Notes from last time:
Time 8.45pm Monday 19th UTC
Facilitator Dan (will also be doing the call out for the meeting)
Location Mumble (, with as backup)
To get started with Mumble see setup guide (takes 5-10 mins), the server name is
We'll be on keybase before the call if you have any challenges.
Was a bit chaotic as we had a mumble server failure and then tech issues with the backup.
Dan was also in a stressed place due to Tropical Cyclone Gita which didn't help facilitation!
Nikolai has taken a back seat for now as has communicated energies/capacities best spent with helping code when project is more clearly defined. Will also take our learnings from GreaterThan and Cryptonites and see if he can apply them locally in Leeds with groups who may want to work with Crypto.
??? what else???
- Meeting with kieran on thursday (see invite)
- tally up the transactions spreadsheet:app and check they match
- started doing this, saw only 1 anomolous transaction
- still some to check
- get an external microphone / webcam
- tally up the transactions spreadsheet:app and check they match
- kieran would like to hear update on rails:spreadsheet reconciliation
- set up 2nd mumble server
Please input things you would like to speak about in the meeting
Welcome new member!?
- Have been speaking to about joining #mmt in some capacity. She has had deep involvement within software projects in this domain (my.enspiral, loomio, cobudget, open-collective) is super talented (also happens to be mix's partner).
can we change the weekly dev meeting time?
tell us about rails:spreadsheet reconciliation
would like to propose we have a faciliator mapped out for 3 week shifts. The facilitator is responsible for meeting set up (agenda, loomio callout)
dan would like to speak about process of adding new people to the team.
Would like to add in the use case of MMT as it's own use case... (Building tools for ourself)
- I would like to be able to place crypto into a pot governed by us for us for wages.
- This is a way of funding free software without having one main purse-string holder
- Don't want to be the main 'boss' with regards to these organisational aspects - but also think there is an opportunity here to figure out means and ways of running an 'dis/organisation' without the need of setting up a formal bank account, company etc...
- e.g. can we run our own internal cryptonomy (crypto-economy) whilst all still being freelancers etc.
- GreaterThan meeting feedback
- Savings pool interview
- Values driven experiments
- Milan, dyne, social-wallet meeting feedback
- Feedback about Rails app sum
- Proposal for a tool that would be useful for both us, and Cryptonites, and likely other groups in the MMT network -
peg (notes)
- Still getting 'MongoCommandException' (described here) when logging into Macao Social Wallet - would be interested if anyone else had this problem
- Been looking into 'money pools' as a possible use case for collective money management ( There are many commercial online platforms for pooling fiat, eg: MoneyFellows,, Sharedpurse, most of which are commercial sites offering 'social saving/social loans', where you can borrow money from a group of friends with a fixed repayment rate, using the site as a trusted third party/mediator. It would be good to consider how to do this with crypto with a variable amount of flexibility/trust. That is, a smaller group of close friends can be more flexible about size and duration of 'loans', and a bigger group can still be able to pool money by relying more on some mechanism to reduce the need for trust, eg: smart contracts or external mediation.
- Been converting the crypto workbook to markdown, whilst preserving the tables etc as html so we can continue to keep it up to date and have all the nice new bits that were added for the afrotech workshop.
- Been trying to find a way to do multisig on lightning network or raiden, in oder to make our efforts future-proof. But its confusing because payment channels actually consist of multisig wallets held by the two parties.
- Not sure if Nikolai will be coming to the weekly meeting anymore?
Kieran went to Milan and met the lead devs and organisers of Dyne
Mix asking about what values you saw, e.g. compare to these vaues
Mix: nz doesn't have squats Dan: squats are a type of resource redistribution pattern
tl;dr do more of this. Mix took notes in wiki
organise savings pool
explored some interesting online pooling. Seems like a really obvious thing people need.
was looking for other ways of socially managing money. social borrowing is another avenue other than just social spending
see action points
interested in finding people who are a good fit with parent friendly patterns
Alanna introduced herself in Loomio.,174.779,5
interestingly looks quite similar to lightning network?
peg and keiran talk more about milan debrief
- wednesday morning
mix: set up working group for savings pool research
dan: catch up with people about a possible call move
dan: contribute to high level wiki faciliation document (with kieran)
dan: intro folks to alanna etc
Extra meeting about proposal on Friday, 8.45pm UTC