- __TEXT.__text: 0x122080c
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x121fa64
__TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x6dd0
__TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x40
__TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x14b4
- __TEXT.__const: 0x52f40
- __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x3dcfd
+ __TEXT.__const: 0x52f30
+ __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x3e09d
__TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x5e4
__TEXT.__objc_methname: 0xdedb
__TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x45fe
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x38dbd
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0x38ded
__TEXT.__swift5_typeref: 0x1ff90
__TEXT.__constg_swiftt: 0x1ba14
__TEXT.__swift5_builtin: 0x884
- __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x1c4ef
- __TEXT.__swift5_fieldmd: 0x1e850
+ __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x1c4af
+ __TEXT.__swift5_fieldmd: 0x1e838
__TEXT.__swift5_assocty: 0x2430
__TEXT.__swift5_proto: 0x4f30
__TEXT.__swift5_types: 0x1a08
__TEXT.__swift5_mpenum: 0x628
__TEXT.__swift5_protos: 0x2b8
__TEXT.__swift5_entry: 0x8
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x321c0
- __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x84a00
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x321b8
+ __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x849a8
__DATA_CONST.__auth_got: 0x36f0
- __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x2a70
- __DATA_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x50a8
+ __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x2a68
+ __DATA_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x5108
__DATA_CONST.__const: 0x6d768
__DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x710
__DATA_CONST.__objc_catlist: 0x10
__DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protorefs: 0x1c0
__DATA_CONST.__linkguard: 0x15
- __DATA.__objc_const: 0x1bd98
+ __DATA.__objc_const: 0x1bd58
__DATA.__objc_selrefs: 0x2498
__DATA.__objc_data: 0x3958
- __DATA.__data: 0x38b08
+ __DATA.__data: 0x38ad8
__DATA.__bss: 0x96350
__DATA.__common: 0x2008
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Accounts
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsimd.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsys_time.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftunistd.dylib
- Functions: 56674
- Symbols: 3393
- CStrings: 12132
+ Functions: 56671
+ Symbols: 3392
+ CStrings: 12129
- _$s15FindMyBluetooth14CentralManagerC5ErrorO14missingServiceyA2EmFWC
+ "#Durian: Command playSound commandIdentifier: %!{(MISSING)public}@ beaconIdentifier: %!{(MISSING)mask.hash}@ context: %!@(MISSING)"
+ "#Durian: Playing default sound sequence on %!{(MISSING)mask.hash}@."
+ "#Durian: Playing ranging sound sequence on %!{(MISSING)mask.hash}@."
+ "#Durian: Playing sound using [%!{(MISSING)public}@]"
+ "#Durian: Playing unauthorized short sound sequence on %!{(MISSING)mask.hash}@."
+ "#Durian: Playing unauthorized sound sequence on %!{(MISSING)mask.hash}@."
+ "#Durian: Unknown context. Playing default sound sequence on %!{(MISSING)mask.hash}@."
+ "%!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s has already been inserted"
+ "%!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s is a single beacon group, returning default set of 1 beacon"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - Anomalous - we are not expecting to receive any message %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - Creating encrypted payload"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - Error creating findMy message %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - FindMy Publish is allowed"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - FindMy publish is not allowed due to geo reasons"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - FindMy publish is not available"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - No CoreTelephonyClient"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - _createEncryptedLocation - canPublishLocation is false."
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - added callback for location publish"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - attempting to start monitor but no data client instance available"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - calling completions %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - calling sendMessage"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - canPublishLocation - feature disabled"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - canPublishLocation - not a location publishing device. "
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - canPublishLocation - publish already in progress"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - canPublishLocation - publish is throttled"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - canPublishLocation - state is not available %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - canPublishLocation is false. Not showing alert"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - checkinReminderNotificationTimer"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - completed throttle deadline but not in throttled state. doing nothing"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - conditions not satisfied for posting user notification"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - connectedServicesChanged: %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - currentState %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - device is location publishing device - requesting startMonitor"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - device not in throttle period"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - entering throttle - remaining period %!f(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - error exiting %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - error payload %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - error requesting context %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - exit completed error - %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - findMy is not connected"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - findMy is part of connected services. we can publish"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - got encryptedLocation %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - me device state is unknown or none"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - me device status changed - device is not a location publishing device. not starting monitor"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - no change in service state %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - no current state - responding as unknown"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - no dataClient. Not proceeding with requesting context"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - no last publish. allow immediate"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - no last published location to compare distance threshold"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - no location for publish"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - not posting publish reminder notification. distanceMoved %!f(MISSING) is less than configThreshold %!f(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - not updating state since existing state is %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - posting publish reminder notification"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - publish location called but not active service available"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - publishEncryptedLocation - canPublishLocation returned false"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - publishEncryptedLocation - encryptedData: %!s(MISSING) dataClient: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - publishLocation - isFindMyAConnectedService: %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - publishLocation(location:) - canPublishLocation is false."
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - publishReminder timer fired"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - re-creating CT client"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - reminderNotification is already present. Not showing alert"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - requesting context"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - resetStateIfPublishInProgress - No data client available"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - resetStateIfPublishInProgress - will reset"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - returning xpc activity for reminder notification with delay %!l(MISSING)ld"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - scheduled next reminder alert"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - scheduling notification timer"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - secure locations is setup - requesting startMonitor"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - secureLocations not setup. attempting setup before starting monitor"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - sendMessage returned %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - setupPublishThrottleTimer"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - setupSecureLocations returned as false. Cannot start monitor. Not retrying to avoid loop"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - start dataclient returned false"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - startMonitoring"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - startMonitoring but we have no data client - creating one"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - startMonitoring started block"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - startMonitoring: disabled in geo"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - startMonitoring: featureDisabled"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - startMonitoring: isPublishInProgress %!{(MISSING)bool}d isThrottled %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - startMonitoring: not a location publishing device"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - started dataclient"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - state block fired %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - stateChange old %!s(MISSING) new %!s(MISSING) forceNotify %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - stateChanged %!@(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - still in throttle period %!f(MISSING). configuredThrottle %!f(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - stopped monitor"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - successfully published %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - support state %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - supportChanged notification "
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - throttle period complete"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - unable to get support state %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - unregistered reminder notification timer"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - using defaults override for timeBetweenPublish %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - using overriden value for alert delay %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - we have already shown %!l(MISSING)d alerts"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - will exit context - error: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s - will exit no telephony client"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s no dataclient - not proceeding with publishLocation"
+ "%!{(MISSING)public}s publishLocation called with %!s(MISSING)"
+ "(%!s(MISSING)) %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s nearby: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Add new controller %!{(MISSING)public}s"
+ "AlphaWasp: hardcoding primary part %!h(MISSING)hu for group %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s."
+ "Beacon status for %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s expired. %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Create bundle decryption for shareId: %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s,\nbeacon: %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s\nsecondaryBucket: %!{(MISSING)public}s, start:%!s(MISSING)\nto end: %!s(MISSING)."
+ "Group %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s legacy status: %!s(MISSING). After separated: %!s(MISSING)."
+ "Group %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s multipart layout template: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Initiate firmware update check (reason: %!{(MISSING)public}@, forced beacons: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "Invalid FW version for %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s %!{(MISSING)public}s"
+ "Multipart Status after separating non-primary parts: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "MultipartStatus for %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s: %!s(MISSING))"
+ "No beacon status for %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s"
+ "No nearby peers for %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s"
+ "No primary beacon in group %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s."
+ "No productData for %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s"
+ "Reading AIS from peripheral: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Record changed: %!@(MISSING)"
+ "SecureLocationsClientSession - %!{(MISSING)public}s notifyOfStateChange - but no client sessions"
+ "SecureLocationsClientSession - %!{(MISSING)public}s sent notifyOfStateChange to %!l(MISSING)d clients."
+ "SubscribeAndFetch location for %!l(MISSING)d IDs for clientApp %!{(MISSING)public}s ids %!s(MISSING) forceKeyRefresh %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "ZoneState updated: %!{(MISSING)public}@"
+ "groupedBeaconDisplayName: Beacon %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s does not belong to an item group or group record is missing."
+ "groupedBeaconDisplayName: Beacon %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s is from a single group."
+ "groupedBeaconDisplayName: No beacon naming record for beacon %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s"
+ "groupedBeaconDisplayName: No beacon record for beacon identifier %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s"
+ "groupedBeaconDisplayName: No product info or partInfo for %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s."
+ "readPoshAccessoryMetadataForNonOwner(macAddress:)"
+ "subscribeAndFetch adding connection %!{(MISSING)public}@"
+ "subscribeAndFetch called with mode %!{(MISSING)public}s"
- "#Durian: Command playSound commandIdentifier: %!@(MISSING) beaconIdentifier: %!@(MISSING) context: %!@(MISSING)"
- "#Durian: Playing default sound sequence on %!@(MISSING)."
- "#Durian: Playing ranging sound sequence on %!@(MISSING)."
- "#Durian: Playing sound using [%!@(MISSING)]"
- "#Durian: Playing unauthorized short sound sequence on %!@(MISSING)."
- "#Durian: Playing unauthorized sound sequence on %!@(MISSING)."
- "#Durian: Unknown context. Playing default sound sequence on %!@(MISSING)."
- "%!s(MISSING) - Anomalous - we are not expecting to receive any message %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - Creating encrypted payload"
- "%!s(MISSING) - Error creating findMy message %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - FindMy Publish is allowed"
- "%!s(MISSING) - FindMy publish is not allowed due to geo reasons"
- "%!s(MISSING) - FindMy publish is not available"
- "%!s(MISSING) - No CoreTelephonyClient"
- "%!s(MISSING) - _createEncryptedLocation - canPublishLocation is false."
- "%!s(MISSING) - added callback for location publish"
- "%!s(MISSING) - attempting to start monitor but no data client instance available"
- "%!s(MISSING) - calling completions %!l(MISSING)d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - calling sendMessage"
- "%!s(MISSING) - canPublishLocation - feature disabled"
- "%!s(MISSING) - canPublishLocation - not a location publishing device. "
- "%!s(MISSING) - canPublishLocation - publish already in progress"
- "%!s(MISSING) - canPublishLocation - publish is throttled"
- "%!s(MISSING) - canPublishLocation - state is not available %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - canPublishLocation is false. Not showing alert"
- "%!s(MISSING) - checkinReminderNotificationTimer"
- "%!s(MISSING) - completed throttle deadline but not in throttled state. doing nothing"
- "%!s(MISSING) - conditions not satisfied for posting user notification"
- "%!s(MISSING) - connectedServicesChanged: %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - currentState %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - device is location publishing device - requesting startMonitor"
- "%!s(MISSING) - device not in throttle period"
- "%!s(MISSING) - entering throttle - remaining period %!f(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - error exiting %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - error payload %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - error requesting context %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - exit completed error - %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - findMy is not connected"
- "%!s(MISSING) - findMy is part of connected services. we can publish"
- "%!s(MISSING) - got encryptedLocation %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - me device state is unknown or none"
- "%!s(MISSING) - me device status changed - device is not a location publishing device. not starting monitor"
- "%!s(MISSING) - no change in service state %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - no current state - responding as unknown"
- "%!s(MISSING) - no dataClient. Not proceeding with requesting context"
- "%!s(MISSING) - no last publish. allow immediate"
- "%!s(MISSING) - no last published location to compare distance threshold"
- "%!s(MISSING) - no location for publish"
- "%!s(MISSING) - not posting publish reminder notification. distanceMoved %!f(MISSING) is less than configThreshold %!f(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - not updating state since existing state is %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - posting publish reminder notification"
- "%!s(MISSING) - publish location called but not active service available"
- "%!s(MISSING) - publishEncryptedLocation - canPublishLocation returned false"
- "%!s(MISSING) - publishEncryptedLocation - encryptedData: %!s(MISSING) dataClient: %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - publishLocation - isFindMyAConnectedService: %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - publishLocation(location:) - canPublishLocation is false."
- "%!s(MISSING) - publishReminder timer fired"
- "%!s(MISSING) - re-creating CT client"
- "%!s(MISSING) - reminderNotification is already present. Not showing alert"
- "%!s(MISSING) - requesting context"
- "%!s(MISSING) - resetStateIfPublishInProgress - No data client available"
- "%!s(MISSING) - resetStateIfPublishInProgress - will reset"
- "%!s(MISSING) - returning xpc activity for reminder notification with delay %!l(MISSING)ld"
- "%!s(MISSING) - scheduled next reminder alert"
- "%!s(MISSING) - scheduling notification timer"
- "%!s(MISSING) - secure locations is setup - requesting startMonitor"
- "%!s(MISSING) - secureLocations not setup. attempting setup before starting monitor"
- "%!s(MISSING) - sendMessage returned %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - setupPublishThrottleTimer"
- "%!s(MISSING) - setupSecureLocations returned as false. Cannot start monitor. Not retrying to avoid loop"
- "%!s(MISSING) - start dataclient returned false"
- "%!s(MISSING) - startMonitoring"
- "%!s(MISSING) - startMonitoring but we have no data client - creating one"
- "%!s(MISSING) - startMonitoring started block"
- "%!s(MISSING) - startMonitoring: disabled in geo"
- "%!s(MISSING) - startMonitoring: featureDisabled"
- "%!s(MISSING) - startMonitoring: isPublishInProgress %!{(MISSING)bool}d isThrottled %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - startMonitoring: not a location publishing device"
- "%!s(MISSING) - started dataclient"
- "%!s(MISSING) - state block fired %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - stateChange old %!s(MISSING) new %!s(MISSING) forceNotify %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - stateChanged %!@(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - still in throttle period %!f(MISSING). configuredThrottle %!f(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - stopped monitor"
- "%!s(MISSING) - successfully published %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - support state %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - supportChanged notification "
- "%!s(MISSING) - throttle period complete"
- "%!s(MISSING) - unable to get support state %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - unregistered reminder notification timer"
- "%!s(MISSING) - using defaults override for timeBetweenPublish %!l(MISSING)d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - using overriden value for alert delay %!l(MISSING)d"
- "%!s(MISSING) - we have already shown %!l(MISSING)d alerts"
- "%!s(MISSING) - will exit context - error: %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!s(MISSING) - will exit no telephony client"
- "%!s(MISSING) has already been inserted"
- "%!s(MISSING) no dataclient - not proceeding with publishLocation"
- "%!s(MISSING) publishLocation called with %!s(MISSING)"
- "%!{(MISSING)public}s is a single beacon group, returning default set of 1 beacon"
- "(%!s(MISSING)) %!s(MISSING) nearby: %!s(MISSING)"
- "Add new controller %!s(MISSING)"
- "AlphaWasp: hardcoding primary part %!h(MISSING)hu for group %!{(MISSING)public}s."
- "Beacon status for %!s(MISSING) expired. %!s(MISSING)"
- "Create bundle decryption for shareId: %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s,\nbeacon: %!{(MISSING)private,mask.hash}s\nsecondaryBucket: %!s(MISSING), start:%!s(MISSING)\nto end: %!s(MISSING)."
- "Group %!{(MISSING)public}s legacy status: %!{(MISSING)public}s. After separated: %!{(MISSING)public}s."
- "Group %!{(MISSING)public}s multipart layout template: %!s(MISSING)"
- "Initiate firmware update check (reason: %!@(MISSING), forced beacons: %!@(MISSING))"
- "Invalid FW version for %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING)"
- "Missing Posh service, reading Hawkeye/Hele AIS from peripheral: %!s(MISSING)"
- "Multipart Status after separating non-primary parts: %!{(MISSING)public}s"
- "MultipartStatus for %!{(MISSING)public}s: %!{(MISSING)public}s)"
- "No beacon status for %!s(MISSING)"
- "No nearby peers for %!s(MISSING)"
- "No primary beacon in group %!{(MISSING)public}s."
- "No productData for %!s(MISSING)"
- "Reading Posh AIS from peripheral: %!s(MISSING)"
- "Record changed: %!{(MISSING)public}@"
- "SecureLocationsClientSession - %!s(MISSING) notifyOfStateChange - but no client sessions"
- "SecureLocationsClientSession - %!s(MISSING) sent notifyOfStateChange to %!l(MISSING)d clients."
- "SubscribeAndFetch location for %!l(MISSING)d IDs for clientApp %!s(MISSING) ids %!s(MISSING) forceKeyRefresh %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
- "ZoneState updated: %!@(MISSING)"
- "controller"
- "groupedBeaconDisplayName: Beacon %!s(MISSING) does not belong to an item group or group record is missing."
- "groupedBeaconDisplayName: Beacon %!s(MISSING) is from a single group."
- "groupedBeaconDisplayName: No beacon naming record for beacon %!s(MISSING)"
- "groupedBeaconDisplayName: No beacon record for beacon identifier %!s(MISSING)"
- "groupedBeaconDisplayName: No product info or partInfo for %!s(MISSING)."
- "legacyServerInteractionController"
- "readPoshAccessoryMetadata(macAddress:)"
- "subscribeAndFetch adding connection %!@(MISSING)"
- "subscribeAndFetch called with mode %!s(MISSING)"