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  • Transfer over all files over to the r4epi wiki Originally, I was making some updates to the wiki in the r4epi_quarto instead of the main r4epi wiki. However, after getting the Quarto version ready, that will still be the main repository for the book. Why? because transferring all of the issues will be a pain, and more importantly, we want to keep the book's commit history intact. So, it probably makes sense to go ahead and do the same thing with the wiki.

    @mbcann01 mbcann01 committed Jul 14, 2023
  • Move over all files from the R4Epi Wiki You can edit/refine later as needed.

    @mbcann01 mbcann01 committed Jul 11, 2023
  • Initial Home page

    @mbcann01 mbcann01 committed Jul 11, 2023