffer. Memory full."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): FigMetalAllocator size is: < %!l(MISSING)u >"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): HITH thumbnail doesn't contain blue channel"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): HITH thumbnail doesn't contain green channel"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): HITH thumbnail doesn't contain red channel"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Initializing FigMetalAllocator with compression level %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Invalid configuration: thumbnail was provided but TCR isn't configured to use it"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): LTM CVIS analytics buffer pointer invalid."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): LTM CVIS analytics data requested for wrong PTS value. Ensure command buffer is finished before calling this method."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): LTMThumbnail has wrong size"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Missing LTMThumbnail"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): RGBThumbnailData is nil"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: Run STF"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: prepareToprocess for %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: prewarm"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: purgeResources"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: stfStrengthGrade = %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STFLtmFrameProcessorV1 reset"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STFLtmFrameProcessorV1: encoding an identity correction texture"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STFLtmFrameProcessorV1: temporalStabilization END"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): STFLtmFrameProcessorV1: temporalStabilization START"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Sensor Switch Backwards with size:%!d(MISSING) and currentIndex:%!d(MISSING) after adjustment"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Sensor Switch Detected Backwards at:%!d(MISSING) and currentIndex:%!d(MISSING) size:%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Sensor Switch Detected Forwards at:%!d(MISSING) and currentIndex:%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Sensor Switch Forwards with size:%!d(MISSING) and currentIndex:%!d(MISSING) after adjustment"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Undergoing shutdown. Swapping %!d(MISSING) updatedLtcs and originalLtcs, with current ratio of ISP LTC's to TCR LTC's:%!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unsupported compression level requested in allocate2DTextureWithLabel."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unsupported compression level requested in allocate3DTextureWithLabel."
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unsupported stabilization mode: %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Unsupported thumbnail size"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Using external memory resource %!p(MISSING) of type %!@(MISSING) "
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): Using provided metal command queue %!p(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): array count:%!d(MISSING) index:%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): attachedMedia is nil"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): buffering frame pts: %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): computeLTCsCorrection:forPTS: %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): computeLTCsCorrection:forPTS: %!f(MISSING) END"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): dealloc %!l(MISSING)u items"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): elapsed time:%!l(MISSING)ld ns"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): fetching analytics data for LTM CVIS"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputEIT:%!f(MISSING) pEIT:%!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPreLTMThumbnail format is incorrect (YlinRGBYavg expected)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPreLTMThumbnail format is not available"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPreLTMThumbnail valid buffer rect is not available"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPreLTMThumbnailPixelBuffer is nil"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): inputPreLTMThumbnailSampleBuffer is nil"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): prewarmWithTuningParameters:"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): processingFrame END"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): processingFrame START"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): processingFrameWithTCR END"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): processingFrameWithTCR START"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): reading ring buffer 2 times"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): sensorID:%!X(MISSING) AGC:%!f(MISSING) ispDGain:%!f(MISSING) exposureTime:%!f(MISSING)us hrGainDownRatio:%!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): stfRing reset"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): stfRingBuffer add a data _inputIndex:%!d(MISSING) _count:%!d(MISSING) distanceOutToIn:%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): stfRingBuffer initialized with capacity:%!d(MISSING) _historySize:%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): storage thermal flag wind down count:%!d(MISSING) size:%!d(MISSING) indexOfPresent:%!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): tcrExtraMaskStrength:%!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): tcrGlobalStrength:%!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): tcrSkyMaskStrength:%!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STF >>>> %!s(MISSING): temporalWindowTimeDefault:%!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>>"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): %!s(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: ADMM Succeeded on iteration %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: CPU linear system solution 2norm: %!f(MISSING) (maximum allowed: %!f(MISSING))"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: CPU linear system solver END"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: CPU linear system solver START"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: CPU linear system solver failed to find a solution. Falling back to original ISP LTCs."
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: STFLinSys allocateSharedBuffers"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: matrixStatusPtr->alphaSolver %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: matrixStatusPtr->extLambda %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: matrixStatusPtr->numWgts %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: matrixStatusPtr->regLambda %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: matrixStatusPtr->rhoSolver %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFLinearAlgebra >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: matrixStatusPtr->tikLambda %!f(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFTemporalStabilization >>>>"
- "<<<< STFTemporalStabilization >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: STFTemporalStabilisation allocateTextures "
- "<<<< STFTemporalStabilization >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: STFTemporalStabilisation encodeTemporalStabilisation"
- "<<<< STFTemporalStabilization >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: STFTemporalStabilisation filter type: %!d(MISSING)"
- "<<<< STFTemporalStabilization >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: STFTemporalStabilisation initWithFigMetalContext "
- "<<<< STFTemporalStabilization >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: STFTemporalStabilisation purgeSharedBuffers"
- "<<<< STFTemporalStabilization >>>> %!s(MISSING): STF: STFTemporalStabilisation setPipelineStates "
- "Compressed textures not supported"
- "Couldn't initialize STFVideoProcessorV1. The ringBufferSize must be positive."
- "External memory resource too low"
- "Failed to allocate FigMetalAllocatorDescriptor"
- "Height must be > 0"
- "Height must be a multiple of 2"
- "Height must be a multiple of 4"
- "I/O/PRM sizes mismatch"
- "Incompatible image vs binned image dimensions"
- "Incompatible thumbnail and mask dimensions"
- "LTM LUT requested for incorrect PTS."
- "Metal Texture Cache allocation failed."
- "NULL array"
- "NULL samplebuffer"
- "STF Params input does not conform with the STFStillLtmIBPParams protocol"
- "STFVideoProcessorV1 couldn't prepare to process - LTCs grid cannot have size 0."
- "STFVideoProcessorV1 couldn't prepare to process - LTCs in first frame metadata are nil."
- "STFVideoProcessorV1 couldn't prepare to process - LTCs in first frame metadata are not valid."
- "STFVideoProcessorV1 couldn't prepare to process - LTMLookUpTables missing from first frame metadata."
- "STFVideoProcessorV1 couldn't prepare to process - first frame metadata missing."
- "Thumbnail dimensions don't match"
- "Unknown procType"
- "Width must be > 0"
- "Width must be a multiple of 2"
- "Width must be a multiple of 4"
- "_LTCLTMDotSkyPipelineState is NULL"
- "_LTCLTMReintegAllPipelineState is NULL"
- "_LTMLTCReintegVideoPipelineState is NULL"
- "_addGlobalOffsetPipelineState is NULL"
- "_analyticsBuffer is NULL"
- "_applyGtcPipelineState is NULL"
- "_applyGtcReferencePipelineState is NULL"
- "_applyLTCPipelineState is NULL"
- "_applyLtcPipelineState is NULL"
- "_applyTikonovPipelineState is NULL"
- "_applyTikonovRegularizationPipelineState is NULL"
- "_blendLTCsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_blur2DXPipelineState is NULL"
- "_blur2DYPipelineState is NULL"
- "_blur2dXPipelineState is NULL"
- "_blur2dYPipelineState is NULL"
- "_blurIntermediateTex is NULL"
- "_blurLTCsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_blurLTCsUshortPipelineState is NULL"
- "_buildupRightHandSidePipelineState is NULL"
- "_calcCorrectionAmountPipelineState is NULL"
- "_calcNodesGainsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_calculateGlobalOffsetPipelineState is NULL"
- "_cnstBuffer allocation failed"
- "_computeLogPipelineState is NULL"
- "_computeMeanLogPipelineState is NULL"
- "_computePerturbationPipelineState is NULL"
- "_conditionLHSAddLagPipelineState is NULL"
- "_conditionLHSEndPipelineState is NULL"
- "_conditionLHSRightPipelineState is NULL"
- "_correctionGainTexture is NULL"
- "_correctionNodeTexture is NULL"
- "_countGreaterThanValuePipelineState is NULL"
- "_divideWeightsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_downsampleRGBToISPLumaPipelineState is NULL"
- "_downsampleSkymapPipelineState is NULL"
- "_downsampleToISPLumaPipelineState is NULL"
- "_downsizePipelineState is NULL"
- "_fastBlur allocation failed"
- "_fastBlurHorizFIRPipeState is NULL"
- "_fastBlurVertFIRPipeState is NULL"
- "_filterBuf is NULL"
- "_gainAdjustedAccumulationPipelineState is NULL"
- "_genFusWgtsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_getLTM_ltmCurveAndCCMEntryCounts"
- "_histLogPipelineState is NULL"
- "_identityTexturePipelineState is NULL"
- "_identityTextureUshortPipelineState is NULL"
- "_inflexionPipelineState is NULL"
- "_inputEITBuf is NULL"
- "_inputEITPlaceholder allocation failed."
- "_interpolate1DcoefsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_invSumPipelineState is NULL"
- "_ispLTC allocation failed."
- "_lhsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_ltcPreBlurTexture is NULL"
- "_ltcTextureSmoothedRescaled is NULL"
- "_ltcTextureUnsmoothedRescaled is NULL"
- "_ltmVectorizable allocation failed."
- "_mainMetalContext.metalContext is NULL"
- "_mainMetalContext.metalContext.allocator is NULL"
- "_matrixTCondBuf is NULL"
- "_matrixTregBuf is NULL"
- "_matrixfBuf is NULL"
- "_metal is NULL"
- "_mirrorGlobalMatrixPipelineState is NULL"
- "_mirrorSubMatrixPipeLineState is NULL"
- "_mixLTCsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_mtlBuffer allocation failed"
- "_mtlCPUPreparedBuffer allocation failed"
- "_newLTC allocation failed."
- "_normPlanesPipelineState is NULL"
- "_obj(s) allocation failed"
- "_offsetWeightsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_pEITBuf is NULL"
- "_pEITPlaceholder allocation failed."
- "_paramsBuf is NULL"
- "_permuteLtcsFwToSwPipelineState is NULL"
- "_perturbedPipelineState is NULL"
- "_polyExpandInputPipelineState is NULL"
- "_polyExpandedInput is NULL"
- "_privateMetalContext.metalContext is NULL"
- "_privateMetalContext.metalContext.allocator is NULL"
- "_psnrPipelineState is NULL"
- "_ptsBuf is NULL"
- "_rToRgbaPipelineState is NULL"
- "_randBuffer allocation failed"
- "_ratioBuf is NULL"
- "_ratioGainBuf is NULL"
- "_referenceThumbnailTexturePostGtcISPLuma is NULL"
- "_referenceThumbnailTexturePostGtcYLuma is NULL"
- "_referenceThumbnailTexturePostLtc is NULL"
- "_regGlobal allocation failed."
- "_regLocal allocation failed."
- "_regWeight allocation failed."
- "_rescaleLtcsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_rgbToLumaPipelineState is NULL"
- "_rgbaToRPipelineState is NULL"
- "_rstBufferPipelineState is NULL"
- "_rstSumPipelineState is NULL"
- "_saveLtcsTo1DPipelineState is NULL"
- "_scaleRefPipelineState is NULL"
- "_scaleValuesPipelineState is NULL"
- "_setBufferPipelineState is NULL"
- "_sharedEventListener is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt41xPipelineStates.offsetLeft is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt41xPipelineStates.offsetRight is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt42xPipelineStates.offsetLeft is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt42xPipelineStates.offsetRight is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt44xPipelineStates.offsetDown is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt44xPipelineStates.offsetLeft is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt44xPipelineStates.offsetRight is NULL"
- "_spatialPassAt44xPipelineStates.offsetUp is NULL"
- "_splitWeightsLogPipelineState is NULL"
- "_stdDevGatePipelineState is NULL"
- "_stfLinSys is NULL"
- "_stfMakeWeightsLtmLog is NULL"
- "_stfStrengthMetric is NULL"
- "_strengthCalcPipelineState is NULL"
- "_subtractPipelineState is NULL"
- "_sumAboveValPipelineState is NULL"
- "_sumWeightsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_targetThumbnailTexturePostGtc is NULL"
- "_targetThumbnailTexturePostLtc is NULL"
- "_tcrMask allocation failed."
- "_tcrMaskDownscaled allocation failed."
- "_tcrMaxLuma allocation failed."
- "_temporalStabilization allocation failed."
- "_texMinF32PipelineState is NULL"
- "_texMinMaxF32PipelineState is NULL"
- "_texSumPipelineState is NULL"
- "_thumbProc allocation failed."
- "_upsampleLTCsPipelineState is NULL"
- "_varsBuffer allocation failed"
- "_weightsAndKernelParams allocation failed"
- "_zeroLtcTexturePipelineState is NULL"
- "_zeroTexturePipelineState is NULL"
- "analyticBufferDescriptor is NULL"
- "basisltcTex is NULL"
- "bd is NULL"
- "blitEncoder is NULL"
- "cmdBuf is NULL"
- "cmdEnc is NULL"
- "coeffs is NULL"
- "compressionLevel"
- "convergedPtr is NULL"
- "currentTuningKey is NULL"
- "dataBuffer is NULL"
- "defaultGlobalMaskOffset is NULL"
- "desc is NULL"
- "dotProdMixTexture is NULL"
- "dotProdTexture is NULL"
- "encoder is NULL"
- "failed to allocate lumaGTCTexture"
- "failed to allocate originalLTCTexture"
- "failed to allocate rgbGTCTexture"
- "failed to allocate rgbThumbnailTexture"
- "failed to allocate updatedLTCs"
- "filterBufPtr is NULL"
- "filterLength <= sizeof(args->ltcIn) / sizeof(args->ltcIn[0]) is NULL"
- "foregroundLTCsUpsampled is NULL"
- "getLTM_data"
- "getLTM_leftPadding"
- "getLTM_lutsBytesPerColumn"
- "getLTM_lutsBytesPerRow"
- "getLTM_topPadding"
- "getLTM_validHeight"
- "getLTM_validWidth"
- "globalMaskOffsetThreshold is NULL"
- "globalOffset is NULL"
- "guidePixelMultipliedTex allocation failed"
- "info == 0 is NULL"
- "info >= 0 is NULL"
- "inputEITP is NULL"
- "inputThumbRGB is NULL"
- "inputThumbtextureISPY is NULL"
- "intermediateBlurTexture is NULL"
- "kCMBaseObjectError_AllocationFailed"
- "kCMBaseObjectError_ParamErr"
- "kCMBaseObjectError_UnsupportedOperation"
- "kFigBaseObjectError_ParamErr"
- "kFigBaseObjectError_UnsupportedOperation"
- "lagrangianBuffer is NULL"
- "lhsCondPtr is NULL"
- "lhsPtr is NULL"
- "linAlg is NULL"
- "linSysConverged is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluGate1High is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluGate1Low is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluGate2High is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluGate2Low is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluOut1High is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluOut1Low is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluOut2High is NULL"
- "ltcFusionContReluOut2Low is NULL"
- "ltcFusionHighFreqWeight is NULL"
- "ltcFusionLowFilterSize is NULL"
- "ltcFusionLowFreqWeight is NULL"
- "ltcFusionMaskOffset is NULL"
- "ltcFusionMidFilterSize is NULL"
- "ltcFusionMidFreqWeight is NULL"
- "ltcFusionOtherOffset is NULL"
- "ltcFusionWeightsHigh is NULL"
- "ltcFusionWeightsLow is NULL"
- "ltcFusionWeightsMid is NULL"
- "ltcsForegroundTexture is NULL"
- "ltcsRegularizedTexture is NULL"
- "ltcsTexture is NULL"
- "matrixBuffer is NULL"
- "metalContext.commandBuffer is NULL"
- "midContrastMask is NULL"
- "midContrastMaskDownsized is NULL"
- "mp is NULL"
- "newLtcsHigh is NULL"
- "newLtcsLow is NULL"
- "newLtcsLowBlur is NULL"
- "newLtcsMid is NULL"
- "newLtcsMidBlur is NULL"
- "nil downscaled thumbnail"
- "nil mask"
- "nil thumbnail"
- "oldLtcsLow is NULL"
- "oldLtcsPermuted is NULL"
- "originalISPLtcsHigh is NULL"
- "originalISPLtcsLowBlur is NULL"
- "originalISPLtcsMid is NULL"
- "originalISPLtcsMidBlur is NULL"
- "originalISPLtcsUpsampled is NULL"
- "pEITP is NULL"
- "paramsBufP is NULL"
- "perturbedTex is NULL"
- "pivotBuffer is NULL"
- "pivotsBuffer is NULL"
- "ptsBufPtr is NULL"
- "ratioBufP is NULL"
- "ratioGainBufP is NULL"
- "refGenTp not supported"
- "refTex allocation failed"
- "refTex allocation from metal heap failed"
- "resultPtr is NULL"
- "rgbaTexArr allocation from metal heap failed"
- "rhsBuffer is NULL"
- "rhsPtr is NULL"
- "rndTex is NULL"
- "self is NULL"
- "semanticBlurSize is NULL"
- "serializedSettings is NULL"
- "settingsSet is NULL"
- "sgetrfWorkBuffer is NULL"
- "sgetrfWorkSpaceLength > 0 is NULL"
- "sharedEvent is NULL"
- "skyMaskDownsized is NULL"
- "skyMaskDownsizedOffset is NULL"
- "skyMaskIntermediate is NULL"
- "skyMaskTexUNorm is NULL"
- "stfFunctionConstants is NULL"
- "stfGainAdjustedAccumulationArgsBuf is NULL"
- "stfLinsysDispatchQueue is NULL"
- "stfParams.numWgts > 0 is NULL"
- "stfReintegration is NULL"
- "stfThumbnailPreprocessor is NULL"
- "targetThumbtextureISPY is NULL"
- "tcrFallbackWeight is NULL"
- "td is NULL"
- "texDesc is NULL"
- "the ring buffer overflow"
- "thumbProc is NULL"
- "tmp is NULL"
- "tmpTexArr[i] allocation failed"
- "tuningForCaptureType is NULL"
- "vectorBuffer is NULL"
- "workSpaceBuffer is NULL"
- "workSpaceLengthFloat > 0 is NULL"
- "wtsTexArr[i] is NULL"