Notes from last time here.
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Time | 9.00am Friday 20th April UTC 🕐 (10am GMT) |
Facilitator | Peg |
Location | Mumble (, with as backup) |
To get started with Mumble see setup guide (takes 5-10 mins), the server name is
. We'll be on keybase before the call if you have any challenges.
- write a manual for a pay-to-many for electrum
- Pair with Alanna to think how to record payment information
- Sign payments together with kieran
- Initiate coconut death roleplay
Look into issues about tax/recieving money/freelancing
catch up with phonebox - think about future contrib
invite people to catalunia event (tick once confirmed)
- aspasia dyne
- jaromil dyne
- mat slatts community currency engineer
- jaya researcher, decode, dcent
- eliaas b9lab
- brett scott researcher
- kieran
- peg
- guy james faircoop
pair with kieran on interdependent backups
top up btc wallet (2of6)
call JV about NZ retreat
start NZ retreat workshop, logistics threads
mix: on break doing Ticktack, available for contact + questions
- shard long term wallet seed
- pair with peg on where/how to record our transaction log
- ask aspacia (dyne) about going to network convergence
- [x
- ] dan did this email
- code questions for mix
- find location for TrueName for easier accessibility
- generate weekly pay tx's and notify peg to sign
all :
- due dilligence (backup/ sharding of wallet)
We said we wanted to check in on how comms is working for us each week.
Alanna leaked wallet info possibly? What do.
- TL;DR : yeah it's really public
- is it a problem?
- mix: not that ideal, would like to change wallet
- dan: it's not that bad, good learning exp. raises the question about talking about level of privacy we want and how to help us design what our requirements for the future are.
- alanna: what are the do / do not shares?
- peg: not too concerned
- --> Working group: Dan+Kieran --> dan: will make a thread/post in #mmt
Coconut death roleplay 🍍 🌴
- coordination needed
- alanna + mix to try to put back the shards together
⚠️ Please make sure this is done in a PRIVATE THREAD
New transaction log spreadsheet
Suggestion to focus this meeting on stragegy discussion (details)
Pasting here some thought provoking questions from alanna:
- What is the real impact we care about? (eg, make a tool for marginalised people, make something lots of people end up using, further the development of the decentralised web, work with other awesome people in this space, build what we are personally most excited about, make something people will want to hear us talk about at conferences... etc etc)
- What would we need to say no to in order to effectively say yes to what we pick?
- What is the right approach/timeframe to test assumptions and see if what we pick is the right track? (think about the full circle)
- What are our constraints? (eg, if we only have 6 months we should pick something we can build and finish quickly, or if some people will quit if we don't do something on SSB, etc)
Discussion about possibly building a social wallet on ssb.
Is decentralised password backup / social sharding and a wallet two different projects, or two layers of a new kind of multi-sig?
Is using SSB the right way to go? Accessibility issues. What about Ethereum etc? But we have SSB expertise on the team.
We're likely to evolve our understanding as we go, and people might see what we've done and build it on other platforms/protocols.
"The social layer is what's important"
Is this going to be a client-side app with distributed data, or a web app or phone app...? We need to pick one to start with and that will inform the others in the future.
We will probably be able to go deeper on core values and strategic questions at the retreat.
dan: NZ retreat 'workshops'
Update from Alanna's discussion with Pia from OpenCollective
- Phone box new hat. Or no hat.
- who will do payments?
- who will facillitate meeting: dan
- Figure out secure location for transaction spreadsheet
- Work with Dan on wallet privacy
- Keep coding ssb secrets / horcrux
- Have a think about strategy processes for distributed teams
- talk to phonebox about strategy
- Don't leak any more secrets(!) 😨
- Recombine shards (with Mix)
- Facilitating next meeting
- Organising payments
- Working group on wallet privacy (with Kieran)
- Catch up chats with phonebox future hats