Notes from last time here.
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Time | 9.00am Friday 20th April UTC 🕐 (10am GMT) |
Facilitator | Dan 🐼 |
Location | Mumble (, with as backup) |
To get started with Mumble see setup guide (takes 5-10 mins), the server name is
. We'll be on keybase before the call if you have any challenges.
- Figure out secure location for transaction spreadsheet
- Work with Dan on wallet privacy
- Keep coding ssb secrets / horcrux
- JSON Schema!
- Have a think about strategy processes for distributed teams
- talk to phonebox about strategy
- Don't leak any more secrets(!) 😨
- Recombine shards (with Mix)
- Facilitating next meeting
- Organising payments
- Working group on wallet privacy (with Kieran)
- Catch up chats with phonebox future hats
- electrum-RPC vs. Bitcoin-core RPC pros/cons for spreadsheet on DB
- how to make DB on ssb
mix: on break doing Ticktack, available for contact + questions
We said we wanted to check in on how comms is working for us each week.
Alanna: really missing a private group space to communicate
- default way to work is lots of sharing
- working with sharing secrets is hard without a private group space
Dan: :hat: Should this discussion be in the open or private. I don't always know. Interested to hear if anyone else has had anything on this.
Mix - proposes we answer that question in an agenda item
Kieran: nothing burning. private spaces would be good
Mix: nope. I'm mainly interested why some people are ultra private compared to me. Would like to learn
Peg: Kate from > has been interested reading some stuff on scuttlebutt, but there might be a bit much for people to read. Perhaps we could do something more curated
- Coconut death roleplay 🍍 🌴
We are trying to do this on the call as a glitchy process / ritual peg: observation that it has been a slower process with mix working on tick-tack BUT also quite realistic in that it has surfaced some confusion alanna and mix are reassembling kieran: how did we choose alanna? (was jetlagged) alanna: real life would get people together and call eachother peg: clarifying that this is the 4 of 6 dan: observation is that there has been some confusion about schemas: who has the backups? are they 3of4, 5of6, 7of9?
mix: observations: would be better if we had all of the shards more easily accessible (mix missed the star trek prank) noticed that with all the fractions it can be confusing. mix: suggests there are some user stories which kieran needs to note down on the recreation and combination mix: fording a shard, who's is this for etc alanna: actually does feel much safer! this has been internalised. the fact that we were even able to do it when we were all not concentrating on it alanna: doesn't actually know what to do with the seed peg: experiment is not over, we need to then transfer the dust to . mix dan: overcome issues - achieved while people are dislocated (kieran in transit / dan having stuff going on), Alanna not knowing the tech. 👍
dan: Payouts delayed, catching up from last week
New transaction log spreadsheet: how is this going?
- NZ retreat - update from Alanna re: discussion w/Phonebox. Planning/facilitation.
alanna: was talking with phonebox. how do we talk about strategy as a team. who are we as people? What is big vision? Emotional connections to money? Impact on strategy. Async convo's about retreat beforehand. Make sure we're not decising too quickly, including Peg, get excited.
alanna: Do we just want an unstructured 'hangout' or a designed experience with specific outcomes? Somewhere in the middle? Combine organic with structured. were talking about keeping in mind the shape of convergent/divergent. phonebox and alanna have complementary sides to the diamond.
alanna: got interested in a dialogue circle about 'M'oney. Might be possible to create a container to open about internally amongst ourselves about our relationship with money
thinking what could do is go away and write up a document about a jumping off point for the retreat which incorporates phonebox and alana
phonebox will host a futuring workshop and data care session
- Experiment Cycle Overview
index threads recap and catch up
- availble for adhoc question answering
- Especially pairing on coding!
- availble for adhoc question answering
- Writing up the experiment of the role play
- Try putting what we had on a spreadsheet into SSB as a database
- think about how we can include you from NZ retreat in a way that will make you happy
- prepare selma for screaming comp at NZ gathering
- Figure out secure location for transaction spreadsheet
- Work with Dan on wallet privacy
- Keep coding ssb secrets / horcrux
- Check in with Alanna + Phonebox about retreat workshops
- climb a big mountain and take a picture and bring your laptop and then take a picture and show ssb world working off-grid :D YESSS WILL DO
- Facilitating next meeting
- Organising payments
- Working group on wallet privacy (with Kieran)
- work with kate b on catalunia event stuff
- retroactively catch up with experiment indexes
- start thinking about 4 month reflection piece
- talk to alanna about permissions and privacy
- Regrow wallet from seed
- Process thoughts about retreat and draft outline and some prompts
- talk to Dan about a group comms private space
- available for helping folks work through content for a workshop