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Chapter 7: Advanced widgets, navigation, animation

Input widgets

Input widgets do what their category name suggests. They are responsible for capturing input events, and they enable the user to interact with our app. Flutter has implementations for all the input widgets we are used to seeing and using in applications with graphical UIs. In the first section of this chapter, we'll see how we can use the most common input widgets.

The example project for this section is input_widgets_demo, and it implements a search form page with some reasonable input choices:


The page is implemented in form/real_estate_search_form_page.dart, and its entire state is handled by a single Cubit which is implemented in bloc/real_estate_search_form_cubit.dart.

Let's go through each input widget type from top to bottom and see how we can use them.


TextField is responsible for collecting written user input. While TextField has all the bells and whistles that most UI toolkits offer in their input field implementations, let's focus on just a few important aspects of text input handling: showing a label or hint and using the value given by the user.

Implementing an animated label defined by Material Design is relatively easy with Flutter. We only have to provide an InputDecoration with a label text to get these results:

No focus and value Has focus and value
07_inputs_text_label_1.png 07_inputs_text_label_2.png

As for handling the value, we have to declare and create a TextEditingController instance and pass the reference of it to the TextField when it is built.

final queryTextController = TextEditingController();

  decoration: const InputDecoration(
    labelText: "City, Street, etc.",
  controller: queryTextController,

We can do much more customization with InputDecoration. Feel free to experiment with its parameters.

We can access the current value entered into the TextField like this (the example is taken from the search button's onPressed handler):

    content: Text(queryTextController.value.text), // <- this

We shouldn't forget to dispose of all TextControllers in the State's dispose() method to avoid memory leaks:

void dispose() {


Checkboxes are really easy and intuitive to use in Flutter. The following snippet is from checkbox_row.dart:

class CheckboxRow extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final isNewlyBuiltChecked =<RealEstateSearchFormCubit>().state.isNewlyBuiltChecked;
    return Row(
      children: [
          value: isNewlyBuiltChecked,
          onChanged: (checked) {
            if (checked != null) {
        Text("Only newly built properties")

As we can see, a Checkbox only needs its current value at the time of rebuilding, and we can add a listener (onChanged) to be called when the Checkbox's value is changed. In this example, the current value comes from our Cubit, while the value change event is propagated back to the Cubit, where the state of the UI can be updated. As that being said, a Checkbox's visual appearance will not change automatically when onChanged is called.

Radio group

The concept of radio groups in Flutter is closer to the web's implementation, rather than Android's or iOS's (which doesn't exist in the native UI toolkit), although there's a little twist in the actual approach.

The following snippet is from radio_group.dart:

class RadioGroup extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final selectedSearchType =<RealEstateSearchFormCubit>()
    return Column(
      children: [
          children: [
              value: PropertySearchType.forSale, // <- the value this Radio represents
              groupValue: selectedSearchType, // <- the current value of the radio group
              onChanged: (value) {
            const Text("For sale"),
          children: [
              value: PropertySearchType.forRent, // <- the value this Radio represents
              groupValue: selectedSearchType, // <- the current value of the radio group
              onChanged: (value) {
            const Text("For rent"),


For each Radio widget, we have to specify the value it represents and the value of the abstract radio group it belongs to - groupValue. A Radio is selected if the value and the gorupValue are equal when the Radio is built. This implies that if two (or n) Radios with different values are linked by the same groupValue variable, they act as a radio group.

If we want to change the state of a Radio, we have to specify a listener with the onChanged parameter, where we should trigger the rebuild of the Radio, or more likely, the parent of multiple Radios as in our example. Bear in mind that Radio will not change state by itself when onChanged is called (just like in Checkbox's case).


We can use the Slider and RangeSlider widgets to enable the user to select a value from a range of values or select two values as lower and higher ends of a value range. We can also limit the values that can be selected in the range.

The following code is an example for the usage of the Slider widget:

class SliderRow extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final state =<RealEstateSearchFormCubit>().state;
    final maxPriceValue = state.maxPriceValue;
    return Row(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
      children: [
        Text("${MIN_PRICE.round()} MFt"),
          child: Slider(
            value: maxPriceValue,
            min: minPrice,
            max: maxPrice,
            divisions: 30,
            label: "${maxPriceValue.round().toString()} MFt",
            onChanged: (value) {
        Text("${MAX_PRICE.round()} MFt"),


As with Checkbox and Radio before, the value parameter denotes the Slider's value when it is rebuilt. There's also the familiar onChanged callback which we can refresh the UI state in. Besides those parameters, we have control over the minimum and maximum value of the selectable range, the number of divisions between those values on the Slider, and the text on the label associated with the selection handle (displaying 105 MFt on the screenshot above). There are more styling and event-related parameters for Slider, but these are the ones we'll be using most of the time.

The divisions parameter is a bit tricky. As we can see, min and max are double values. If we don't define divisions, the Slider will allow the selection on a continuous range of values between min and max. Specifying divisions enables the selection of discrete values within the range.

We can make a RangeSlider out of the Slider sample above with minimal modifications. The following snippet is from slider_row.dart:

class SliderRow extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final state =<RealEstateSearchFormCubit>().state;
    final minPriceValue = state.minPriceValue;
    final maxPriceValue = state.maxPriceValue;
    return Row(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
      children: [
        Text("${MIN_PRICE.round()} MFt"),
          child: RangeSlider(
            values: RangeValues(minPriceValue, maxPriceValue),
            min: minPrice,
            max: maxPrice,
            divisions: 30,
            labels: RangeLabels(
              "${minPriceValue.round().toString()} MFt",
              "${maxPriceValue.round().toString()} MFt",
            onChanged: (values) {
        Text("${MAX_PRICE.round()} MFt"),


The main difference between the Slider and the RangeSlider widgets is that RangeSlider deals with two values and two labels instead of one.


The usage and behavior of the Switch widget is exactly the same as Checkbox's.

The following snippet is from switch_row.dart:

class SwitchRow extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final isShowingDetailedSearch = context
    return Row(
      children: [
        const Text("Show more options"),
          value: isShowingDetailedSearch,
          onChanged: (value) {

Syntactically we're doing the same thing here as what we're doing in checkbox_row.dart. However, the state value this Switch controls is also used in date_chooser.dart to determine if a particular part of the UI is needed to be displayed or not.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final state =<RealEstateSearchFormCubit>().state;
  final isShowingDetailedSearch = state.isShowingDetailedSearch;
  // ...
  if (isShowingDetailedSearch) {
    return Row(...);
  } else {
    return Container();
Switch is off Switch is on
07_inputs_switch_off.png img.png

In declarative UI frameworks, such as Flutter, Jetpack Compose (Android), and SwiftUI (iOS), this is the most basic way to show or hide a part of a UI. We either build or don't build a UI section.

Date picker

The Material Design implementation of Flutter provides two Material-themed temporal picker dialogs (date and time) out of the box. They can be displayed and used by calling their respective functions (showDatePicker and showTimePicker) and awaiting the result of those functions.

The following snippet is from date_chooser.dart, and it shows how to display a date picker dialog:

void showSoonestMovingInDatePicker(BuildContext context, DateTime initialDate) async {
  final now =;
  final date = await showDatePicker(
    context: context,
    initialDate: initialDate,
    firstDate: now,
    lastDate: DateTime(now.year + 1, now.month,,
  if (date != null) {<RealEstateSearchFormCubit>().setSoonestMovingInDate(date);


When the date picker dialog returns with a date (and not null), we update the UI state to show the newly selected date.


As we can already know from previous chapters, screens in Flutter are basically just widgets (remember, everything is a widget!). The terminology of Flutter for a screen is "page".

There are a few approaches we can choose for navigating between pages. There is the older, but still versatile Navigator 1.0, which was Flutter's first solution for navigation, and the newer, shinier, declarative approach called Navigator 2.0.

As navigation is already a complex topic by itself without the added complexity of Navigator 2.0, we will stick to using Navigator 1.0 for now.

To learn more about Navigator 2.0 and the differences between the two frameworks, check out the Navigation and routing page of the official documentation, along with this artice. Feel free to experiment with 2.0.

While we'll be using Widgets as pages of our apps, the widgets themselves know nothing about themselves being pages. For a widget to behave as a page, it needs to be wrapped inside a Route implementation - either MaterialPageRoute, CupertinoPageRoute, or a custom implementation - which holds data about the navigation state and behavior.

As in previous chapters, for the sake of simplicity, we'll only be looking at Material implementations. However, the following examples are easily adaptable to Cupertino.

Imperative navigation - Navigator 1.0

The following examples can be found in the navigation_imperative project.

Let's open the main.dart file in the project, which contains the main() function of the app and the app widget, which wraps a MaterialApp widget. There are already some navigation related parameters set, but before diving into those details, let's check out the home parameter of MaterialApp's constructor.

  title: 'Imperative Navigation Demo',
  theme: ThemeData(
    visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
  home: MainPage(), // <-- this

The home parameter has a relatively extensive documentation, but in a nutshell, if it is set, the provided Widget (tree) will be the landing page of the app. In web and URI terms, the home page will be on the root ("/") path. Building and running the project yields the following state:


The navigation parameters of MaterialApp

Before discussing the contents of MainPage, let's take a step back and look at the other navigation related parameters of MaterialApp. The first thing to notice is the routes parameter, which takes a Map having String keys and Widget building lambda functions as values.

  routes: {
    "/firstpage": (context) => FirstPage(),
    "/secondpage": (context) => SecondPage(),

This is how we can define the top-level static routing table of an application and this enables navigation directly by route names. The starting slash in the route names are not necessary, but keeping the URI format in route names definitely helps when targeting the Web.

We can, in fact, define the home page by providing a route in routes with the key "/" (the root path), but doing so while also using the home parameter will result in a runtime assertion error.

This behavior is well-documented in both home's and routes' inline documentation: home: "If home is specified, then routes must not include an entry for /, as home takes its place." routes: "If home is specified, then it implies an entry in this table for the Navigator.defaultRouteName route (/), and it is an error to redundantly provide such a route in the routes table.

There are two more parameters we'll be using in our navigation example: onGenerateRoute and onUnknownRoute.

  onGenerateRoute: (route) {
    return null;
  onUnknownRoute: (route) {
    return MaterialPageRoute(
      builder: (_) => ParameterPage(
        parameter: route.toString(),

The onGenerateRoute callback allows us to handle navigation to named routes that are not listed in the static routing table (routes). The object we receive here as input is of the RouteSettings type and contains the requested route and the arguments associated with the navigation request. The arguments object is delivered as an Object? instance and it's up to us to cast it and parse the contents before usage.

Navigation arguments are usually used for passing data between screens. A typical example of this is a list-detail app, where clicking a list item takes the user to the details screen, passing the selected item's ID to it for the screen to know which item's details it has to load.

It is possible that we receive a route name that we are not prepared to handle. In this case we can return a default Widget of our choice, or null from onGenerateRoute. In the latter case, the onUnknownRoute callback will be called, where we get the last chance to show at least a meaningful error or explanation page to the user.

The situation we just discussed can be rather strange to mobile app developers. How can we get a navigation request which's route doesn't exist? One way would be to receive a deep link from a notification that the app cannot handle (this would imply that a poor choice has been made somewhere in the release cycle, though). However, remember that we can target the Web with Flutter, which world's navigation is based on URIs. If we were to request a web app's resource by URI that doesn't exist, we are most likely to be presented with some form of a 404 (resource not found) page. This behavior is what we can achieve by using onGenerateRoute or onUnknownRoute, and it is also suitable for mobile and desktop targets alike.

Although we can use onGenerateRoute to implement the "404" page (with a non-null return value when we couldn't handle the received route), onUnknownRoute is the place to do it by design.

If we set home, routes, onGenerateRoute, and onUnknownRoute, MaterialApp creates a Navigator widget and makes all pages to be its children from that point on. Technically speaking, that Navigator will be the (in)direct parent of all pages, so the pages will be able to acquire a reference to the Navigator with a Navigator.of(context) call.

Routes managed by a Navigator are organized in a navigation stack, and as so, operations like push and pop are available on the Navigator.

Now, let's look at the pages we will be navigating between.

The home page

The app's home page, MainPage, is also implemented in the main.dart file. MainPage has a rather simple, Scaffold based structure. However, Scaffold is not the root widget of the page. It's wrapped in a WillPopScope widget.

class MainPage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return WillPopScope( // <- this
      onWillPop: () async {
        var result = await showDialog(
          context: context,
          builder: (context) {
            return AlertDialog(
              title: const Text("Are you sure?"),
              content: const Text("Do you really want to quit?"),
              actions: [
                  child: const Text("No"),
                  onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, false),
                  child: const Text("Yes"),
                  onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, true),
        return result ?? false;
      child: Scaffold(...),

In app navigation terms, pop means taking the top-most page off the navigation stack, which (in most cases!) is equivalent to navigating to the previous page.

The WillPopScope widget provides a callback for vetoing back navigation attempts originating from WillPopScope's direct child. In this app, we use this mechanism to show a dismissable AlertDialog with two buttons when the user tries to navigate backward from the home page (essentially, when they try to leave the app). Dismissing the dialog, or clicking the No button vetoes the back navigation, while clicking the Yes lets the navigation event go though, exiting the app.

MainPage's actual content consists of a title Text and four ElevatedButtons in a Column, which all have a navigation-related action set to them. Jumping right to the bottom one (Go back), we can see how to handle vetoable back navigation:

  child: const Text("Go back"),
  onPressed: () async {
    var handledPop = await Navigator.maybePop(context); // <- here
    if (!handledPop) {

Throughout this project, we use the Navigator.[functionName](context) style functions, which are just wrappers around the Navigator.of(context).[functionName]() style functions. The reason for doing so is that the former style hides the fact that we can access the Navigator of the MaterialApp via an InheritedWidget, and it's more concise too.

maybePop returns true if the pop event was vetoed, and false if the pop event can go through. By calling maybePop here, the enclosing WillPopScope's onWillPop callback is called. If we can continue exiting the app, we call SystemNavigation.pop() and basically exit the app. This is the recommended way to exit the app programmatically in favor of's exit method, because this way the app closes normally as far as the underlying platform is concerned, while calling exit() may count as a crash.

Named navigation

Clicking one of the rest of MainPage's buttons results in a named navigation attempt by calling Navigator.pushNamed(context, name).

  child: const Text("Go to first page"),
  onPressed: () {
  child: const Text("Go to second page"),
  onPressed: () {
  child: const Text("Go to parameter page"),
  onPressed: () {
      arguments: "Hello",

When we initiate a named navigation, Navigator will try to look up the provided name in the routing table (defined in MaterialApp's routes parameter). If a requested route exists in the routing table, navigation to the route's target page will happen. We've already discussed what happens when a requested named route is not in the routing table in the previous section.

Navigating to named routes "/firstpage" and "/secondpage" from MainPage is straightforward, as those routes are in the routing table.

/firstpage /secondpage
07_first_page.png 07_second_page.png

Clicking the Go to parameter page button on MainPage fires a navigation event, passing extra data - an argument object - to it. The navigation argument is handled as Object?, so we can pass any type of object to it, and, more importantly, we are responsible for casting it properly when processing it.

  child: const Text("Go to parameter page"),
  onPressed: () {
      arguments: "Hello", // <- navigation argument object

Navigation from MainPage to "/parameterpage" will result in a call to onUnknownRoute, where we manually create a MaterialPageRoute that wraps a ParameterPage and passes the String representation of the received RouteSettigns object to it. As we can see, the provided RouteSettings object contains the name of the requested route and the navigation argument object - in this case, the String "Hello".


Anonymous navigation

The FirstPage (in first_page.dart) implements the page widget associated with the "/firstpage" route. The Navigate to second page button's click listener implements a so-called anonymous navigation by calling Navigator.push. This way, we have to manually create a Route instance - like a MaterialPageRoute - and use it to declare the navigation target page explicitly.

  child: Text("Navigate to second page"),
  onPressed: () {
    Navigator.push( // <- anonymous navigation
        builder: (context) => SecondPage(), // <- navigation target 

This approach grants more freedom than navigating between predefined named routes only, as we can technically navigate to any widget of our choice. On the other hand, using only anonymous navigation is not scalable in large projects.

Clicking the Navigate to second page button pushes a route containing a SecondPage instance. At this point, our navigation stack looks like this:


Clicking the Back button on either FirstPage or SecondPage calls Navigator.pop(), which results in popping the top-most page off the current stack, which equals to a back navigation in our example.

SecondPage's Navigate to same page button does a slightly different navigation that we've seen so far. It replaces the top route on the stack with the newly created one. In practice this means that clicking the Navigate to same page any number of times won't add a new stack entry, but the current SecondPage instance will be replaced with a new one. Also, clicking the Back button on SecondPage after that will result in a single back navigation event to the previous page.

SecondPage is actually reachable directly from MainPage. Taking that route builds a navigation stack of MainPage->SecondPage and the behavior described above stays the same logically.

Handling generated routes

Let's get back to the MaterialApp widget in main.dart and handle "/parameterpage" as a generated route.

  home: MainPage(),
  routes: {
    "/firstpage": (context) => const FirstPage(),
    "/secondpage": (context) => const SecondPage(),
  onGenerateRoute: (route) {
    switch ( { // <- here
      case "/parameterpage":
        return MaterialPageRoute(
  	      settings: const RouteSettings(name: "/parameterpage"),
  		  builder: (context) => ParameterPage(
    	    parameter: route.arguments.toString(),
    return null;
  onUnknownRoute: (route) {
    return MaterialPageRoute(
      builder: (_) => ParameterPage(
        parameter: route.toString(),

The object we receive in the onGenerateRoute callback is an instance of the previously mentioned RouteSettings class. It holds the requested route name and the arguments object bundled with the navigation request. It's up to us to build and return a MaterialPageRoute based on the received data (or null, of course).

This time, we'll build a route to ParameterPage with an actual argument object passed to it - which is still the "Hello" String, but now ParameterPage will print just that instead of the whole RouteSettings object as a String.


Navigation on the Web

We've seen that the navigation methods shown above work quite well on the mobile targets. What about the Web target, where navigation is usually based on URIs?

Well, by using named navigation routes, we already have this base covered, too. Let's build and run the app for the web target.


As we can see, the URL of the landing page of the app looks like this: host/#/. If we navigate to one of the named routes registered in the routing table, the name of the current route is appended to the URL.

First page Second page
07_imperative_navigation_web_first_page.png img.png

Note that this example app is not complete, so there may be navigation glitches if we tried to access pages by modifying the URL directly.

However, navigating to the ParameterPage from the MainPage yields a slightly different result:


The web URL of a navigation page comes from it's route name, which generated routes don't have by default. Fixing this is as easy as adding a RouteSettings object to the generated route:

onGenerateRoute: (route) {
  switch ( {
    case "/parameterpage":
      return MaterialPageRoute(
        settings: const RouteSettings(name: "/parameterpage"), // <- here
        builder: (context) => ParameterPage(
          parameter: route.arguments.toString(),
  return null;

The URL is properly updated now when navigating to ParameterPage.


We can even add URL parameter handling by doing some custom computation in onGenerateRoute:

onGenerateRoute: (route) {
  if ("/parameterpage/") ?? false) {
    final routeName =!;
    final arg =
        routeName.substring(routeName.lastIndexOf("/")+1, routeName.length);
    return MaterialPageRoute(
      settings: RouteSettings(name: "/parameterpage/$arg"),
      builder: (context) => ParameterPage(
        parameter: Uri.decodeFull(arg),
  return null;


Navigation with Pages - an intro to Navigator 2.0

The following examples can be found in the navigation_pages project.

Navigator 2.0 has many extra features over Navigator 1.0, but we'll stick to some basic improvements that 2.0 introduced. We'll see how we can manage the navigation stack as a part of the app state.

The example project of this section implements exactly the same functionality that we saw in the imperative navigation sample project. The only difference is in the implementation of navigation.

After opening main.dart, we can instantly see that there is a GlobalKey named globalNavigatorHolderKey. We're using this key to access the custom navigation-stack-manipulating functions of the state we're wrapping a Navigator in. Speaking of which, let's take a closer look on the NavigationHolder StatefulWidget, or to be more precise, it's state implementation, _NavigatorHolderState.

The only piece of state _NavigatorHolderState handles is a list of Pages:

class _NavigatorHolderState extends State<NavigatorHolder> {
  List<Page> pages = [
    const MaterialPage(child: HomeWidget()),

This list will be the actual navigation stack we'll be managing. We prepopulate it with the starting page, a MainPage wrapped in a MaterialPage object.

Then, in, we explicitly add a Navigator to the top of our app's widget tree, instead of relying on MaterialApp to do it for us. This Navigator's subtree will be able to access it as usual with Navigator.of(context), and the previously seen wrapper functions.

Since Navigator 2.0, Navigator has a pages parameter which can be set manually. If the value of pages change (the list is updated as state), Navigator will arrange navigation according to the new state of the navigation stack.

More flexibility comes with more things to do by hand. As managing the navigation stack is on us with this approach, we're responsible for providing methods and implementations for other parts of the app to be able to manipulate the stack. Just a reminder: with Navigator 1.0, these operations are provided out of the box - this is the cost of flexibility here.

class _NavigatorHolderState extends State<NavigatorHolder> {
  List<Page> pages = [
    MaterialPage(child: MainPage()),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Navigator(
      pages: pages.toList(), // <- find a note about this below the code snippet 
      onPopPage: (Route route, dynamic result) { // <- popping the stack manually
        setState(() {
        return true;
      onGenerateRoute: (route) {...},
      onUnknownRoute: (route) {...},

  void addNewPage(Widget page) { // <- adding a new page on top of the stack
    setState(() {
      pages.add(MaterialPage(child: page));

  void replaceTopPage(Widget page) { // <- replacing the top page woth a new page
    setState(() {
      pages.add(MaterialPage(child: page));

Note that we call pages.toList() to provide a shallow copy of the pages list. This way we can ensure that Navigator's state is only updated on a rebuild.

As for using this new Navigator implementation, have a look at the first two button click handlers in MainPage:

  child: const Text("Go to first page"),
  onPressed: () {
        .addNewPage(FirstPage()); // <- this
  child: const Text("Go to second page"),
  onPressed: () {
        .addNewPage(SecondPage()); // <- this

As the onGenerateRoute and onUnknownRoute implementations, along with the click handler of the Go to parameter page button suggests, the "navigation stack as a state" and the old Navigator.of(context) approaches can co-exist, but using both can lead to unwanted navigation behavior. Sticking to one or the another only is highly recommended.

    child: Text("Go to first page"),
    onPressed: () {
           .addNewPage(const FirstPage());
    child: const Text("Go to second page"),
    onPressed: () {
             .addNewPage(const SecondPage());
    child: const Text("Go to parameter page"),
    onPressed: () {
             arguments: "Hello",

Lists, grids, and animations

The examples of this section are implemented in the stock_photo_lists project. The app downloads and shows random stock photos from in different layouts. Each code snippet shown here can be found in list_page.dart, commented out as block comments. They implement different approaches we can take to display lists and grids. We can easily switch between the demo implementations by commenting out a block and uncommenting another.

Scrollable lists are essential building blocks of most applications out there. We can implement these scrollable views manually by using the combination of a SingleChildScrollView and a Column:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    appBar: AppBar(
      title: Text("Lists & Grids"),
    body: SingleChildScrollView(
      child: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: [
            // .. is the spread operator,
              10, // <- the number of generated items
              (id) {
                var item = StockPhoto.fromId(id);
                return ListItemWidget(
                  item: item,

This approach works to an extent. However, if we try increasing the number of the generated items to 100, 1000, or 10000, we will run into some problems, like FPS drop and increased memory usage. Eventually, we'll end up with a frozen or crashing app.

This implementation builds and displays all children of the Column in the same build phase. 10 if we generate 10 items, 10000 if we generate 10000 items.

A better approach for implementing such list (or grid) based screens is to use the ListView or the GridView widget. These widgets create their visible children lazily and destroy them when they become entirely invisible (e.g., move outside of the bounds of the ListView or GridView).

In Flutter, this mechanism works differently than in Android's RecyclerView, or iOS's TableView. Flutter's ListView and GridView completely destroy the invisible children's element subtree, states, and render objects and recreates them lazily as needed.


A ListView displays its children linearly along its main axis (vertically) or cross-axis (horizontally).

The easiest way of creating a ListView is by using the simple constructor of the class:

body: ListView(
  children: [
    ...Iterable.generate(100000, (id) {
      var item = StockPhoto.fromId(id);
      return ListItemWidget(
        item: item,

The solution above would be sufficient for having a few hundred items at most. Try it with 10, 100, or 1000 items!

As we can expect, this implementation still creates all the widgets in the array before passing the array to ListView. Displaying lists this way definitely yields better performance than the SingleChildScrollView+Column approach, but we can do this even better.

The following snippet uses the ListView.builder constructor, which expects a callback (itemBuilder) that will be called to build each list item on-demand when they're needed to be displayed. The itemExtent parameter offers an extra level of optimization: we can tell the ListView that it can force the size of its children to take on a fixed size on the active axis. In our example, every item will be precisely 80 virtual pixels tall.

body: ListView.builder(
  itemExtent: 80,
  itemBuilder: (context, index){
    var item = StockPhoto.fromId(index);
    return ListItemWidget(item: item);

In the example above, we're generating an infinite list of items. When we reach the last loaded item, ListView will call the itemBuilder with the next upcoming index infinitely (up until int's maximum value, of course). If we have an exact number of items to load and display, we can pass that number to the itemCount parameter. Providing an itemCount value also helps ListView to optimize its performance even further.

Displaying separators between the items of a ListView is as easy as using the ListView.separated constructor.

body: ListView.separated(
  itemCount: 1000000,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    var item = StockPhoto.fromId(index);
    return ListItemWidget(item: item);
  separatorBuilder: (context, index) => Container(
    height: 16,
    child: Container(
      height: 1,


Since we're dealing with stock photos in this project, displaying the photos in a gallery-like grid to maximize their visibility would be a good idea. We can do so by using the GridView widget, which - like ListView - has named constructors to help us. The first one we'll look at is GridView.count:

body: GridView.count(
  crossAxisCount: 3,
  childAspectRatio: 1 / 1,
  crossAxisSpacing: 4,
  mainAxisSpacing: 4,
  children: [
      (id) {
        var item = StockPhoto.fromId(id);
        return GridItemWidget(
          item: item,

Besides the ability to define the aspectRatio and spacing between items on each axis, the count constructor allows us to define exactly how many columns we want to be displayed with the crossAxisCount parameter.

Next up is GridView.extent:

body: GridView.extent(
  maxCrossAxisExtent: 100,
  mainAxisSpacing: 4,
  crossAxisSpacing: 4,
  childAspectRatio: 1 / 1,
  children: [
          (id) {
        var item = StockPhoto.fromId(id);
        return GridItemWidget(
          item: item,

With this method, we can define each grid item's maximum width by providing the maxCrossAxisExtent value - again, in virtual pixels.

In the examples above, we defined the children of the GridView as pre-built lists. Naturally, GridView also has a GridView.builder constructor to build its children lazily, just like ListView.builder:

body: GridView.builder(
  gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
    mainAxisExtent: 100,
    crossAxisCount: 4,
    mainAxisSpacing: 4,
    crossAxisSpacing: 4,
    childAspectRatio: 1 / 1,
  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
    var item = StockPhoto.fromId(index);
    return GridItemWidget(item: item);

The Sliver framework

As this chapter is already long enough, we won't be talking extensively about the Sliver framework, which contains many powerful variations of widgets we already know - SliverAppBar, SliverPadding, SliverList, and SliverGrid, just to name a few - along with many more. These widgets can work together to achieve advanced layout changes and animations. There's an example for merging a list and a grid, combined with advanced app bar behavior at the bottom of list_page.dart.


Flutter supports a wide variety of animation solutions. We'll look at the easiest one to implement: the hero animation.

To implement a hero animation, we just need to wrap a widget subtree with the Hero widget on a page (the source page) and give it any object as a tag, then wrap a hierarchy-wise similar widget subtree on another page (the target page) with a Hero widget having the same tag object.

There's an example for this in list_item_widget.dart, grid_item_widget.dart, and detailed_page.dart.

The Hero subtree in the item widgets:

    fit: BoxFit.cover,

The Hero subtree in the detailed page:

    loadingBuilder: (context, child, loading) {
      if (loading == null) {
        return child;
      } else {
        return Center(
          child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

When an item is clicked on either the list or grid version of the photo listing screen, the app will navigate to the detailed screen and the hero animation will be played with the selected image being the hero object that seemingly flies from one screen to the next. The animation will also be triggered when navigating back from the detailed screen to the listing screen.

Check out the stock_photo_animations project to see how tween animations can be implemented in Flutter.

For even more use-cases and techniques, take a look at the animation_demo project.


In this chapter, we've seen how easy input handling is in Flutter, then we experienced a few different solutions for in-app navigation with Navigator 1.0, and the more flexible (and more complex) Navigator 2.0. On top of that, we can now build scrollable lists and grids effectively withListView and GridView. We also briefly scratched the surface of UI animations with Flutter and met with some Heroes. 🦸🦸

The next chapter introduces some libraries that we can use to handle network communication in Flutter.
