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I've tried setting up a training model for a single nuclei RNA-seq dataset, and using the default settings sims.train(), seem to be stuck in the training phase (running on epoch 390 and counting).
Thanks so much for your help with this query!
Please see details below:
Code used to train the model:
import anndata as an
import scanpy as sc
import numpy as np
adata = an.read_h5ad('/oak/stanford/groups/longaker/GriffPark/Adipo/Lineage/forSIMSRef.h5ad')
thing = adata.X
thing = thing.astype(np.float32)
<6237x24149 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float32'>'
with 11718092 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>
adata.X = thing
<6237x24149 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float32'>'
with 11718092 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Column format>
data = adata
data.layers["logcounts"] = data.X
Hi Jennifer! This is a weird edge case of one of the packages we're using (lightning) that I think sets the number of epochs to infinity by default. Can you please update the line
sims.setup_trainer(accelerator="cpu", devices=1, logger=logger)
to sims.setup_trainer(accelerator="cpu", devices=1, logger=logger, max_epochs=1)
and confirm it trains for only one epoch?
I'll also change the default so this doesn't happen in the future.
Hi Braingeneers team,
I've tried setting up a training model for a single nuclei RNA-seq dataset, and using the default settings sims.train(), seem to be stuck in the training phase (running on epoch 390 and counting).
Thanks so much for your help with this query!
Please see details below:
Code used to train the model:
Please note that I did not have a GPU available, so set accelerator to "cpu" instead.
SIMS was installed via the following line of code: pip install --use-pep517 git+
Environment manager: conda
Python version: 3.9.17
Package information: Package Version
aiohttp 3.8.4
aiosignal 1.3.1
anndata 0.9.1
anyio 3.6.2
appdirs 1.4.4
arrow 1.2.3
async-timeout 4.0.2
attrs 23.1.0
beautifulsoup4 4.12.2
blessed 1.20.0
boto3 1.26.130
botocore 1.29.130
certifi 2023.5.7
charset-normalizer 3.1.0
click 8.1.3
contourpy 1.0.7
croniter 1.3.14
cycler 0.11.0
dateutils 0.6.12
deepdiff 6.3.0
docker-pycreds 0.4.0
fastapi 0.88.0
fonttools 4.39.3
fortran-language-server 1.12.0
frozenlist 1.3.3
fsspec 2023.5.0
gitdb 4.0.10
GitPython 3.1.31
h11 0.14.0
h5py 3.8.0
idna 3.4
importlib-resources 5.12.0
inquirer 3.1.3
itsdangerous 2.1.2
Jinja2 3.1.2
jmespath 1.0.1
joblib 1.2.0
kiwisolver 1.4.4
lightning 2.0.2
lightning-cloud 0.5.34
lightning-utilities 0.8.0
llvmlite 0.40.0
markdown-it-py 2.2.0
MarkupSafe 2.1.2
matplotlib 3.7.1
mdurl 0.1.2
multidict 6.0.4
natsort 8.3.1
networkx 3.1
numba 0.57.0
numpy 1.24.3
nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu11 11.7.99
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu11 11.7.99
ordered-set 4.1.0
packaging 23.1
pandas 2.0.1
pathtools 0.1.2
patsy 0.5.3
Pillow 9.5.0
pip 24.2
protobuf 4.23.0
psutil 5.9.5
pydantic 1.10.7
Pygments 2.15.1
PyJWT 2.6.0
pynndescent 0.5.10
pyparsing 3.0.9
python-dateutil 2.8.2
python-editor 1.0.4
python-multipart 0.0.6
pytorch-lightning 2.0.2
pytorch-tabnet 4.0
pytz 2023.3
PyYAML 6.0
readchar 4.0.5
requests 2.30.0
rich 13.3.5
s3transfer 0.6.1
scanpy 1.9.3
scikit-learn 1.2.2
scipy 1.10.1
scsims 3.0.6
seaborn 0.12.2
sentry-sdk 1.22.2
session_info 1.0.0
setproctitle 1.3.2
setuptools 75.1.0
six 1.16.0
smmap 5.0.0
sniffio 1.3.0
soupsieve 2.4.1
starlette 0.22.0
starsessions 1.3.0
statsmodels 0.14.0
stdlib-list 0.8.0
threadpoolctl 3.1.0
torch 1.13.1
torchmetrics 0.11.4
tqdm 4.65.0
traitlets 5.9.0
typing_extensions 4.5.0
tzdata 2023.3
umap-learn 0.5.3
urllib3 1.26.15
uvicorn 0.22.0
wandb 0.15.2
wcwidth 0.2.6
websocket-client 1.5.1
websockets 11.0.3
wheel 0.44.0
yarl 1.9.2
zipp 3.15.0
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: